これがレーニンの敗戦革命論そのものであることは言うまでもないでしょう。(朝香 茂木 リベラルの正体)
「第二に、私たちは一緒になって-あなた方は、この前、オバマ大統領の政権でそれをやった-アメリカ政治の歴史の中で最も広範で包括的な有権者詐欺組織を一緒に作ったと思う、という状況にある。大統領がやろうとしているのは、投票が集計されない、集計できない、異議を申し立てる、などとほのめかして人々の投票意欲をそごうとすることです。もし多くの人が投票すれば、システムを圧倒することになります。今、何が起きているか分かるでしょう 私同様、皆さんもご存知でしょう 期日前投票の長い長い行列を見てください 何百万人もの人々がすでに投票を済ませたのです"
言葉 プロレタリアートはバーダーのプロレテールから生まれた
フランツ・クサファー・フォン・バーダー(Franz Xaver von Baader, 1765年3月23日 - 1841年5月23日)は、ドイツの哲学者、カトリック神学者。
経歴 編集
これがヘーゲル左派であったマルクスの天才的発見=天才的詭弁である。この詭弁もシェリングに学んだものだ。マルクスによれば分析された自分に乗り移る状態が正当化される。出典は 《悪とは諸原理の積極的な転倒もしくは逆転に基づくもの》というシェリングの悪の研究『悪の起源について』(1792年) が根拠だ。
脳が寄生虫に支配されているとなれば反則技で負けを押し付けられたトランプ支持者の恨み以上の統合理念が国民と共にできる目的、ワシントンD.C.の滌除(洗い除くこと、担保設定解除による債権者の排除)が必要です。アメリカ国民の選択肢、現代アメリカ版の『何をなすべきか』、私には再・建国 アメリカ人のためのアメリカの再発明 しか無いように思います。
The show must go on.
The show must go on.
繰り返します。穢れたものは自滅します。次から次へとトランプの口座を凍結する銀行も問題ですが、暴動主張根拠を与える特権を持つビックテックも大問題です。彼らは現代に蘇るリンチ擁護団体新型Ku Klux Klanでしょう。ビックテックの中でもTwitter Facebook Amazon Googleらです。プラットホーマーを保護している230条が、事業実態が出版社と販売業者の伝統的な区別に対応していないにもかかわらず自己検閲の自由を与えています。強烈な言論統制です。日本のマスコミの報道しない自由も同じです。日本人の多くはこの出来事の本質を理解していませんし、1月6日も誤解したままです。NHKはいまだに天安門広場では死人は出なかったと言っていました。日本人は一度日本の外から見て目覚める必要があるんです。
The left has a characteristic of political strategy that conservatives do not have. This is the "external infusion theory" that Lenin started talking about. This is the major difference between conservatives and those who are native to traditional societies. In other words, they are aliens from outside the nation-state. They do not care if the place where they live collapses. Rather, it is the leftists who worship the god of destruction. Don't underestimate the god of destruction inherent in communism. This is the weakness of the democratic conservative movement against Leninism.
As you can see if you do some research, Lenin did not reach political prominence until after the First Revolution of 1905. At that time, Russia was more of a moderate country, where workers created unions and changed from within the labor and agriculture sectors (although moderate, it was still life-threatening politics in Russia at that time). Even the most radical ideas were limited to union autonomy and communism.
Lenin clearly believed that the revolutionary consciousness of the proletariat does not come from within the workers and peasants, but requires a strategy of stirring up the national consciousness under the direction of the revolutionary leaders who were abroad at the time.
As I mentioned yesterday, I see the leftist movement in the U.S. today as following the same structure and process.
The revolution starts the moment the act of destroying the national order is legalized. When an environment of non-arrest (revolving door prisons) is created, the left will expand its rupture. This is what happens in the US today when communism is allowed to take hold and free expression is allowed to break down.
Historically, it was Nicholas II and Witte who allowed the revolution to take root by issuing the October Rescript, declaring the Eshel, Bolsheviks and other radicals constitutional (there was no constitution yet, but the Rescript was the first constitution of Russia).
This is the equivalent of the Supreme Court's small error of judicial decision that the right of BLM and Antifa to commit unlawful acts of vandalism in modern America coexists with freedom of expression, and the exemption of police officers from serious injury in highway blockade cases.
As Shinohara Joichiro said, the Biden gang is an equivalent of the Kerensky cabinet during the Russian Revolution. They will be overthrown from within once again. At that time, there was World War I, so Kerensky was overthrown by the anti-war movement. If we have another Russian Revolution in the US, the CPC will play the role of Germany this time. If the Biden gang makes a back-door promise to the CPC that they will not counterattack with a nuclear attack, then the arrangements are already in place to create a major national disaster from both the Canadian and Mexican borders.
There is no legal way to impeach Trump after he leaves office, it's just a lynching. It is an example to the outsiders represented by Trump. Conscientious Americans will be laughed at from two directions, domestically and internationally. The domestic laughingstock is DS.
Washington, D.C., is a parasitic city with a revolutionary ecosystem built in that no matter how evil or despicable the act, murder, kidnapping, silencing, destruction of evidence, bribery, drugs, extortion, election fraud, child prostitution, or obscenity, the DS will not be arrested.
If the brain is controlled by parasites, it is necessary to remove Washington D.C. from the public's mind, a goal that can be achieved together with the people by a unified philosophy that is more than just the resentment of Trump supporters who were forced to lose by foul play. It seems to me that the only option for the American people, the modern American version of "what to do", is to re-found the country and reinvent America for the American people.
The show must go on. What is unclean will die of its own accord. This is an ancient Japanese ethical concept. The injustice and corruption in Congress/the judiciary/the executive branch is extreme, even in the eyes of an American.
That is why I see attorney Lynn Wood as a modern day Martin Luther. I sense in his words a strong will to defend God-given America, where DS is the Catholic Pope selling the atonement. Lynn Wood is also being lynched right now. And from her alma mater.
The show must go on.
I repeat. The unholy will destroy themselves. The banks that freeze one Trump account after another are a problem, but Big Tech, which has the privilege of giving the riot claim grounds, is also a big problem. They are the new Ku Klux Klan, the lynching advocates of our time. Among the big techs are Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google. Section 230, which protects platformers, gives them the freedom to self-censor, even though their business practices do not correspond to the traditional distinction between publishers and distributors. This is a strong control of speech.
The same goes for the freedom not to report in the Japanese media. Many Japanese do not understand the true nature of the event and continue to misunderstand the events of January 6, when NHK still claimed that there were no deaths in Tiananmen Square. The Japanese people need to wake up and see things from outside of Japan.
Attorney Sidney Powell may not have released the Kraken, but she and MyPillow founder Mike Lindell are preparing to flood future elections with unlimited amounts of money to support their political agendas after announcing the founding of a new super PAC, Restore the Republic.
Powell, a lawyer for former national security adviser Michael Flynn and gained national attention for filing a number of unsubstantiated lawsuits alleging widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, including typo-riddled lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan, said the PAC "will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech and the sacred right of free and fair elections," according to the Washington Times.
"Today we are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC, which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections," Powell said on the PAC's website.
弁護士のシドニー・パウエルはクラーケンを解放していないかもしれないが、彼女とマイピローの創設者マイク・リンデルは、新しいスーパーPAC「Restore the Republic」の設立を発表した後、自分たちの政治的アジェンダをサポートするために無限の金額の資金を将来の選挙に氾濫させる準備をしている。
"今日、我々はRestore the Republic PACの結成を発表できることを誇りに思います。このPACは、我々の憲法上の権利、言論の自由、自由で公正な選挙の神聖な権利のために精力的に戦う候補者を支援することに専念します。"とパウエル氏はPACのウェブサイト上で述べています。
"Americans are fed up with the corruption in government and the elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt," the website continues. "The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news."
"アメリカ人は、政府の腐敗と、彼らを見下し、軽蔑して見ているエリート主義の政治家階級にうんざりしている "とウェブサイトは続ける。"アメリカの人々は、政党の利己主義、テクノロジーの巨人の支配、フェイクニュースの嘘を暴き、拒否する声をあげるに値する。"
The website lists Lindell and Joe Flynn as co-founders.
Lindell became an unexpected fixture in the White House after promoting unproven cures for the coronavirus and voicing his support for Trump and voter fraud allegations, even meeting with Trump in the waning days of his presidency. He has been served a cease-and-desist letter from Dominion Voting Systems for his "prominent leader of the ongoing misinformation campaign" against Dominion. Lindell has not complied with the letter and said he would welcome a lawsuit.
Several retailers have stopped carrying Lindell's products as a result of his involvement in the election fraud claims.
"The PAC will promote candidates who fight for truth and the Rule of Law, and we will strenuously oppose any candidate who discards the Constitution for his own short term or political gain — regardless of her party," Powell said in her announcement of the PAC on the social media platform Telegram.
Powell was suspended from Twitter in connection with the QAnon online conspiracy theory as part of a widespread social media crackdown on extremist content, according to Twitter, after the Jan. 6 attack on Capitol Hill that left five dead.
On its website, Restore the Republic continued the theme of baseless voter fraud allegations, claiming that "eighty million people were just disenfranchised" by the inauguration of President Biden. The PAC also issued a rebuke of both political parties, saying that "Democrats abandoned their base and the Republicans betrayed theirs."
The Washington Examiner reached out to Restore the Republic for further comment.
"PACは真実と法の支配のために戦う候補者を推進し、私たちは、自分の短期的な利益や政治的利益のために憲法を捨てる候補者には、政党に関係なく、断固として反対する "とパウエル氏は、ソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム「テレグラム」でのPACの発表の中で述べている。
Restore the Republicはウェブサイト上で、根拠のない有権者不正疑惑のテーマを続け、バイデン大統領の就任によって「8,000万人が選挙権を剥奪された」と主張している。PACはまた、「民主党は自分たちの基地を捨て、共和党は自分たちの基地を裏切った」と両政党を非難した。
ワシントン・エグザミナー紙は、さらなるコメントを求めて、Restore the Republicに連絡を取った。