また、「アメリカを再び偉大にする」ために、我々国民を説得し、アメリカ第一主義に向かわせるために、全力を尽くしてくれると信じている。もしWe The Peopleがそうすれば、We The Peopleはアメリカを救うでしょう。
トランプ大統領は、We The Peopleが私たちを導くために彼を選んだので、私たちの大統領である。
LIN 🙏❤️🇺🇸。
Joe Biden 大統領は、金曜日に連邦最高裁が中絶の憲法上の権利を覆す決定を下したことについて、アメリカの女性が自らの運命をコントロールすることを否定する「悲しい日」であると述べた。
中絶の権利を保護した1973年の画期的なロー対ウェイド判決を覆すことで、"はっきり言っておくが、この国の女性の健康と生命は今や危険にさらされている "と述べたのである。
ジョー・バイデンにはプロチョイス殺人ができなくなって最悪の日 今日は生を祝福する日です。5人の最高裁判事が今日、ローを覆し、憲法を支持するために強く立ち向かいました。これで各州は、生まれてもいない人間の尊い命に、再び法の保護を与えることができるようになった。アメリカ人は嘆くだろうし、私もそう思う。
President Joe Biden said the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Friday to overturn the constitutional right to abortion was a "sad day" that will deny women in America control of their own destiny.
"It's a sad day for the court and the country," Biden said in a White House speech.
By overturning the 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade decision that protected abortion rights, he said, "let's be very clear, the health and life of women in this nation are now at risk."
President Trump's SCOTUS Justices have, in the last 24 hours, protected the Second Amendment and the RIGHT TO LIFE!
法の支配と生命にとって、素晴らしい一週間、素晴らしい一日です。今回は、ロー対ウェイド裁判を覆すという最高裁の決定についてお話しします。また、憲法修正第2条の下で市民に提供される保護が拡大され、さらにオバマ大統領のIRSスキャンダルが再発しました。その詳細については、ぜひとも聞いていただきたいことがあります。まず最初に、これは主がお作りになった日であり、私たちはそれを喜び、喜ぼう。アメリカの最高裁は、70年代前半の最高裁のロー判決によって突きつけられた国家の悪夢に終止符を打ったのだ。この判決はもうありません......RoeとそのプロジェニであるCaseyが覆されたのです。そこで裁判所は、憲法は中絶を行う権利を与えていないことを明らかにしました。これが意味するのは 州と潜在的に連邦政府が動けるようになったということです すでに動いている州もあります 生まれていない人間を守るために 州が動き出すことができるのです ローが登場する前はそうでした ここ米国では中絶推進体制を命じられました トランプ大統領がこれらの裁判官を任命できたことを神に感謝します。そして、読み方にもよりますが、基本的には5人の最高裁判事が、ロー対ウェイドを完全に覆すことに票を投じました。ロバーツ判事、あるいはロバーツ最高裁判事はそこにいました。ロバーツ判事、あるいはロバーツ最高裁判事は、ローを技術的に覆すのか、それとも覆さないのか、彼の判断がどうだったのかは定かではありませんが、それは重要ではありません。事実は、ローはもう存在しないのです。私は今日、同僚と一緒に最高裁に行き、現場の雰囲気を感じながら写真を撮りました。多くの中絶推進派が抗議していますが、素晴らしいことに、彼らは今、間違った場所にいます。最高裁を標的にした脅迫、威嚇、同盟はうまくいかなかった。そして今、議論は憲法上の共和国において本来あるべき場所、州や適切な場合には議会で、胎児の生命に対する権利という公共の利益をどう守るかについて行われることになるのです。左派は、公共の利益はゼロだと考えています。もちろん、多くのアメリカ人はそれに反対しています。そこで問題なのは、すべての胎児の命を守りたいのか、ということです。ほとんどの胎児の命、一部の胎児の命、それとも全く胎児のいない命?バイデン政権と急進左派の立場はわかったが、事実上、この国のすべての政治家がこの質問に答えなければならなくなる。そして、市民の皆さんは、この議論に影響を与えるチャンスがあるので、自分自身でその質問に答えなければならないでしょう。さて、先ほども申し上げたように、すでにいくつかの州では、ローを元に戻し、命を守るために動いています。そして、今日はアメリカ国民にとって素晴らしい日です。私は将来、休日を設けるべきだと思います。妊娠9カ月間ずっとオンデマンドで中絶を行うという、アメリカにとって恐ろしい汚点が終わったことを祝う日です。現在、多くの州では、市民が自分の胎児やその州に入ってきた人たちを殺すことを許し続けています。ですから、この議論はまだ終わっていません。しかし、少なくとも数百万人の生存権を守り始めることができるようになったのです。私が初めてワシントンDCを訪れたのは この街で行われたプロライフ・マーチのためでした。今朝、妻と私は喜びの涙を流しました。胎児の命がついに法律で守られ、この列強体制の終焉により、何百万もの人々が救われる可能性があるのです。この50年間、胎児の命を守り、保護し、絶望的な状況にある妊産婦が命を選択できるよう闘ってきた生命保護活動家たちのことを考えてみてください。今、その機会は奇跡的な方法であふれていました。そして、私は、正義の味方であるアリト裁判官に送らなければなりません。今日のヒーローを挙げましょう。アリト裁判官、トーマス裁判官、ゴーサッチ裁判官、キャバノー裁判官、バレット裁判官、彼らは、これらの脅威に直面して堅く立ち、ロー対ウェイドを覆すために、リークした意見を述べます。意見書の草稿は大体ここにあります。拡大されていますが、数えると213ページの意見書だと思います。 草稿があり、多数派の意見があり、トーマス判事とロバーツ判事、あるいはキャバノー判事と3人の同意があり、そしてもちろん、クリントンやオバマが任命した判事、ブライヤー、ソトマイヤー、ケイガンによる動揺しない中絶賛成意見がありますが、事実は、ローは終わったということなのです。そして、重要な部分を読ませていただきますが、私たちの声明を読ませていただくと、ほら、あちこちに出てくるでしょう。私は興奮していますし、幸せです。でも、やるべきことに集中しましょう。そして、このすべてを文脈の中に位置づけましょう。
さて、Judicial Watchは、私たちの姿勢としてプロライフを掲げています。私たちはハーバライフの分野で優れた業績を上げ、U46に関する情報を暴露してきました。クリントン政権が隠そうとしていた、U46の安全性やその他の問題点に関する情報を暴露しました。皆さんの税金で行われている胎児臓器売買の恐ろしさを暴露しました。生命保護活動家の憲法修正第一条の権利に対する攻撃も暴露してきました。そこでジュディシャン・ウォッチは、ご存知のように、法廷に協力的な友人として法廷準備書面を提出しました。そして、私たちの重要なポイントの1つである、ロー法に基づく自由法廷には、各州の中絶法を覆す権限はないということに同意しました。私は、一市民として、この意見を読むことをお勧めします。アリート判事の手腕は見事です。 そして、ロー・コートのひどい腐敗を見れば、これが反腐敗の決定であると私が言った意味がわかるでしょう。法の支配を回復するものです。憲法を守るものです。もちろん、私たちは、法律の下で利用できるツールを使って、例えば、私たちが見てきた中絶推進の惨状を暴露し、人身売買を行い、すべての人間の生命に対する権利をより良く守り、拡大する方法を模索し続けます。そして、この事件におけるジュディシャル・ウォッチの役割についてですが、私はジュディシャル・ウォッチのおかげでこのような判決が得られたと申し上げたいのです。説明しましょう。
ジュディシャル・ウォッチは、アメリカの歴史上、最も重要な非政府組織による独立調査を始めました。それはベンガジの調査でした。手短に言えば、その調査によって、ジュディシャル・ウォッチはヒラリー・クリントンの秘密メールと、そのメールに関連するヒラリー・クリントンの妨害、汚職、犯罪を明らかにしたのである。大統領選挙中にすべてが明らかになりましたが、私たちはそのように計画したわけではありません。クリントンのメールについて何が起こっているのか、彼らが最終的に、検索していなかったすべてのメールがあることを認める四半期までわかりませんでした。その結果、ヒラリー・クリントンの関与が明らかになり、メール、証拠隠滅、嘘、その全ての隠蔽が明らかになりましたその結果、彼女は大統領になれませんでした。もし彼女が大統領選に出馬していたら、ローを覆す最高裁判事の過半数を確保することはできなかったでしょうから。というわけで、大げさなことは言いたくないのですが。でも事実、ジュディシャル・ウォッチによる汚職捜査は、目先の情報だけでなく、アメリカ国民がそれを聞くことによってもたらされる教育にも影響を及ぼします。荒っぽい正義のようなもので、説明責任があるのです。なぜなら、有権者が、この政治家についてJudicial Watchが見つけたことが気に入らないと言って、どちらかに投票しようとすることがあるからです。それが現実です。私たちは、あなたがどちらかに投票することを確認するために、このようなことをしているのではありません。ただ、それを公表しているだけです。そして、人々は自分自身で結論を出し、ヒラリー・クリントンについても自分自身で結論を出したのです。彼女は大統領ではありませんでした。トランプ大統領が選出され、ゴーサッチ、キャバノー、コミー・バレットを任命し、彼らはロー対ウェイドを覆すための重要な票を提供しました。 だから何百万もの命が、大統領の選択の結果として今救われようとしています トランプ大統領の選択は、彼が汚職捜査とヒラリー・クリントン、ヒラリー・クリントンの電子メールの我々の摘発による結果のために大きく行うことができたものです。そこにあるのです。これが、おそらくメディアが入り込めない、あるいは率直に言って他の多くの人が入り込めない秘密の歴史の1つなんですね。なぜなら、これは長い球技であることを理解していないからです。ある人物を起訴できなかったり、十分に追求できなかったりするのは悔しいことだと思います。それについては100%同意しますし、もちろん、トランプ大統領自身もひどく罵倒されました。トランプ大統領ほど罵倒された大統領は他にいません。そして、もしこのことについて彼と直接話すことができるなら、私は彼に、あなたがひどい虐待を受けてきたことは知っているし、今も虐待を受けていることも知っている、と言うでしょう。しかし、あなたの決断の結果、救われるであろう胎児の命、そしてあなたの命に対するコミットメントを提案させてください。あなたにとって重要なソフトボールであることを望みます。そして、トランプ大統領と彼らを助けたペンス副大統領、これらの正義を法廷に配置した上院議員のためになる何百万人もの同盟国があるからです。マコーネル上院議員、私は最近、彼のファンではありません。しかし、事実、彼はこれらの判事を法廷に送り込んだのです。共和党の議員たちが毅然とした態度で、この判事たちを法廷に送り込んだのです。もちろん、私たちはこのような裁判官を法廷に迎えるよう働きかけました。なぜなら、ジュディシャル・ウォッチは、法廷に立つべき裁判官は、裁判官によって守られるべき憲法を守ることを約束する裁判官だけであり、リベラルな活動家の立場で法廷から立法するような裁判官は必要ない、と考えているからです。だから、私は今日、人生を祝う。皆さんも今週、そして今日、人生を謳歌すべきです。左派は残念ながら、私が言ったように、おそらくここで暴力を振るうでしょう。だから、我々はその中で苦しまなければならないし、法執行機関が適切な行動を取ることを望む。バイデン政権はあまり信用していない。しかし、これはアメリカにとって素晴らしい日であり、私は皆さんがこの問題に対してさらに積極的になることをお勧めします。
A great week a great day for the rule of law and for life. I'll talk about the decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade was another major decision, expanding the protections provided to you to your citizens under the Second Amendment, plus the Obama IRS scandal is back. I've got some details there that you're going to want to listen to. First up is this is the day the Lord has made Let us rejoice and be glad in it. The Supreme Court of the United States has ended the national nightmare thrust upon us by the roe decision of the Supreme Court in the early 70s. The decision is no more it has been overturned roe and its progeny, Casey, as it's been called. So there, the court has found that the Constitution doesn't provide you a right to procure an abortion. And now what that means is that the states and potentially the federal government can now move and some already have states have moved to protect unborn human beings, that states can start to protect the lives of unborn human beings, which is what they did before Roe came in and ordered a pro abortion regime here in the United States and thank God that President Trump was able to appoint these justices. And the decision depending on how you read it, essentially was five Supreme Court justices voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade completely. Justice Roberts or Chief Justice Roberts was out there. It's not clear what his decision would have met whether it was a technical overturning of Roe or not but that doesn't matter. The fact is roe is no more. I was up at the Supreme Court earlier today with my colleagues are taking some pictures getting a feel for the scene.
A lot of pro Abortionists are out there protesting and the wonderful thing is they're now at the wrong place. The threats, the intimidation, the Allies targeted at the Supreme Court didn't work. And now the debate will go to where it's supposed to go in our Constitutional Republic to the states and Congress where appropriate, as to figuring out how to protect the public interest in the right to life of unborn human beings. Now, the left thinks that public interest is zero zilch.
A great week a great day for the rule of law and for life. I'll talk about the decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade was another major decision, expanding the protections provided to you to your citizens under the Second Amendment, plus the Obama IRS scandal is back. I've got some details there that you're going to want to listen to. First up is this is the day the Lord has made Let us rejoice and be glad in it. The Supreme Court of the United States has ended the national nightmare thrust upon us by the roe decision of the Supreme Court in the early 70s. The decision is no more it has been overturned roe and its progeny, Casey, as it's been called. So there, the court has found that the Constitution doesn't provide you a right to procure an abortion. And now what that means is that the states and potentially the federal government can now move and some already have states have moved to protect unborn human beings, that states can start to protect the lives of unborn human beings, which is what they did before Roe came in and ordered a pro abortion regime here in the United States and thank God that President Trump was able to appoint these justices. And the decision depending on how you read it, essentially was five Supreme Court justices voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade completely. Justice Roberts or Chief Justice Roberts was out there. It's not clear what his decision would have met whether it was a technical overturning of Roe or not but that doesn't matter. The fact is roe is no more. I was up at the Supreme Court earlier today with my colleagues are taking some pictures getting a feel for the scene. A lot of pro Abortionists are out there protesting and the wonderful thing is they're now at the wrong place. The threats, the intimidation, the Allies targeted at the Supreme Court didn't work. And now the debate will go to where it's supposed to go in our Constitutional Republic to the states and Congress where appropriate, as to figuring out how to protect the public interest in the right to life of unborn human beings. Now, the left thinks that public interest is zero zilch. And, of course, many Americans disagree with that. So the question is, do you want to protect the lives of all unborn human beings? The lives of most unborn human beings, the lives of some unborn human beings, or the lives of no unborn human beings? Now we know where the Biden administration stands on that and, and the radical leftist, but now virtually every politician in the land will have to answer that question. And you hear citizen will have to answer that question for yourself because you will have a chance to influence this debate. Now, as I said, some states already moved to undo roe and protect lives. And what a great day this is for the American people and I think there should be a holiday in the future. Where we celebrate the end of this terrible stain on America, which was abortion on demand throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Now, many states will continue to allow their citizens to kill their unborn offspring and others who come into that state. So you know, this debate is not over. But now we can at least begin to defend the right to life the millions so you know what I was, I was a little kid I came down and we're here with my parents. My first visits to Washington DC. Were for pro life marches here in town. And I tell you, my wife and I were crying this morning tears of joy, that these unborn human beings finally will be protected under law, millions potentially will be saved because of the end of this row regime. And think of all those pro life activists over the last 50 years who have fought to preserve and protect unborn life, to help pregnant mothers who are desperate straits and help them choose life. Now those opportunities were abound in a miraculous ways. And I have to send it to Justice Alito, who with justice, and let's name the heroes of the day, Justice Alito, Justice Thomas, Justice Gorsuch, Justice Cavanaugh, Justice Barrett, they stood fast in the face of As I say these threats and overturn Roe vs. Wade now the leaked opinion. The draft opinion is largely here. It's it's been expanded you can see, I think this is I think it's a 213 page opinion when you count. You have the draft, you have the majority opinion that you've got to concurrences if I recall from Justice Thomas and Justice Roberts, or maybe three with Justice Cavanaugh and then of course, the unhinged pro abortion opinion by the justices appointed by Clinton, and Obama, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, but the fact is, row is row is over. And let me let me just read a key portion of but I'm going to read our statement because, you know, I can be all over the place. I'm excited and happy. But let's focus on what needs to be done. And let's place all of this into context. This is a day to celebrate life. Five Supreme Court justices today stood strong in the support of the Constitution by overturning roe. Now states can again extend the protection of law to the precious lives of unborn human beings. Americans will mourn and I know I do. The 10s of millions of human beings over 60 million lost to abortion. On Demand under the roe regime. But Americans will soon rejoice and I know I will for the millions who will live thanks to roe being thrown into the dustbin of history. A Justice Alito his opinion is one for the ages and simply holds it is time to heed the Constitution. And return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives. And the opinion concludes that procuring an abortion is not a fundamental constitutional right, because such a right has no basis in the Constitutions text or in our nation's history. The decision affirmed Roe was egregious ly wrong and was an abusive exercise of raw judicial power. In many ways. This decision today overturning roe is an anti judicial corruption decision. It is fixed a judicial abuse so as you see today's decision begins to undo rows damage to the nation. You know, simply put abortion and a human life and it's incompatible with a civil or moral society. The lives of unborn human beings must be protected in every state. State should immediately act to protect the lives of unborn human beings and Congress should also move to protect unborn lives at the federal level. For example, Congress should move the stop as we've exposed in the least federal funding for the trafficking of fetal organs harvested from human beings killed by abortion. This heroic decision by the way comes down shortly after Justice Cavanaugh was almost assassinated as a foreseeable result of this President's and his leftist allies despicable intimidation campaign against the Supreme Court to protect the abortion on demand regime. That criminal leak the illegal protests, the threats that didn't work though. Justices Thomas Alito, Gorsuch Cavanaugh and Barrett held firm for the rule of law, and they'll go down in history for their bravery. Americans can expect an escalation though of the terror campaign by pro Abortionists against the justices pro life centers that help pregnant mothers and Catholic and other Christian churches that support the right to life. You know, rather than allowing illegal protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices and paying little attention to the terror campaign to date, the Biden justice department must act to address this crisis now and protect lives and property and state and local law enforcement should also focus on the escalating threats. To pregnancy centers, pro life advocates and churches. Now Judicial Watch is we're pro life in our attitude. We've done some excellent work in the Herbalife area, exposing information about our u 46. That the Clinton administration was trying to hide related to its safety and other issues with it. We have exposed the horrors of fetal organ trafficking pay for with your tax dollars. We've exposed the attacks on the First Amendment rights of pro life protesters. So Judicial Watch, as you may know, filed an amicus brief a friend a cooperative with the with the court. And you know, they agreed with one of our key points is that the freedom court under Roe did not have the authority to overturn the abortion laws of the various states. And I encourage you, as a citizen to read this opinion, I want you to go through and read it. It's brilliant by Justice Alito. And when you see the egregious corruption in the roe court, you'll see what I mean when I say this is an anti corruption decision. It restores the rule of law. It protects the Constitution. And so now we have opportunities, as I said, to protect the right to life, Judicial Watch, of course, we'll continue to use our tool the tools available to us under the law to expose the pro the pro abortion horrors that we've seen, for instance, in order to trafficking, and seek ways to better defend and expand the right to life of all human beings. And let me just say this, about Judicial Watch his role in this case, I would submit to you that we have this decision and large measure thanks to Judicial Watch. Let me explain. Judicial Watch began the most important independent investigation by nongovernmental organization in American history. It was the investigation of Benghazi. Long story short, that investigation led to Judicial Watch uncovering Hillary Clinton's secret emails, and Hillary Clinton's obstruction and corruption and criminality related to those emails. All came to a head during the presidential campaign, we didn't plan it that way. We didn't know what was going on with Clinton's emails until the quarter they finally admitted they had all these emails they hadn't searched. And as a result of those disclosures in those emails, and the evident corruption of Hillary Clinton's involvement, in that email, cover up the destruction of evidence, the lies, all of that the consequence of that was that she didn't win the presidency. Because if she had run the presidency, you would never have had a majority of Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe. So that's I don't want to overstate it. But the fact is, that this these corruption investigations by Judicial Watch have consequences beyond just the immediate information and the education that results from the American people hearing about it. There's accountability, in a rough justice sort of way. Because sometimes voters say I don't like what Judicial Watch found about this politician and I'm going to vote one way versus the other. That's the reality of it. Now, we don't do it to make sure you vote one way versus the other. We just put it out there. And people draw their own conclusions, and they drew their own conclusions about Hillary Clinton. She wasn't president, President Trump was elected and he appointed Gorsuch, Cavanaugh and Comey Barrett, and they provided the key votes to overturn Roe vs. Wade So millions of lives are now going to be saved as a result of the President's choices President Trump's choices that he was able to make in large measure because of the consequences of the corruption investigation and Hillary Clinton's and our uncovering of Hillary Clinton's emails. There you have it. So that's one of the secret histories that the media probably won't get into, or frankly, many other people won't get into. Because they don't understand that this is a long ballgame, folks, and I know it's frustrating not to get certain people prosecuted or pursued adequately. And I agree with you 100% on that, and of course, President Trump himself was terribly abused. No other president has been abused like President Trump. And and if I could talk to him directly about this, I would tell him, I know you've been through terrible abuse and you still are being abused. But let me suggest that the lives of the unborn babies that will be saved as a result of your decision making, and your commitment to life. I hope is significant softballs to you. And because there are millions of allies that will be for because of President Trump and those who've helped them Vice President Pence, the senators who placed these justices on the court. Senator McConnell, I haven't been a fan of him recently. But the fact is, he got these justices on the court. He had these Republicans standing firm to get these justices on the court. And of course, you know, we were out there pushing to get these justices on the court because Judicial Watch believes that the only justices who should be on the court are those who are committed to upholding the Constitution, as it's supposed to be upheld by judges, and not we don't need judges who are going to legislate from the bench on behalf of liberal activist positions. So I celebrate life today. You should celebrate life this week and today as well. The left unfortunately, as I said, is going to probably get some get violent here. So we'll have to suffer through that and hopefully law enforcement will take appropriate action. I don't trust this Biden administration to do much. But this is a great day for America and I encourage you to get even more active on this issue because as I said, lives are at stake.