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アニータ・ダンに関する夫のボブ・バウアーの証言そしてその後 米国虚構新聞

2022-02-16 06:52:20 | カウンター・グレートリセット





GITMO関係者がReal Raw Newsに語ったところによると、ダンは「民主的に選ばれた役人とその下で働いていた人々を軍が不法に逮捕・起訴した」ことに抗議して飢えをしのいでいたとのことである。彼女は、アメリカで最も悪名高い拘置所での滞在中、固形物の摂取を拒み、水だけを飲んでいた。月曜日の早朝、GITMOの警備員に連れられて6×9フィートの独房から死刑場に向かうまでに、死刑執行前の医学的評価によると、普段は太めのダンは15ポンド(約1.5kg)も痩せていました。













Anita Dunn did not have a happy Valentine’s Day.

No flowers, no chocolates, and no cards embossed with cute hearts.

She did, however, have her head put in a noose at Guantanamo Bay, where she was hanged to death following a lengthy, self-imposed hunger strike that began on January 27 when a military court convicted the former Biden handler of treason and imposed the maximum allowable punishment—death.

GITMO sources told Real Raw News that Dunn was starving herself in protest of what she called “the military’s unlawful apprehension and prosecution of democratically-elected officials and the people who served under them.” She refused solid food and drank only water during her stay at the nation’s most infamous detention center. The normally portly Dunn had lost 15 pounds, according to a pre-execution medical evaluation, by the time GITMO security escorted her from a 6×9’ cell to the execution site early Monday morning.

Upon Emerging handcuffed from a Humvee, Dunn smugly berated Rear Adm. Crandall and other officers in attendance, her maundering speech infused with fiery hatred, and 7 times she invoked the name of a man not in attendance, hissing his name from between chapped lips.

“Trump. This is all Trump’s doing, isn’t it? You’re following Trump. Trump isn’t president, Joseph Biden is. Eventually there’ll be a reckoning, for all of you, and for Trump,” she said.

Her hunger strike hadn’t sapped her verbal strength, but still she looked frailer and feebler than she had at the tribunal. Sunken cheeks and vacant hollow eyes revealed a person stripped of vigor. It was as though she mustered her last ounces of strength to verbally assail the execution detail and Donald J. Trump.

“You won’t get away with this, and neither will Trump,” she said, as a uniformed Marine nudged her to the gallows.

Rear Adm. Crandall spoke: “Anita Dunn, Donald Trump didn’t put you where you stand. He didn’t tell you to commit treason. Your lack of self-awareness is endemic of all the people who have stood on that platform. I’m required to ask if you have final words, which I think you’ve already shared with us, or want Last Rites.”

She teetered on the platform, then fell over sideways as if struck by an icy gust, her hip slamming against the pivoting metal door designed to drop her to her doom. She yelped in pain as a soldier atop the platform stood her upright and put her neck in a braided noose. Her attitude changed suddenly. Dunn, lip trembling and eyes welling, called out for her husband, as if he were there, and begged for mercy.

“I don’t deserve this,” she said. “I’m sorry for anything I’ve done wrong, but I’m a good person.”

A moment later she was gone, her lifeless body twisting in the wind as it hung from the length of rope.

Dunn was pronounced dead at 9:07 a.m. Monday.

Unrelated to the article, we’re aware some readers have had difficulty viewing the site, especially those using DuckDuckGo mobile clients. Following server migration, we’ve been working to optimize the server, and temporarily had to employ filters to block continued attacks. This may have inadvertently filtered legitimate traffic. We believe the issue resolved.

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Every dollar helps.


It’s Death for Dunn!





"直接会ったり、電話で耳にしたりしました" バウアーは答えた。


"私が知っているのは3つで、2つは私たちの家で、1つはレストランで、2019年12月から2020年3月の間だったと思います" とバウアーは言った。

"あなたが認識しているのは3つと言いましたね。それは、あなたが知らない追加の会合があった可能性があるということですか?" クランダル少将が言った。



バウアーは、「"はい "か "いいえ "で聞いてくれれば、もっと簡単だ」と言った。


バウアー氏の身振りからは、証言台に立つ時間が長くなることを嫌がっているように見えた。バウアー氏は、妻が政治的に影響力のある "パワーブローカー "であり、プランデミック対策を担当する政府高官と保健機関の責任者との間で交渉を行っていたと説明した。彼は2019年12月の会議で、ディープステートのファウチ博士が最近、大手製薬会社のCEOと密談した際に、ブースターショットや子どもへのワクチン接種のアイデアをHHS長官のザビエル・ベセラなどに売り込むために、ダンに協力を求めたことを宣誓の上で語った。バウアーの証言によると、ファウチがNIHに在籍していたことで、彼女の意見を聞かずにワクチン接種の義務化を推進するのに十分な影響力を持っていたため、ダンは最初、このアイデアに難色を示したとのことである。














“Please don’t intimidate the witness,” Rear Adm. Crandall barked at Anita Dunn during the opening minutes of Tuesday’s military tribunal against her, after she admonished her husband Bob Bauer for appearing on the witness stand and swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Appearing without council—ostensibly she felt she could exonerate herself—Dunn was told she could cross-examine the witness when the prosecution was done with him.

Bauer, visibly nervous, continuously repositioned his hands and flexed his knees while his head swiveled left and right, avoiding eye contact with the defendant.

“Your focus would be appreciated, Mr. Bauer,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “I’ll repeat the question: Did you personally witness conversations between the defendant and Dr. Anthony Fauci in the initial stages of the pandemic?”

“In person and overheard on the phone,” Bauer replied.

“How many of these in person meetings were there?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.

“Three I’m aware of, two at our home, one at a restaurant, between, I think, December 2019-March 2020,” Bauer said.

“You say three you’re aware of. Does that mean it’s possible they had additional meetings you’re not aware of?” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Three is all I know,” Bauer said.

“Can you intelligibly describe the gist of those meetings to the panel,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, gesturing toward the 3-officers tasked with deciding Dunn’s fate.

“Can’t you just ask me ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, it’d be easier,” Bauer said.

“Mr. Bauer, clearly a man of your education knows how to summarize a series of events. If I limit my questions, we’ll be here a very, very long time,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

Bauer’s body language suggested he didn’t relish the idea of spending any longer than he had to at the witness stand. He portrayed his wife as an influential, political “power broker” who negotiated deals between administration officials and the heads of health agencies responsible for planning the Plandemic response. He recounted under oath a December 2019 meeting at which Deep State Dr. Fauci, having recently held clandestine talks with Big Pharma CEOs, asked for Dunn’s help in selling the idea of booster shots and vaccinating children to persons such as HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. Per Bauer’s testimony, Dunn at first balked at the idea because Fauci’s tenure at the NIH gave him enough clout to push mandatory vaccination programs sans her input.

“Fauci wanted Anita because she was cozy with the entire administration, from the people brought back from the Obama admin to the newcomers, and she had the expertise to decide who got what when money started trickling down from the top. It was like an inverted pyramid, with the Big Pharma CEOs at the top and below them a tier of health experts, including Fauci and Collins, getting paid out. Another tier beneath them, and so on,” Bauer said.

“So, she never approached Biden directly?” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Oh, she’s talked to him plenty of times, but not about this. He’s absent, if you catch my meaning. His head is so empty if he were to run down a hall his ears would whistle,” Bauer said.

Rear Adm. Crandall asked for a rough estimate of Dunn’s profit, to which Bauer responded $25m, to be paid in incremental installments over 5 years. She had thus far gotten $5m, he said, and described how the money had been “washed,” obfuscated to look like “consulting fees.”

“Of course, the money didn’t come directly from Big Pharma CEOs. They used middlemen who used middlemen of their own and yada, yada, yada. $50,000 here, $100,000 there, and so on, paid from shell corporations established just to fund the pyramid,” Bauer said.

“Twenty-five million for consulting. I’m in the wrong line of business,” the rear admiral said sarcastically. “No, I think I’m happy doing what I do.”

He then showed the panel financial documents the military had obtained in investigating Dunn’s past.

“Mr. Bauer, when we first spoke, you told us that your wife knew vaccines were unsafe before she went on her crusade. Please tell these officers sitting before you what you told me,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Fauci, that cocky son-of-a-bitch, told us while we ate dinner together not to get vaccinated. Basically, he said vaccine trial data was being manipulated to make it appear they were safer than they really were,”

Anger flashed in Dunn’s eyes. “You idiot,” she blurted, “even if these militants here let you go, do you know what’ll happen to you when you get home. And you, Mr. Crandall, are the one being deceived. Bob has done nothing today but describe himself, and actions he took, not me.”

As Rear Adm. Crandall opened his mouth to speak, the senior officer on the panel, a Marine Corps major, said they had heard and seen sufficient evidence to find the defendant guilty of treason, and recommended she get the maximum punishment. Rear Adm. Crandall concurred, and sentenced Dunn to hang by the neck until dead.

Her date of execution is scheduled for Monday, February 14.

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