South Carolina
13 states so far and the list keeps growing!
Rachel Maddow’s head is going to explode 🤯
Rachel Anne Maddow (/ˈmædoʊ/ (About this soundlisten), MAD-oh; born April 1, 1973) is an American television news program host and liberal political commentator.[1][2][3][4] Maddow hosts The Rachel Maddow Show, a nightly television show on MSNBC, and serves as the cable network's special event co-anchor alongside Brian Williams.[5] Her syndicated talk radio program of the same name aired on Air America Radio from 2005 to 2010. Maddow has received multiple Emmy Awards for her broadcasting work and in 2021 received a Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for her book Blowout (2019).
EVERY STATE Should Be Audited – Now a Concerned Citizen in Massachusetts Uncovers Election Discrepancies

以前、マサチューセッツ州の選挙結果に対する懸念をお伝えしました。 このようにして、マサチューセッツ州の上院予備選挙で選挙結果の異常を発見したMITのシバ博士を発見しました。
この読者は、2020年12月の初めに、マーシュフィールドのタウンクラークに、2020年の地方選挙と11月3日の国政選挙の選挙報告書が欲しいと、口頭と個人的に依頼したことを話してくれました。 彼は、2021年の地方選挙に立候補するつもりなので、報告書が欲しいと言いました。
最初に渡されたのは、メモリースティックやサムドライブに読み込まれた、エクセルのような形式のファイルのコピーだった。 しかし、これらのファイルは不完全でした。例えば、地方選挙では1,400人以上の有権者がいたが、報告書には約1,100人の有権者しか記載されていなかった。
その後、さらに要請しても反応がなかったため、読者は長官の選挙部門に電話をかけ、状況を説明しました。その電話から数時間以内に、投票した人の名前のリスト(ただし、実際に投票した人かどうかは不明な場合もあります)のpdfファイルがいくつか添付されたメールを受け取りました。 これらのPDFファイルは6つの管区に分類されているようですが、彼の町には7つの管区があります。そのうちの1つ、第5管区は含まれていませんでした。
読者は、州から地元の町の代表者に宛てた次のような手紙を受け取り、町がすべての情報を入手して要求者に提供することを促しました。 これはまだ行われていません)。
my name is Susan Boyles, I live in Fulton County, Georgia.
Unknown 0:07
I have been a longtime poll manager and I was tasked to come to the Georgia World Congress Center building D, and be an auditor for the absentee ballot.
Unknown 0:20
From the November 3 election.
Unknown 0:23
When we received our first box. It was taped shot with clear packing tape, it had the Secretary of State's seal on the top of having been in a poll manager for one year if there were no signatures on that seal which there should be once a box or manila envelope is sealed, it should have the sealers signature, and an additional signature it should not be anything that's ever done by anyone alone. That seemed rather strange to me that the seal was there but there were no signatures on the seal, indicating COVID close the box, and who had what was the chain of custody on this box who had handled this box prior to my handling it.
Unknown 1:08
So, when we opened the box and put the sale aside, we noticed that there were seven or 800 absentee ballots. Inside, they were segregated into batches of ballots, and they had a most of them had 100 110 in the batch.
Unknown 1:34
Most of the batches showed a great deal of where we came to one batch, however, that just, it really was not only surprising but it was so stark. Having done this for years, I'm very familiar with how the ballots were, how they fold how they feel their general appearance, these ballots appeared as though. The first one had been bubbled in by a person that all of them were replicated, exactly the same. We were further alarmed that in our account 98% of these ballots were for Joseph Arbeit
Unknown 2:20
to or for Donald J Trump, and one was for Joe Jorgensen. That's a very odd count that my coworker agreed with me that there was something very unusual about these ballots. And so what we did was we started looking through that entire stack of 98 for one candidate that seemed that seemed very odd to me every single ballot was absolutely identical, and they appeared to be printed, rather than with some sort of marking device.
Unknown 3:02
And the fact that you know there was a little eclipse in an oval. That was going in exactly the same spot in all these by all these ballots, we didn't see any differentiation, even when it came to the Senate candidates, or when it came to Senator referendums on the back, everything was precisely the same.
Unknown 3:31
I've never seen that before. And for years. Besides that, it just really disturbed me that these ballots did not appear to have been ever used as an absentee ballot. When you request an absentee ballot that ballot comes to you in the mail, you don't receive that ballot as long,
Unknown 3:56
long sheet of white paper with candidates on each side that ballot has already been through the franking process the stamping process in the post office, and so it has already been folded once, and regardless of your delivery method whether you choose the US Post Office, or whether you chose one of those boxes that were outside of libraries or other polling places.
Unknown 4:20
You had to fold that, and there would have been more severe or deeper in these, these ballots and then they weren't there, but there was use to the other ballots, there was differentiation in the bubbling in the candidates and those ballots on this particular batch of this narrow 800 ballots. It was a stark contrast to the other, other ballots that were in there, there was a difference in how they were mobile, and the fact that 98% of them were probably for just for Biden.
Unknown 5:03
That was alarming to us. This is a job that deals with the integrity of each person's vote, and I, I felt like this was compromised with a bias that was so hastily put together. It was taped and the Secretary seal was slapped on there but nobody gets on it and it wasn't even completely slapped on. I can see where somebody might have opened this box.
Unknown 5:33
We were just two auditors at one table, this was just the first box that we were given, and it was rather alarming to me if this happened in our one box. How many other boxes, was this happening to how many other ballot boxes, was this occurring, where else was this happening.
Unknown 5:54
I don't think our box was unique. And this could change things on a massive scale, that is just my opinion. I don't know that as a fact, but I do know what I saw in how hastily this box was put together, how alike, all the used ballots were and how pristine and unalike and uniform. This was in its candidate choice, and how every little bubble was precisely alike.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
不明 0:07
不明 0:20
不明 0:23
不明 1:08
箱を開けて販売品を脇に置くと、7~800枚の不在者票が入っていました。中には、投票用紙のバッチに分けられていて、そのバッチにはほとんどが100 110が入っていました。
不明 1:34
不明 2:20
Unknown 3:02
不明 3:31
Unknown 3:56
Unknown 4:20
Unknown 5:03
不明 5:33
不明 5:54