"親は食べ物のことで泣き言を言うのはやめて、できるだけ早く予防接種を受けなければ、自分の子どもに何が起こるか考えるべきだ。そう思わないか、ジーナ?" とハリスは言い、彼女の高級住宅地ワシントンD.C.の近くの店では粉ミルクが余っていることを付け加えた。
「その後、ハリスは再びワクチン接種を始め、5歳以下の子供たちがまだワクチン接種を受けていないことに失望したと言った。まるで全能の神が、子供は生まれたときに注射を受けるべきだと命じたかのように、あれもワクチン、これもワクチンと。粉ミルクのことで泣くのはやめて、本当に問題なら母乳で育てればいい、と彼女は言った。 ハリスの言葉通り、ワクチンを子供の腕の中に入れることが本当の問題なのだ」と情報筋は言う。
The criminal Biden regime is more interested in vaccinating than feeding babies and infant children, said a whistleblower in the administration’s communications office who claimed to have overheard a disturbing conversation between Kamala Harris and Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, the latter of whom RRN has mentioned in recent articles.
Their telephone call, which took place on Friday, centered on a problem that has been plaguing parents of especially young children for months: a nationwide shortage of baby formula.
The regime has blamed the shortage on everything from supply-chain issues to Vladimir Putin, as outraged parents have been forced to scour stores everywhere—often finding them devoid of even a single can of formula—to find the products they need to feed their starving kids. The nationwide out-of-stock rate currently hovers at 64%.
Kamala Harris and Gina Raimondo, however, said parents were “dramatizing” and “inflating” an imaginary crisis at a time when they should be worried about the vaccination status of their children.
“Parents should stop whining so much about food and think about what will happen to their children if they don’t get vaccinated as soon as they can. Don’t you agree, Gina?” Harris said, and added that shops near her upscale Washington, D.C., home had a surplus of baby formula.
Her vaccine comments refer to the regime’s push to vaccinate newborns and children under five. Moderna has asked the FDA for emergency use authorization to do just that, and the FDA will likely respond during the first week of June.
According to our source, Harris, who has no biological children, ranted on about how parents in contemporary American society overfeed infants and, in turn, are responsible for child obesity. Harris, our source added, spent 10 minutes praising Michelle Obama (Michael Robinson) for his “2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” for school cafeteria lunches, which required schools to serve children fruits and vegetables every day and to offer more whole grain-rich foods and fat-free or low-fat milk. The program gained much criticism when school kids began sharing photographs of rancid, inedible food on social media.
“After that, Harris started her vaccine spiel again, saying she was disappointed kids under five weren’t already vaccinated. It was vaccine this, vaccine that, as if the almighty ordained that kids should get jabbed at birth. She said parents should stop crying about baby formula and just breastfeed their kids if it’s really an issue. Getting vaccines in the arms of kids was the real problem, per Harris’ words,” our source said.
Sec. of Commerce Raimondo, who has two teenage children, offered no rebuttal. Rather, she said her children had made her “proud” by getting double vaccinated and later boosted, and by promising to get additional booster shots every 4-6 months, just like their mother.
“I hope the FDA gives a swift reply; infants could die of Covid-19 if they don’t get vaccinated shortly after emerging from their mothers’ wombs,” Raimondo said shockingly. “No one really needs baby formula, but they need vaccinations.”
The exchange shows how out of touch with reality Harris and Raimondo are. They dwell in a bubble of affluent exclusivity, a world in which wealthy liberal elitists and Deep State stooges plot the downfall of humankind while sitting safely immersed in a sphere of protected influence.
In closing, our source added a few comments that support contentions made not only by RRN but also by other right-leaning conservative websites.
“Neither Biden nor Harris has ever set foot in the real White House, only replicas. Biden has plenty of body doubles and hasn’t left his Delaware basement in quite a long time,” he said.
Note: I have nothing yet to report on tribunals. I understand the Billy Ayres tribunal began Thursday and lasted into Friday. I expect to receive an update Monday. Thank you for your patience.
Military Arrests Biden’s Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
4月12日、ニューハンプシャー州のEast Conway Beef & Porkの工場が猛烈な炎に包まれた。オーナーのダレル・ロビンソンによると、この火災はまだ調査中だが、"何万ポンドもの牛肉と豚肉を焼き、家畜を死なせた "という。
「FBIの発表するものは、たとえ内部告発者と呼ばれる人物のものであっても、信じることはためらわれます。「白人は、司法省を信用していません。彼らは、ディープ・ステートです。彼らは欺瞞と偽情報の達人なのです。ですから、我々の調査官は独自に全てを検証します。つまり、全てです。飛行機の詳細についてはお話できませんが、ジェネラル・ミルズ社の施設に衝突したとき、飛行機は操縦不能であったことが確認されています。このことが、情報提供者から渡されたヴィルサック氏の電子メール通信のいくつかを認証する理由になりました」と、JAG関係者はReal Raw Newsに語っています。
2022年4月13日付でヴィルサックからジーナ・ライモンド商務長官に送られたメールには、「小さくて孤立した事象は報道されないが、インフレに計り知れない影響を与えるだろう」とあった。人々は高い値段を払うことに不平を言うべきでない、彼らはそのままでは食料が多すぎる。少しの燃焼は悪いことではありません。" 2日後、Vilsackは彼女に2通目のメールを送った。"ことわざはどうでしょう?彼がジャンプと言ったら、『どのくらい高く』と聞くんだ。航空事故はよくあることで、767や757である必要はないんだ」。4月16日に書かれた3通目のメールには、「犯罪を隠す最良の方法は、一見無関係に見える他の犯罪の中に隠すことだ」と書かれていた。
(訪問回数 33,983 回、今日の訪問回数 33,983 回)
White Hats on Tuesday arrested the criminal Biden regime’s secretary of agriculture, Thomas J. Vilsack, after connecting him to the calculated destruction of a dozen agricultural processing facilities across the United States, JAG sources told Real Raw News
Back on March 24, marionette Joseph R. Biden made a shocking statement on national news. Muttered he, “With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it’s gonna be real,” in response to concerns about empty grocery store shelves and rising inflation. He pinned the blame on the usual suspect, Vladimir Putin, but also may have inadvertently telegraphed his administration’s goals of bankrupting and starving the American populace.
Within hours of Biden’s clairvoyant proclamation, a series of inexplicable ‘accidents’ began plaguing food processing plants throughout the country.
On March 24, a potato factory in Belfast, Maine, burned to the ground. Although officials said the fire was started by a large fryolator machine, line workers at Penobscot McCrum said the enormous vat fryers were disabled for routine maintenance when the blaze began.
On March 25, a mysterious fire razed the Maricopa Food Pantry in Maricopa County, Arizona, taking with it 50,000 pounds of staples. As of this writing, the Maricopa County Fire Department has yet to determine what caused the fire.
On March 31, a massive structural fire consumed the largest fresh onion packing facility in South Texas. A family-run business, Rio Fresh Inc. supplied fresh produce to grocery stores like Kroger’s, Aldi, Tom Thumb, and H-E-B. The conflagration put 300 people out of work and destroyed an estimated 100 truckloads of onions.
On April 12, a raging inferno engulfed the East Conway Beef & Pork plant in New Hampshire. According to owner Darrell Robinson, the fire, which is still under investigation, “destroyed tens of thousands of pounds of beef and pork and killed livestock.”
The above examples are emblematic of an issue that transcends mere conspiracy theory; the callous, gradual annihilation of America’s food chain. Since March 24, astute observers have catalogued 15 such incidents, none of which were covered by the MSM.
The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps took interest in the bizarre fires only after being contacted by an FBI whistleblower on April 21, the same day a light commuter plane, a Cessna A340, nosedived into a General Mills plant in Covington, Georgia, killing the alleged occupants, a student-pilot and his CFI. Although the National Transportation Safety Board said the owner of the plane was doing flight training when the plane took a nosedive, the whistleblower claimed the FBI, not the NTSB, authored the accident report after usurping investigative authority from the NTSB’s regional go-team. This transfer of power should occur only if the NTSB suspects a crime and requests FBI aid. But in this case, the NTSB did not suspect a crime, did not request FBI help, and was shut out of the investigation within an hour of the crash. Typically, a thorough accident report takes weeks or months to compile, but the FBI had the answers at its fingertips in mere hours.
Furthermore, the whistleblower claimed that the FBI had “speciously falsified” the accident report, and in doing so removed a crucial “Smoking Gun” fact that shreds to pieces the official account. The plane had no occupants. It was remote controlled.
Additionally, the informant said he knew who had orchestrated the crash, as well as the previously mentioned food factory fires. He named Secretary of Agriculture Thomas J. Vilsack and had paperwork to support his claim.
“We’re hesitant to believe anything coming out of the FBI, even from a so-called whistleblower. White Hats don’t trust the Justice Department; they’re Deep State. They are masters of deception and disinformation. So, our investigators independently verify everything, and I mean everything. I can’t discuss specifics on the plane, but we confirmed it was pilotless when it hit the General Mills facility. This gave us reason to authenticate some of Vilsack’s email correspondence given to us by the informant,” a JAG source told Real Raw News.
An email sent from Vilsack to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, dated 13 April 2022, read, “Small, isolated events won’t get coverage but will have an immense impact on inflation. People shouldn’t bitch about paying higher prices, they have too much food as is. A little combustion isn’t a bad thing.” Two days later, Vilsack sent her a second email: “How does the saying go? When he says jump, we ask, ‘how high.’ Aviation accidents happen all the time, doesn’t have to be 767s or 757s.” A third email, written on 16 April, said, “The best way to conceal a crime is to hide it amid other seemingly unrelated crimes.”
JAG’s associates at U.S. Army Cyber Command, Fort Gordon, confirmed the emails had been sent from Vilsack’s government email account.
“Under authority of the Insurrection Act of 1807, it was felt this was enough evidence to pick him up on charges of treason. JAG drafted a military arrest warrant in his name.”
Vilsack, the former Governor of Iowa and, prior to that, the longest serving member of Hussein Obama’s original cabinet, was on April 26 taken into custody by JAG investigators at his home in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
“He will be processed and made to answer before a military tribunal,” our source said.
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