"トランプ大統領の支持基盤は分断されています。" Keirsey大佐は、2016年と2020年にトランプに投票したMAGAの30%が、彼が騙されてワープスピードを支持したことを認めないために、2024年には彼に投票しないだろうとする軍の非公式世論調査を引用して、相づちを打ちました。"我々の世論調査では、ほとんどのMAGAは、トランプが騙され、過ちを犯し、二度と繰り返さないことを認めるなら、トランプを許すだろう。もし彼が謙虚になり、ファウチ、バークス、ハーン、アザールが巧みに彼を騙したと言えば、我々もMAGAも彼を許せるだろう。もし彼がそうしないなら、彼は傷物だ」。
軍隊はともかく、多くのメディアの識者やトランプ大統領の盟友たちが、ワープスピードを放棄するよう求めている。その中には、マージョリー・テイラー・グリーン下院議員、ローレン・ボーバート下院議員、マット・ゲッツ下院議員、ジム・ジョーダン下院議員、そして数名の上院議員や各州の知事も含まれている。メディア関係者のAlex Jonesは、トランプの謝罪を求める激しいビデオを制作し、マー・ア・ラゴ関係者によれば、Stephen K. Bannonは、トランプに "バイオリンのように "遊ばれていたことを告白するように勧めたという。
When USMC General David H. Berger declared President Donald J. Trump a protectorate of the U.S. military and, consequently, shored up security on several Trump-owned properties, officers on his council proffered a scathing rebuke of Gen. Berger’s motives and methods, saying, in fact, that Trump’s reluctance to apologize for heralding Operation Warp Speed constituted a “breach of trust” among soldiers and citizens across the nation.
As reported in June, a divide has formed between council members who are fiercely loyal to Trump and those who want Ron DeSantis to helm the country in 2024. Trump’s most outspoken critics, U.S. Army Major Gen. Richard E. Angle and Col. J.D. Keirsey, have said Trump must publicly apologize for creating and perpetuating Operation Warp Speed if he expects unified military support. At a White Hat meeting earlier this month, they argued that Warp Speed had sickened or killed more Americans than all combined wars our nation had fought.
The White Hat partition of the U.S. military has conducted several studies, some of which are still ongoing, on vaccine casualties. One study showed that 450 pregnant women—servicemembers and dependents—spontaneously aborted within 14 days of having received a Covid shot. Of the 450, 63 soon developed incurable neuropathies, 41 were stricken with myocarditis, 23 suffered partial paralysis, 4 were left quadriplegic, and 8 died of heart attacks. In short, 30% of those who lost their children also died or suffered fates worse than death.
The studies were not limited to only servicemembers and dependents. One examined how many Americans the CDC claimed died of Covid during the week of March 16, 2022. According to the criminal CDC, 1,292 persons perished from Covid that week. A military investigation, however, revealed that 850 of the 1,292 died within 10 days of getting a first or second booster shot. In all, the CDC claims that 1.05m Americans have died of Covid. The military attributes 90.3 percent of fatalities to vaccines, not the sickness.
Major Gen. Richard E. Angle and Col. J.D. Keirsey brought these studies to Gen. Berger’s attention at last week’s meeting.
“Trump to this day touts Warp Speed as one his greatest accomplishments,” Gen. Angle told Gen. Berger, “even as people are still lining up left and right to get jabbed in the arm. And the latest batch of boosters haven’t even been tested on humans. Trump has boasted about getting boosted, while the vaccines kill people every day. This must stop. He must abandon his prideful stance and come clean with America. If not, how can we support him?”
“Trump’s base is fractured,” Col. Keirsey chimed in, citing an informal military poll suggesting that 30% of MAGA that voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 would not vote for him in 2024 owing to his refusing to admit he’d been tricked into supporting Warp Speed. “Our polls show most MAGA would forgive Trump if he admits he got duped, made a mistake, one he’d not make again. If he humbles himself, says that Fauci, Birx, Hahn, and Azar craftily fooled him, we, and MAGA, can forgive him. If he won’t, he’s damaged goods.”
Gen. Berger, who has been a feverish advocate of Donald Trump, reminded his council that the U.S. military was not a democracy, but said he would bring the matter to Trump’s attention.
The military aside, many media pundits and allies of President Trump have called on him to renounce Warp Speed. These people include Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan, as well as a few senators and states’ governors. Media personality Alex Jones has made fiery videos calling for Trump’s apology, and, according to Mar-a-Lago sources, Stephen K. Bannon has encouraged Trump to confess he’d been played “like a fiddle.”
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