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Bill O'Reilly: Democrats 'on Verge of Collapse'

2025-03-08 22:20:00 | 第47代トランプ大統領

長年のTV司会者でベストセラー作家のビル・オライリーは、民主党がドナルド・トランプ大統領から受けた嘲笑が "無数の過ち "につながり、"崩壊寸前 "だと語った。


「彼は民主党を愚弄し、無数の過ちを犯させた」とオライリーは "クオモ "で語った。

Longtime TV host and bestselling author Bill O'Reilly said the Democratic Party is "on the verge of collapse" after the taunting they took from President Donald Trump led to a "myriad of mistakes."

O'Reilly made the comments in an interview on NewsNation on Thursday night.

"He taunted the Democratic Party into making a myriad of mistakes," O'Reilly said on "Cuomo," referring to Democrats' lack of decorum during Trump's joint address to Congress on Tuesday night.

木曜日、テキサス州選出のアル・グリーン議員は本会議場から退場させられ、その後問責決議を受けた。 およそ10人の進歩派が看板を掲げ、議場から出て行き、拍手も拒否した。 民主党は、トランプ大統領が演説の中で称えた13歳のがんサバイバーを認めることさえ拒否した。


Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, was ejected from the chamber and subsequently censured on Thursday, with 10 Democrats voting to reprimand their colleague. Roughly a dozen progressives held signs, walked out of the chamber and refused to clap for anything. Democrats even refused to acknowledge a 13-year-old cancer survivor who Trump honored during the speech.

"I think the Democratic Party is on the verge of collapse," O'Reilly said.

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