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Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia ? 真剣にアラスカをロシアに返す?

2022-03-08 06:18:30 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS


Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia So We Can Start Drilling For Oil There Again

「皆さん、誰もアメリカの美しいアラスカの原野を石油トラックや掘削装置で荒らしたくはないでしょう、さあ!」バイデン大統領は、西棟の観葉植物からと思われる質問に答えて、こう言った。"しかし、私はロシアから石油を得ることに問題はない。" "ほら、彼を捕まえに行け。"
Jen Psakiは、アメリカの土地での新たな掘削を阻止しつつ、エネルギー危機を防ぐ解決策を見出したBidenの素晴らしさを賞賛している。彼女はジャーナリストに対して、"ほら、もうアメリカの土地じゃなくて、ロシアの土地でしょう "と簡潔に指摘した。


ANCHORAGE, AK—The deliberate and premeditated invasion of Ukraine by brutal dictator Vladimir Putin has forced the US to reassess the importance of energy independence. With this new resolve, the Biden Administration has taken its first step toward increasing oil production for Americans by selling Alaska back to Russia so we can start drilling for oil there again.
“Folks, nobody wants to ruin America’s beautiful Alaskan wilderness with oil trucks and drilling rigs, come on!” said President Biden in response to questions he thought were coming from a house plant in the West Wing. “But I’ve never had a problem getting oil from Russia, so there you go, go get him.”
Jen Psaki praised Biden’s brilliance in finding a solution that would prevent an energy crisis while also preventing new drilling on American land. She pointed out succinctly to journalists, “You see, it’s not American land anymore; it’s Russian land.”
Politicians on both sides of the political aisle criticized Biden for selling Alaska without giving them enough time to sneak friends and family onto the boards of newly-relevant Russian oil companies. They also voiced concern that the negotiator handling both the Alaska sale as well as managing drilling permits was Hunter Biden and not their own children.



Utqiagvik, Alaska

Even as Russian tanks lined up on the Ukrainian border in February, the Biden administration froze U.S. drilling on federal lands and issued rules making it harder to build natural-gas pipelines. We may be Inupiaq Eskimos 5,000 miles away from the Washington policy machine, but we know crazy when we see it. And this is crazy.

Big profits from oil and gas exports to Europe and the U.S. are enabling Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. Curtailing U.S. energy production forces the world to buy oil and gas from countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, which have abysmal human-rights records, low environmental standards and high carbon emissions. It doesn’t have to be this way. The U.S. can responsibly produce enough energy to meet its own needs and those of the world while weakening Russia—but only if Washington allows it to happen.

Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope—one of the biggest oil fields in North America—is on our ancestral lands. Since 1977, Prudhoe Bay has produced more than 18 billion barrels of oil, contributing billions of dollars to state and federal coffers, funding development in Alaska’s native communities, and contributing to U.S. national security. Because energy markets are global, oil produced on the North Slope has helped power the world. Alaskans have done all of this while protecting our lands and waters.





Alaska’s North Slope—the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, or NPR-A—has the same potential. Roughly the size of Indiana, the NPR-A was set aside in 1923 by President Warren Harding for oil production in case of emergency. The site contains billon of barrels of oil. Invigorated by the previous administration, which encouraged increased domestic production, investments were flowing in to projects on the North Slope. It looked as though Alaskans, Americans and the world would soon benefit.

But then came the Biden administration, galvanized by extreme environmentalists whose goal is to shut down oil production. The opportunity was lost. Strict environmental standards mean that unlike other places in the country, the drilling season in Alaska is short, and timely permits are essential. The Biden administration has consistently delayed those permits, taking off the table any hope of drilling in winter. They have demanded further studies for projects that have been studied to death. They’ve also discouraged financial institutions from investing in the Arctic on both federal and private lands.

Reducing carbon emissions is crucial for the planet. Alaska is on the front lines of climate change. That is why Alaskans push tirelessly to ensure that energy companies drilling for oil do so with the most cutting-edge carbon-reducing technology.

Before the discovery at Prudhoe Bay—and before Alaska Natives gathered in force to demand rights to their lands and resources—our direct forebears, and the ancestors of many who still live on the North Slope, were among the most impoverished people on the planet.

But the Inupiaq culture discourages victimhood and resentment. We are now teachers and doctors. We are whaling captains and city workers. We are no longer one whale hunt away from starvation. We have healthcare clinics and schools in our communities. Still, our needs are great. Many of our people lack amenities such as running water and access to the internet, which people in the lower 48 states take for granted.

During times of conflict and war indigenous Alaskans have always answered the call to service, even when denied basic civil rights. During World War II and the Cold War, thousands of Alaska natives trained in special programs to serve as scouts and defenders of our state and country. Later, our men and women were sent from our Arctic villages to fight and sometimes die in steamy jungles and barren deserts half a world away. We are a patriotic people, and it’s in our nature to protect and serve what’s ours—our communities, our state, our country, our world.

As one nation invades another thousands of miles away from the North Slope of Alaska, as our country is hurting from high energy prices, as the world feels as if it is on the brink of chaos, we are here to help and we are here to serve. Will President Biden allow us to do so?

Mr. Brower, a whaling captain, is mayor of Alaska’s North Slope Borough. Mr. Patkotak, an independent, represents District 40 in the Alaska House of Representatives.

アラスカの北斜面、NPR-A(National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska)には、同じような可能性がある。インディアナ州とほぼ同じ面積のNPR-Aは、1923年にウォーレン・ハーディング大統領が緊急時の石油生産のために確保したものである。その中には、数十億バレルの石油が眠っている。前政権が国内生産の拡大を奨励したこともあり、ノース・スロープのプロジェクトには投資が集まっていた。アラスカの人々、アメリカ人、そして世界がその恩恵にあずかることになりそうだった。








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