Rashida Tlaib下院議員(民主党)は、ビデオインタビューの中で、昔の物議を醸したツイートを倍返ししました。Tlaib議員は、移民税関捜査局(ICE)、税関・国境警備局(CBP)、国土安全保障省(DHS)の予算を削減したいと考えています。Just Futures Lawは、彼女をバーチャル・インタビューの形で受け入れました。
"これは、本当に必要なこと、つまりわが国の完全な包括的移民改革政策への気晴らしです。私たちは、移民や国境で実験を行おうとしている、営利目的や企業の欲にまみれたアプローチに気を取られて、その話をするどころではありません」とトレイブは言います。そして、私は "もう十分だ "と言います」。
ラシダ・ハルビ・タリーブ (英語: Rashida Harbi Tlaib、1976年7月24日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、弁護士。民主党下院議員。2018年、米議会初のパレスチナ系女性議員となった。
- アメリカ民主社会主義者(DSA)のメンバー
By Jenny Goldsberry
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) doubled down on an old controversial tweet during a video interview. Tlaib still wants to defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and The Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Just Futures Law hosted her via a virtual interview.
Now, the original YouTube account deleted the video. But not before others got ahold of the clip. During the interview, Tlaib is asked about how to stop facial recognition and DNA testing methods at the border.
“Look, the simple answer to that question is we must eliminate funding for CBP, ICE and their parent organization, DHS,” she replied. “Time after time we have seen it as advocates on the ground, as human services agencies on the ground continue to see over and over again, that these agencies are inept to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and instead they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities.”
The Michigan representative claimed that “especially the new members of Congress” are behind her. Meanwhile, she suggests a full overload on the immigration process.
“This is a distraction to what is really needed, which is full comprehensive immigration reform policies in our country. We are far from even getting to that conversation because people are distracted with these for-profit, corporate greed approaches that are coming to experiment on our immigrants and our border,” Tlaib said. “And I say ‘enough.’”