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2022-12-13 08:37:58 | カウンター・グレートリセット



Whether or not it hurts to tell the truth in a liar's story is the way to tell the truth, perhaps the only way to tell the truth in a liar's story.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre at a briefing on Monday addressed questions about Twitter CEO Elon Musk's critique of Biden's Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci. Musk took aim at Fauci over the weekend, accusing him of lying to the American people. Jean-Pierre said it was "dangerous" to criticize the federal medical official.

Fauci has been at the center of Covid policy since the beginning of 2020. He advocated for school closures, vaccine mandates and masking, for people to spend time alone on holidays, and has been the subject of an investigation by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who has looked into what Fauci knew, and when, about gain-of-function research that he suspects may have been a contributing factor to the emergence of the Covid virus on the world stage. 

ホワイトハウスのカリーヌ・ジャン=ピエール報道官は、月曜日のブリーフィングで、TwitterのCEOイーロン・マスクがバイデンのCovid czarであるアンソニー・ファウチ博士を批判したことについての質問に答えました。Musk氏は週末にFauci氏を狙い撃ちし、アメリカ国民に嘘をついていると非難した。ジャン=ピエールは、連邦政府の医療関係者を批判するのは「危険」だと述べた。




"As you know," a reporter asked Jean-Pierre, "Musk launched a series of attacks on over the weekend calling for prosecution. And then he shared some other memes about him and suggesting he lied about and is lying about the origins of the coronavirus. What's your response? First of all, specifically to the attacks on Dr. Fauci and second, how is your view of Twitter as a public forum for yourself and the president and many other officials here. 

"So we've been very clear about this. These attacks these personal attacks that we've been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well.

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