Some TRUTH about Jonathan D. Grunberg.
I learned after Jonathan stopped sharing space with me that he is a public supporter of Black Lives Matter. That is his right and it is a matter of public record.
A few years ago when Jonathan was an associate with my firm before he started his own law firm and shared space with me, Jonathan was climbing a rock wall at a local Atlanta indoor climbing facility. Tragically, his rope broke at the top of a 40 foot wall and he fell, landing on his feet on a concrete floor with a thin mat on top of it.
Jonathan almost died and is lucky that he did not lose one or both of his legs.
Jonathan could not work for one year.
Jonathan never missed a paycheck. I paid him his salary in full even though he was unable to work at all.
In 2018, I gave him a fee split in a case for one of my clients on which he agreed to work. I gave him a fee of almost $1M even though his hours only likely justified half that amount.
All of my professional life, I have tried to be a good “boss” and mentor to the younger lawyers who worked with me. Despite my personal sins, I always tried to be good to others.
No good deed goes unpunished.
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