公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-12-04 12:45:00 | 日本人

The Hand Kiss

Respect for the Elderly
In some cultures, a kiss on the hand is a means of showing respect for their elders.

In Muslim countries, such as Brunei, Turkey, and Indonesia, kissing the hand of the elders is widely practiced. In exchange, the older person in the family can bless the person expressing respect.

They may say their blessing or simply hold the head of the person kissing their hand.

If you are visiting a home where this gesture is practiced, make sure you take the offered hand and kiss it. It is considered a sign of disrespect if you ignore the hand.

Most likely, the younger people in the family do not wait for the hand to be offered.

They will immediately go to their elder (grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and any other elder) and show their love by kissing their hands.

In the Philippines, the younger people do not technically kiss the hands of their elders. Instead, they take the hand and place it on their foreheads.

The way it is done may vary slightly, but the intention is the same.

It is a sign of respect and a greeting to their elders. Withholding it is a sign of rebellion.

Religious Act
In the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, it is common for believers to kiss the hands of religious leaders, such as a priest, a bishop, or the pope.

When a believer makes this gesture, they express their respect and devotion to the religion and its representatives. They may emphasize the kiss by kneeling on their left knee.

A religious hand kiss is often done on the ring and not precisely on the hand.

This gesture is most made apparent when people approach the pope to kiss the papal ring. Some people do kiss the actual hands of their religious leader.

However, the kiss may have been given, and the religious leader will acknowledge it with a blessing.

He may touch the person’s head (laying of hands) or make the sign of the cross in the air to signify the blessing.

Way to say Farewell
If your guy is charming and has a soft spot for tradition, he may kiss your hand at the end of a date.

That one gesture says a lot and can mean so many things depending on what stage the two of you are in your relationship.









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