Why Won’t TV News Book Tara Reade?
The stakes are high for the media in the case of a sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden.
カリフォルニア州ペンバレーにて。リードさんは、元副大統領のジョセフ・R・バイデンJr.が上院のスタッフとして働いていた1993年に性的暴行を受けたと訴えている。Credit...Max Whittaker for The New York Times
同じことがまた起ころうとしている。ジョセフ・R・バイデンJr.の元上院議員補佐官、タラ・リードは、1993年に民主党大統領候補が彼女に性的暴行を加えたと告発している。記者たちは、彼女が長い間自分の言い分を伝えてきたことを示す他の証言も見つけている。ブロドリック女史のように、彼女の話を疑う理由もあるが、彼女の話を聞かない理由があるわけでもない。タイムズ紙の編集長ディーン・バケが2週間前のインタビューで語ったように、リードさんには "立場 "があるのです。
Tara Reade in Penn Valley, Calif. Ms. Reade has accused former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of sexually assaulting her in 1993, when she worked on his Senate staff.Max Whittaker for The New York Times
You don’t have to believe Mr. Clinton assaulted Ms. Broaddrick in 1978. If you’re a journalist, it doesn’t really matter what you believe, as long as you report what you know. But the handling of Ms. Broaddrick’s story was one of the most damaging media mistakes of the Clinton years. And the treatment of Mr. Clinton’s accusers by the Democratic Party and the media alike is one of the original sins that led to today’s divided, partisan news environment.
“You cannot blame them,” Ms. Broaddrick told me on the phone Wednesday. “Here I had lied in the Paula Jones suit, and that naturally threw very harsh criticism toward me, rightfully.”
So not everybody believed Juanita Broaddrick’s claim that Bill Clinton raped her.
And while the candidate had his flaws, he’d never been accused of sexual assault.
There were good reasons to be skeptical of her 20-year-old allegations: She’d changed her story and said some weird stuff, and even denied the whole thing under oath.“I’ve been trying to just kind of wait to get someone in the middle,” she said in a phone interview. “I don’t want to be pigeonholed as a progressive, I don’t want to be pigeonholed as a Trump supporter.”
And yet, Ms. Reade told me Wednesday that the only offers she’s had to appear on television have come from Fox News, including a call from the prime time host Sean Hannity. She has so far turned them down.
The same thing is about to happen again. A former Senate aide for Joseph R. Biden Jr., Tara Reade, has accused the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Reporters have found other accounts that indicate that she has been telling her version of events for a long time. There are, as with Ms. Broaddrick, reasons to doubt her story; there aren’t good reasons not to hear her out. As The Times’s executive editor, Dean Baquet, told me in an interview two weeks ago, Ms. Reade has “standing.”
The mainstream American media in 1999, for reasons that are hard to explain or excuse today, got cold feet on a credible allegation of rape against the president. And after NBC News sat for weeks on an exclusive interview, Ms. Broaddrick went to the only people who would listen to her, Mr. Clinton’s partisan enemies at The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page. That move helped turn her straightforward allegation into a weaponized political story. And while Americans watching at home could make up their own minds about Ms. Broaddrick’s credibility, they were left with new reasons to shake their heads at the media.