Military Hangs Tom Vilsack
By Michael Baxter - May 22,
Tom Vilsackを吊るす軍部
マイケル・バクスター著 - 5月22日。
バイデンの前農務長官、トム・ヴィルサックは、先週月曜日、軍事委員会(Office of Military Commissions)によって、アメリカ合衆国に対する反逆罪の罪で絞首刑にされ、その最期を遂げた。
グアンタナモ湾の死刑執行の典型的な例として、ダース・E・クランドール副提督とホワイトハットの幹部が、ディープステートのチェス盤の消耗品となった男の死刑執行を監督するために立ち会った。 彼は、ジョセフ・R・バイデンやバラク・"フセイン"・オバマが我が国の食糧供給を無秩序に破壊したことに一度も言及せず、その剣に倒れました。 そして、他のディープステートの囚人と同様に、彼は、ヴィルサックを破滅に追いやる死刑執行の前に悔い改めることを拒否したのである。
ヴィルサックの死に詳しいGITMOの情報筋がReal Raw Newsに語ったところによると、クランドール副提督は、反省していないディープステーターに対して機知に富んだ口癖を作っていた過去があるが、処刑までの間、いつもと違って沈んでいた。ヴィルサックは、最後の言葉や悔恨の表明をするかどうか聞かれ、「私はただ一人の男、合衆国大統領ジョセフ・バイデンにしか答えていない」と答えたのだ。
"クランドール提督はディープステート組織への献身を謎視しています。"それは献身なのか恐怖なのか""あるいは混在しているのか 死に直面しても、彼らは何も悪いことはしていないと言い、合法的な命令に従ったのだと言う。 現在進行中の捜査と、現在拘留中の人物の間で、多くのディープステートがまもなく倒されるでしょう。提督は、犯罪者たちが自分の命を守るために口を割ることを期待していたのでしょうが、そうはなっていないのです。アニタ・ヒルでさえ、宗教に希望を見出したように見えたが、いわばチームのために一人立ちしたのだ。告白はカタルシスになると思うだろうが、彼らはむしろ滅びの中で生きて死にたいのだ」と我々の情報筋は語った。
Thomas J. Vilsack氏は、2021年2月23日、米国上院により第32代米国農務長官として承認された。彼は、バラク・オバマ大統領の下で8年間務めた職務に復帰するため、ジョー・バイデン大統領に指名されました。
Vilsack氏は、その公共サービスと米国農業の発展への貢献により、Congressional Hunger CenterやGlobal Child Nutrition Foundationなどの組織から表彰されている。また、GenYOUthや、200以上のフードバンクからなる全米ネットワークで、食料配給所、スープキッチン、シェルター、その他の地域密着型機関を通じて4600万人以上に食料を供給するFeeding Americaの前理事でもある。
Biden’s former secretary of agriculture, Tom Vilsack, met his demise last Monday when the Office of Military Commissions hanged him to death for having committed treason against the United States of America.
As is typical for Guantanamo Bay executions, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and a cadre of White Hat brass were present to oversee the execution of a man who had become an expendable pawn on the Deep State’s chess board. He fell on his sword, not once implicating Joseph R. Biden or Barack “Hussein” Obama in the wanton destruction of our nation’s food supply. And like all Deep State convicts, he refused to repent seconds before the hangman flipped the switch that sent Vilsack dropping to his doom.
GITMO sources familiar with Vilsack’s death told Real Raw News that Vice Adm. Crandall, who has a history of making witty quips at unrepentant Deep Staters, was uncharacteristically somber in the moments leading up to the execution, even as Vilsack, when asked if he had last words or wished to give a statement of contrition, said, “I only answer to one man, the president of the United States, Joseph Biden.”
“Admiral Crandall is mystified by their devotion to the Deep State apparatus. Is it devotion or fear or a mix? Even facing death, they say they’ve done nothing wrong, that they were following lawful orders. Between active investigations and persons currently in custody—a lot of more Deep State will soon go down. I think the admiral expected some of these criminals to open up to save their own lives, but that isn’t happening. Even Anita Hill, though she seemed to have found some hope in religion, took one for the team, so to speak. You’d think confession would be cathartic, but they’d rather live and die in perdition,” our source said.
Note: I apologize for absence. I had a family emergency the pulled me away from home for several days. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be publishing 3 pieces a day until I’m caught up with what information I currently have. Thank you all for your patience.
Thomas J. Vilsack was confirmed as the 32nd United States Secretary of Agriculture on Feb. 23, 2021 by the U.S. Senate. He was nominated by President Joe Biden to return to a role where he served for eight years under President Barack Obama.
Under Secretary Vilsack’s leadership, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is building back better by restoring the American economy, strengthening rural and historically underserved communities, responding to threats of climate change, creating good-paying jobs for American workers and the next generation of agricultural leaders, and investing in our kids and our families.
Secretary Vilsack is spearheading a transformation of the food system by creating more, better, and fairer markets and ensuring that the food system of today and the future is more resilient and more competitive globally. It will also offer consumers affordable, nutritious food grown closer to home.
From excessive drought to more extreme fires, our producers, farmers and ranchers are on the frontlines confronting the challenges associated with climate change. USDA is engaging the agriculture and forestry sectors in voluntary, incentive-based climate solutions to improve the resiliency of producers and to build wealth that stays in rural communities. Additionally, USDA is advancing investments in science and research to offer producers a toolbox to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
Secretary Vilsack continues to take bold, historic action to reduce barriers to access for historically underserved communities. By working to ensure all aspects of civil rights and equity are integrated, USDA is rooting out generations of systemic racism and building systems and programs inclusive of all USDA employees and customers.
Secretary Vilsack is also focused on ensuring Americans have consistent access to safe, healthy, and affordable food. USDA is investing in bold solutions that enhance food safety, improve the various far-reaching and powerful nutrition programs in the Department, and reduce food and nutrition insecurity in America.
Additional Background on Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack
Vilsack was the longest-serving member of President Obama’s original Cabinet. Prior to his appointment, he served two terms as the Governor of Iowa, served in the Iowa State Senate and as the mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He received his bachelor's degree from Hamilton College and his law degree from Albany Law School in New York.
Prior to returning to USDA, he served as president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) from 2017 until February 2021. There, he provided strategic leadership and oversight of USDEC's global promotional and research activities, regulatory affairs and trade policy initiatives. In addition to his post at USDEC, he also served as a Strategic Advisor to Colorado State University’s food and water initiatives.
A native of Pittsburgh, Penn., Vilsack was born into an orphanage and adopted in 1951. After graduating from law school, Vilsack moved to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, his wife Christie’s hometown, where he practiced law. The Vilsacks have two adult sons and two daughters-in-law—Doug, married to Janet; and Jess, married to Kate. They have five grandchildren.
Vilsack has been honored for his public service and work to advance American agriculture by several organizations, including the Congressional Hunger Center and the Global Child Nutrition Foundation. He is a former member of the board of directors for GenYOUth as well as Feeding America, a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks that feed more than 46 million people through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other community-based agencies.
Military Sentences Alec Baldwin to Death
By Michael Baxter - May 23, 20221661349
The military tribunal of depraved actor Alec Baldwin was over almost as soon as it began.
On Monday, May 16, a handcuffed and haggard Baldwin entered Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom to defend himself against charges of child molestation involving young teens including his own daughter, Ireland. Baldwin last October became the subject of a military investigation after President Donald J. Trump’s personal probe into whether he had intentionally shot and killed Halyna Hutches yielded inconclusive results. However, Trump’s investigators uncovered info linking Baldwin, an Adrenochrome junkie, to reprehensible and barbarous crimes against defenseless children. Besides abusing Ireland, Baldwin tried to cajole her to take part in a “daughter swapping” ring with other Hollywood elitists. Trump handed his findings to the Office of Military Commissions (OMC), which spent six months corroborating Trump’s data and ferreting out the sinister details of Baldwin’s criminal maleficence.
OMC officers on May 1 arrested Baldwin at his home in East Hampton, New York and shipped him to Guantanamo Bay to await a military tribunal.
No sooner had he entered the courtroom on Monday than he began lobbing obscenities at both Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and a female paralegal who was scrutinizing paperwork at the prosecutor’s table.
“F*** all you mother******, you and Trump,” Baldwin spat. His crazy eyes flashed open as he gawked at the female officer. “I see you there, honey.” He waggled his tongue at her. “The law wouldn’t indict me because I’m innocent, so you and Humpy Dumpty Trump are witch-hunting me because he has an ax to grind. Well, f*** all of you.”
“Another outburst and you’ll be gagged,” Vice Adm. Crandall said, his voice thick with exasperation.
Baldwin drew his thumb and index finger across his lips in a zippering gesture, ostensibly mocking the court.
Vice Adm. Crandall orated a brief opening statement, then swiftly called his first witness. It was Baldwin’s daughter Ireland, appearing on ZOOM. When Baldwin saw her face, he hopped from his chair and started shouting at the screen: “You disgusting, little lying piggy, you’ll pay for this, you and your mother,” Baldwin hissed.
GITMO security shackled Baldwin’s legs and gagged his mouth.
“Maybe now you’ll be more civil,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
Ireland gave a tearful testimony. She spent 45 minutes describing how her father had begun molesting and raping her on her 10th Birthday. Baldwin, she said, would frequently receive adrenochrome infusions that sent him spiraling into a sexual frenzy targeting any young female in his field of vision. She said her father fed her Rohypnol, more commonly known as the “date rape” drug, which in high doses causes amnesia, loss of inhibitions, and loss of consciousness.
“When he was doing it to me, I didn’t know. And when he was done, I couldn’t remember,” Ireland said. “It was systemic. My mother knew, but she had kept quiet to protect the family name. After a while, he didn’t bother with the drug. When I was 11, he said he wanted me to ‘play with’ a friend of his who was a doctor with a daughter around my age. The implication was that this doctor would be raping me while my father raped his daughter, in the same bed, in the same room. That’s when I ran, and my mother sheltered me. Only later did I learn that the doctor was Dr. McCoy L. Moretz and his actress-daughter Chloe Grace, both were into the scene.”
Vice Admiral Crandall asked: “Other than your words, do you have other evidence to support your claims of molestation and abuse?”
“The images I’ve given you,” she replied. “I found these years later in my father’s private room. It seems he liked to take pictures.”
Vice Adm. Crandall showed the panel digital images and polaroid pictures of a naked Alec Baldwin flopping atop obviously underage girls, all of whom, Ireland assumed, Alec had drugged before penetrating them.
“He once told me he liked to give girls medicine,” Ireland said.
Vice Adm. Crandall said that JAG had identified the other women, but none was willing to testify against Baldwin. Even so, the panel tasked with weighing JAG’s evidence found Ireland’s testimony compelling enough to deliver a swift verdict of guilty, recommending that Baldwin, a sexual predator, be hanged for his ‘unforgivable’ sins.
“So be it,” Vice Adm. Crandall uttered. “Sentence to be carried out on 1 June.”
マイケル・バクスター著 - 5月23日 2022
"F*** all you mother******, you and Trump "とボールドウィンは吐き捨てた。彼の狂気の目は、女性警官を見詰めながら、ぱちぱちと音を立てていた。"そこにいるのが見えるよ、ハニー"。彼は彼女に向かって舌を巻いた。「私は無実だから法律が私を起訴しない。だから、あなたとHumpy Dumpty Trumpは、自分が不利になるように私を魔女狩りしている。まあ、あなた方全員をファックしてください。
"父がそれをやっているとき、私は知りませんでした。そして、彼が終わったとき、私は覚えていなかった」とアイルランドは言った。"それは全身に及ぶものでした。母は知っていたが、家名を守るために黙っていた。しばらくして、彼はその薬に手を出さなくなった。私が11歳の時、彼は私と同じ年頃の娘を持つ友人の医者と "遊んでほしい "と言ったんです。その医者は、父が娘をレイプしている間に、同じベッドで、同じ部屋で、私をレイプするという意味合いだった。その時、私は逃げ出し、母は私を庇いました。後になって、その医者がマッコイ・L・モレッツ博士で、彼の女優の娘クロエ・グレイスが、二人ともその現場に入り込んでいたことを知ったんです。"
"お渡しした画像です "と彼女は答えました。「何年か後に父の私室で見つけたものです。写真を撮るのが好きだったようです"