公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2019-12-06 15:00:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット
The story today that we are sending 12,000 troops to Saudi Arabia is false or, to put it more accurately, Fake News!

With just 9 legislative days left this year, I have a few questions for Speaker Pelosi:
• Where is #USMCA?
• Where is the troops funding bill?
• How have you helped make our country stronger since taking over the gavel?

This Dem-led House has been a national embarrassment.

The Do Nothing, Radical Left Democrats have just announced that they are going to seek to Impeach me over NOTHING. They already gave up on the ridiculous Mueller “stuff,” so now they hang their hats on two totally appropriate (perfect) phone calls with the Ukrainian President....

....This will mean that the beyond important and seldom used act of Impeachment will be used routinely to attack future Presidents. That is not what our Founders had in mind. The good thing is that the Republicans have NEVER been more united. We will win!

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