【ワシントン=鳳山太成】バイデン米大統領は9日、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐ新たな計画を発表した。ワクチン接種か週1回の陰性証明を従業員が働く必須条件とするよう、国内企業に要請する。罰則を伴う厳しい措置を取り入れ、感染力の強いインド型(デルタ型)による経済への影響を抑える。以下略 日経新聞
Former Vice President Mike Pence expressed shock at how President Joe Biden spoke to the American people Thursday when announcing new COVID-19 related mandates.
"I have to tell you the president's speech yesterday was unlike anything I had ever heard from an American president," Pence said on Fox News Channel.
"I mean, to have the president of the United States say that he has been patient but his patience is wearing thin. That's not how the American people expect to be spoken to by our elected leaders."
Biden on Thursday announced his intention to require most federal employees to get COVID-19 vaccines, and to force companies with more than 100 employees to vaccinate workers or test them weekly.
A former governor of Indiana, Pence said Biden's announcement to impose vaccine mandates did not respect the leadership at the state level -- something former President Donald Trump and his administration stressed from the beginning of the pandemic.
"We got governors across the country what they needed when they needed it, and we respected them to make the decisions best for their state,” said Pence, who led Trump’s coronavirus task force.
"And now to have a president not just scolding the American people but scolding governors around the country, it just is not the American way. And I expect the response they are going to get across the country will prove that."
Pence, who with wife Karen got inoculated against COVID on national television in December, said Biden should continue to encourage Americans to get vaccinated.
As vice president, Pence led the Trump administration's efforts through Operation Warp Speed to help drug makers quickly produce an effective coronavirus vaccine.
Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other Republicans have joined Pence in urging Americans to get vaccinated.
However, some GOP members remain skeptical about the vaccines, and have criticized the Biden administration for trying to force people to get the shots.
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the organization intended to sue Biden over his COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
"Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied," McDaniel said in a statement posted on the RNC’s Twitter account. "Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price.
"Like many Americans, I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. Many small businesses and workers do not have the money or legal resources to fight Biden’s unconstitutional actions and authoritarian decrees, but when his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue the administration to protect Americans and their liberties."

Joe Biden defends vaccine mandates, says foes can ‘have at it’
President Biden on Friday dismissed critics of his far-reaching new COVID-19 vaccine mandates, saying that they could “have at it” and that the “vast majority” of people agree with him — despite polls showing slimmer public support.
Biden defended vaccine mandates for federal workers, employees of private companies of 100 or more people, health care workers and some teachers during a visit to a middle school in Washington, DC, adding that he is “disappointed” in those who oppose it.
“I think the vast majority — look at the polling data — the vast majority of the American people know we have to do these things. They’re hard but necessary,” Biden said in response to a reporter’s question.
Biden on Friday also took a swipe at Republican governors, such as Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas, who have banned local school districts from imposing mask mandates on students. On Thursday, Biden committed federal funds to bail out any teacher or school district penalized for adopting a mask mandate in violation of state rules.
“Look, I am so disappointed that particularly some Republican governors have been so cavalier with the health of these kids, so cavalier with the health of their communities,” Biden said at the DC middle school on Friday. “This is — we’re playing for real here. This isn’t a game.”
Biden said critics of the mandates can “have at it” — as the rules are expected to be challenged in court and received a cool response from some labor unions.
Biden outlined the new mandates after his approval rating tanked in several recent national polls, including because of lower support for his pandemic management as the more contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 drives an increase in infections.

A recent Gallup poll, conducted Aug. 16-22, did find that a slim majority of the public — 56 percent — supports businesses imposing vaccine mandates on workers, but the poll didn’t inquire about government dictates, and a majority of independents and Republicans were opposed.
A Washington Post/ABC News poll, conducted Aug. 29-Sept. 1, found just 52 percent support for businesses mandating vaccination for workers.
That poll also found a partisan divide and independents were divided. Among opponents, 42 percent said they would rather quit if forced to choose between submitting to a shot or their job.

An Associated Press poll conducted Aug. 12-16 found 50 percent support for businesses requiring workers to get vaccinated and 55 percent support for a mandate on government workers.
Biden’s vaccine mandates apply to about 100 million workers — or about two-thirds of the entire US workforce. Most federal workers and contractors must get vaccinated if they don’t qualify for religious or medical exceptions. And a new Labor Department rule will require companies and organizations with 100 workers or more to either impose a vaccine mandate or subject staff to weekly testing.
About 17 million employees of health care facilities that accept Medicare or Medicaid payments and 300,000 teachers in the Head Start programs for poor children also must now get vaccinated.
According to CDC data, 75.3 percent of US adults have had at least one coronavirus vaccine shot. But vaccination rates vary among states and the national infection rate is as high as it was in late January, when few Americans were vaccinated.
The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association came out against Biden’s mandate on federal workers and the American Federation of Government Employees said “[w]e expect to bargain over this change prior to implementation.”
Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP Photo
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
米海軍軍医監察隊は2日、マイケル・ペンス前副大統領の逮捕状を発行したと、軍医監察隊の関係者がReal Raw Newsに語った。
今回の令状発行は、"ホワイトハット "軍当局が1807年の反乱法で認められた権限を利用して、裏切り者の共和党員を追及する2度目の試みとなる。昨年5月に報告されたように、ペンス氏はJAGが彼の裏切り行為の証拠を入手した後、国際的な軍の捜索の対象となった。ペンス氏とディープステートが協力して盗まれた選挙を確認したのだ。
情報源によると、今月初め、ペンス、ペロシ、チャック・シューマーの3人は、ワシントンの高級レストランで食事をしました。彼らの会話の話題は 彼らの話題は、いかにしてトランプ氏の悪評をさらに高め、アメリカの繁栄を国民に取り戻そうとする彼の努力を妨害するか、というものだった。