Transforming America in 17 Days
Democrats rush to pass their cradle-to-grave entitlement agenda with little debate or scrutiny.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi conducts her weekly news conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on Sept. 8.
Photo: Tom Williams/Zuma PressCongress is back in session, and don’t blink or you may miss the plan to transform America in 17 days. Never mind Sen. Joe Manchin’s “strategic pause.” Democratic leaders are moving to ram into law their $3.5 trillion plan for cradle-to-grave entitlements with the narrowest of majorities before Americans figure out what they’re doing. As Nancy Pelosi famously said about ObamaCare, Congress will pass the bill so people can find out what’s in it.
The House Ways and Means and Education and Labor committees introduced the text of their sections of the $3.5 trillion-plus spending bill late Tuesday and Wednesday. On your mark, set, go for the 100-meter dash. Within 36 hours, the committees had begun mark-ups.
Industry lobbyists are feverishly trying to parse the hundreds of pages. Good luck. Mrs. Pelosi plans to consummate her crowning career achievement with a House vote by Sept. 27. There will be little or no time to debate the details in the halls of Congress or townhalls with constituents. Democrats in swing districts will be told to get with the program or else.
It’s worth putting Mrs. Pelosi’s blitzkrieg in historic context. FDR’s New Deal programs were passed incrementally over two presidential terms with overwhelming Democratic majorities. Democrats created the Great Society over two years with supermajorities. ObamaCare was hashed out over nine months before Democrats enacted it into law with 56 votes in the Senate. The 2017 GOP tax reform was debated for months, and its principles for years, before Congress voted.
Now with merely 50 Democrats in the Senate and a five-member House majority, Democrats are planning to rush through the biggest tax and spending increase in half a century. We’ll do our best to report and dissect the details in the coming days, but here’s a taste from the text that the two House committees deigned to release:
• A universal paid leave mandate administered by Treasury that provides up to 12 weeks of family and medical leave for all workers including those self-employed at up to 85% of their weekly pay. It’s unclear how the new entitlement would interact with existing state paid leave and employer programs. The federal bureaucracy will iron out the complications later.
• A new employer 401(k) mandate—that is, a tax. Employers would be required to automatically enroll their employees in IRAs or 401(k)-type plans or pay an excise tax. Employee 401(k) payroll contributions would be set at 6% and increase to 10%. There are myriad other legal changes on employer-sponsored retirements accounts that would be land mines for businesses.
• The bill creates new civil penalties up to $50,000 per violation for unfair labor practices (ULPs), which would now include misclassifying workers as independent contractors. Business executives and directors could be held personally liable for alleged ULPs. As a gift to the plaintiff bar, employee arbitration agreements would also be effectively banned.
• Medicare would expand to cover dental, vision and hearing benefits. Health and Human Services would be charged with standing up these expansions, including setting provider payment rates. Cost estimates for this and other entitlements have yet to be announced, but they’re likely to be fictitious anyway. One credible estimate is that the Medicare increase alone would cost $360 billion over a decade.
There is much more spending to come, and next week come the tax increases that will also be marked up on a day or so notice. It’s important to understand how extraordinary this is. The Democratic bill would fundamentally alter the relationship between government and individual Americans. Entitlements, once created, will be all but impossible to repeal. Even if they start small, they will inexorably expand.
Republicans in 2017 tried to use budget reconciliation to reform ObamaCare and block-grant state Medicaid funding, but they were hobbled by the Senate parliamentarian and internal fights.
Mrs. Pelosi won’t let either get in her way. Americans should be shouting from the rooftops to stop this steamroller before they wake up to a government that dominates their lives in a country they don’t recognize.
Appeared in the September 10, 2021, print edition.
写真はこちら トム・ウィリアムズ/Zuma Press
- 財務省が管理する普遍的な有給休暇制度で、自営業者を含むすべての労働者に、週給の85%を上限として、最長12週間の家族・医療休暇を提供する。この新しい権利が、既存の州の有給休暇や雇用者のプログラムとどのように関係するのかは不明である。この複雑な問題は、連邦政府の官僚機構が後で解決してくれるだろう。
- 新しい雇用者の401(k)義務、つまり税金。雇用主は従業員をIRAや401(k)タイプのプランに自動的に登録するか、消費税を支払うことを義務付けられる。従業員の401(k)への拠出金は6%から10%に引き上げられる。この他にも、企業にとって地雷となるような、雇用者が提供する退職金口座に関する無数の法改正があります。
- 法案では、不当労働行為(ULP)に対して、1回の違反につき5万ドルまでの民事罰が設けられており、これには労働者を独立した契約者として誤分類することも含まれます。企業の経営者や役員は、ULPの疑いで個人的な責任を問われる可能性があります。また、原告団へのプレゼントとして、従業員の仲裁合意も事実上禁止されます。
- メディケアは拡大され、歯科、眼科、聴覚障害者にも適用されます。保健社会福祉省は、プロバイダーへの支払い率の設定など、これらの拡大を支える役割を担うことになります。この権利やその他の権利のコスト見積もりはまだ発表されていないが、いずれにしても架空のものになるだろう。ある信頼できる試算では、メディケアの増額だけでも10年間で3600億ドルのコストがかかるという。
ポトマック・ウォッチ 民主党の予算案には、メディケア(医療保険)の拡大、グリーンニューディール(環境保護のためのニューディール)、家族や教育のための巨大な権利などが含まれており、これが実現すれば、米国史上最大の連邦政府の拡大となる可能性がある。画像 Getty Images Composite: マーク・ケリー