Hedge fund client defaulting on margin calls.
差金決済取引(さきんけっさいとりひき、英: contract for difference、CFD)とは、有価証券の受渡しを行わずに、売買価格差等[1]に相当する金銭の授受のみにより差金決済する取引または金融商品である。証拠金を預け、レバレッジをかけて取引を行うことから、外国為替証拠金取引(FX)も差金決済取引の一つと言える。ただし、一般には、外国為替のものをFX、それ以外の株式や株価指数や債券等のものはCFDと呼ぶ。先物取引と類似したものであるが限月がCFDには無い。取引所CFDと店頭CFDに分かれ、日本の取引所CFDはくりっく株365のみで、株価指数のみを扱っている。原発産業保護制度の差額決済契約はCFDの一つである。
Crucially, as Bloomberg notes, this means Archegos may never actually have owned most of the underlying securities - if any at all - as the CFD is akin to a privately-arranged (i.e. off exchange and bespoke) futures contract where the differences in the settlement between the open and closing trade prices are cash-settled (there is no delivery of physical goods or securities with CFDs).
What makes the situation worse is that Archegos reportedly took positions in these CFDs with various prime brokers - and because these positions are by their nature not centrally cleared or aggregated, this left prime broker X unaware of their client's exposures with prime broker Y... which in this case was huge.
The leverage Hwang was given made him look like a trading genius as the various positions he took were pumped and pumped (and helped by gamma-squeezers) but now look like a reckless gambling fool as the bets collapsed.
CFDs linked to stocks (with a gross market value of around $282 billion at end June 2020) are among bespoke derivatives that investors trade privately between themselves, or over-the-counter, instead of through public exchanges. This is exactly the kind of hidden risk that amplified the losses during the 2008 financial crisis.