公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


国際主義は民主主義を上回るのが常識 国民国家を潰しにかかるソロス

2018-02-16 23:29:10 | ジョージ・ソロスのワンワールド
You could hardly make this up. American-Hungarian billionaire George Soros is openly funneling money into overturning the Brexit referendum result.

He's even declaring the aim to crash the British government and trigger a new referendum that he hopes will result in a new vote for Britain to remain part of the European Union. That's tantamount to regime change.

Yet somehow, this foreign entity is not accused of "meddling" in British democracy. Oh not, that accusation is solely reserved for Russia which has been wildly vilified for trying to subvert British, European and American elections — on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

Recall British premier Theresa May's shrill speech delivered at a City of London banquet at the end of last year in which she provocatively asserted that Russia was "sowing division" and eroding Britain's democracy.



ジョージ・ソロス(George Soros、1930年8月12日 - )年齢が合わない。fakeです。
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