Judge Makes Huge Ruling in Epstein Litigation and Hands Anonymous 'John Does' Worst News of the Case
Names of some individuals connected to either Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell will be released after a judge on Friday ruled that eight people named “John Doe” in court documents should be identified.
There is one exception. An individual called “John Doe 183″ in court documents will remain anonymous for now, Judge Loretta A. Preska ruled, according to Insider.
Thanks to a Federal Judge, 8 Epstein “John Doe’s” Are About to Be Revealed
by ミッシー・クレイン2022年11月25日
しかし、良いニュースもあります。マンハッタンのある連邦判事が ?エプスタイン?に関する文書を公開するよう判決を下し 市民がアクセスできるようになったのです この文書には、Epsteinの悪夢に参加したとされる8人の「John Does」が記載されていると言われています。
Bizpacreviewによると、マンハッタン連邦判事のLoretta Preskaは金曜日、有罪判決を受けた故Jeffrey Epsteinに関連する数十の文書を公開するよう命じ、彼の未成年者の性的人身売買に関わったとされる8人のJohn Doesの身元を暴露する道を開く可能性があるとのことです。
Fox Newsによると、この文書は2016年に告発者のバージニア・ロバーツ・ジュフレが元エプスタインのハンドラー、共犯者、恋人ギスレーヌ・マックスウェルに対する名誉毀損訴訟で提出されたものだ。弁護士は、文書に名前が記載されている人たちの評判を明らかにし、傷つけることになるとして、この動きに異議を唱えた。
裁判官は、公共の利益が文書に名を連ねる8人の「John Does」のプライバシー権を上回ると判断した。公開される可能性があるのは、John Does 12, 28, 97, 107, 144, 147, 171, 183の8名である。しかし、プレスカは、文書の公開日を定めなかった。
Daily Mailによると、文書に名前が挙がっている人物の1人は、ハイアットホテルズの億万長者で、イリノイ州知事JBプリツカーのいとこであるトム・プリツカー氏である。
John Doe 107も、文書の公開はプライバシーの侵害であるとして、異議を申し立てた。判事はその異議も打ち消した。
Ghislaine Maxwellの元個人秘書であるEmmy TaylorというEpsteinの別の同僚が、文書に名前を連ねています。彼女は、エプスタインとマックスウェルの被害者の虐待に関与していると訴えられています。
I am so sick of it, that I could hurl up my guts at this point. Our founding fathers did not dream of a government like the one we have today, this is the type of crap they had nightmares about. The out-of-control, power-crazed, filthy rich degenerates who’ve made a career out of milking the swamp for all its worth, and covering up for their buddies, who molest and traffic innocent girls are running our country. And it’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s true. And it’s so evil and disgusting.
But there’s a glimmer of good news. One federal judge in Manhattan, of all places, has just ruled that documents pertaining to Septien must be unsealed, so the public can have access. These documents will reportedly list 8 “John Does” who allegedly took part in the Epstein nightmare.
Bizpacreview reported that Manhattan Federal Judge Loretta Preska ordered on Friday that dozens of documents connected to deceased convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein be unsealed, potentially paving the way for the exposure of the identities of eight John Does allegedly involved in his sex trafficking of minors.
The documents were filed in the defamation case against ex-Epstein handler, accomplice, and lover Ghislaine Maxwell by accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre in 2016, according to Fox News. Attorneys objected to the move because it would reveal and harm the reputations of those named in the documents.
The judge ruled that public interest outweighed the privacy rights of the eight “John Does” named in the documents. Those who could possibly be outed are John Does 12, 28, 97, 107, 144, 147, 171, and 183. Preska, however, didn’t set a date for the release of the documents.
One of the people named in the documents is Tom Pritzker, the billionaire executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels and cousin of Illinois governor JB Pritzker, according to the Daily Mail.
When Pritzker’s attorney objected on the grounds that the revelation would harm his client’s reputation, Preska disagreed with his premise, asserting that the documents were already available in other cases and that their contents did not specify malicious actions.
John Doe 107 also filed an objection, claiming that the unsealing of the documents was a violation of their privacy. The judge knocked that objection down as well.
Another associate of Epstein’s named Emmy Taylor, who is a former personal assistant to Ghislaine Maxwell, is named in the documents. She is accused of being involved in the abuse of Epstein and Maxwell’s victims.
I agree with this. I don’t care who is on that list, Republican or Democrat, hero or villain — every single name should be released with zero retractions. We the people have a right to know who in our country participated in this filth, and they should be forever shamed and charged with a crime, as well.
We’ll see if this amounts to anything, or if this is just a small bone that they’re throwing us to keep us quiet.