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Wendy Rogers!彼女の今夜の発言はまさに的を得ていた

2022-01-16 17:50:00 | I support Attorney L. Lin Wood.

Last night the 45th President of the United States received thunderous applause at an Arizona rally that pulled in tens of thousands of MAGAs from across the nation. Speaking for 90-minutes, an indefatigable Trump hit on many familiar talking points, reiterating his irrefutable assertion that rampant voter fraud led to a stolen election. He made clear he is still in the “Save America” fight and asked supporters to keep embracing the patriotic principles he holds dear.

Notably, Trump spent little time discussing Covid-19; he correctly accused the criminal Biden administration of disproportionally rationing testing supplies to ethnicities of its choosing.

More important, Trump abandoned the pro-vaccine rhetoric he had been spewing over the last few months. Not once did he mention his vaccination status or implore supporters to get vaccinated and boosted.

Last night, RRN spoke to a Mar-a-Lago source who has frequent contact with Trump to gauge 45’s mindset and stance, and although we didn’t get the exact answers we sought, we did get a glimpse of what the future might bring.

Asked whether Trump’s newfound silence on vaccine endorsements was based, at least in part, on advice he had received from “White Hat” military commanders such as Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger, our source said, “I can’t knowledgeably speak to that. Trump’s always fought for our freedoms. Even when we don’t see or hear him, he’s working tirelessly behind the scenes. The Swamp is much deeper, murkier than he first thought. The problem is, many of his supporters have pedestalized him, given him deification, and expect him to walk on water. Trump is a man, like you and me, and men sometimes take bad advice that leads to mistakes. That doesn’t make them bad men.”

And asked whether 45 still plans to invalidate the stolen election and resume his station as President of the United States, our source gave a cryptic reply: “Donald Trump has never really left office.”

He said Donald J. Trump has “a plan” that cannot be revealed publicly.







ドナルド・J・トランプには公にできない "ある計画 "があるという。


“Even if I know details, I wouldn’t speak openly about it. We’re always asked ‘What’s the plan? What’s the plan?’ Well, disclosing it would make it available to the people he’s fighting against, and give them a chance to respond. Right now Trump’s efforts are focused on the midterms and getting rid of criminals in the House and the Senate. After that, we’ll see. Big things are going to happen,” our source said.

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今夜はトランプ大統領の演説を見て楽しい夜を過ごした後、Jarrin "Live Local Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" Jacksonと電話でイエスについて話しました。Jarrinとの会話からはいつも多くのことを学びます。彼は私のキリストの兄弟です。でも、二人とも喋りすぎて、時間を忘れてしまうんだよね。

そして、私のキリストの姉妹、Wendy Rogersはどうかな!!彼女の今夜の発言はまさに的を得ていた。トランプ大統領が彼女を愛しているのも頷ける!!! 僕も彼女を愛しているよ。ウェンディは自由と政府の誠実さを求める力強い声だ。


そして、ワオ! トランプ大統領は今夜、燃えていました!!!! 敵はブーツの中で震えているはずだ!!! 私は彼が常に自分の意見を述べていることを賞賛していますし、彼がこの国の歴史の中で重要な時期にアメリカにとって正しいリーダーであることに全く自信を持っています。





I had an enjoyable evening watching President Trump’s speech tonight and then got on the phone with Jarrin “Live Local Keep Your Eyes On Jesus” Jackson talking about Jesus. I alway learn so much from my discussions with Jarrin. He is my brother in Christ. But we both talk too much and forget about the time!!!


And how about my sister in Christ, Wendy Rogers!!!Her remarks tonight were exactly over the target. No wonder President Trump loves her!!! I love her too. Wendy is a powerful voice for freedom and honesty in government. 


I cannot wait to speak with THE Professor David Clements tomorrow to get his take on the massive crowd and enthusiasm for our President since he attended the rally tonight. 


And, wow! President Trump was on fire tonight!!! The enemy should be shaking in its boots!!! I admire him for always speaking his mind and I remain totally confident that he is the right leader for America at this pivotal time in our nation’s history.


Keep standing steady.

Keep strong in your faith.

The best is yet to come.


God bless each of you. 


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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