

Groove making, bandsaw cutting

2009-04-16 17:45:33 | Weblog
Conchita, I will have to go in a few minutes for my dinner,
but I will complete today's by the end of today and make sure
I will uploard it.

What is seen below is a set of chopstics cases from
yesterday's work. Only one of them is good enough for
sale. Actually, the one on the left is the one which is

satisfactory for sale.

Here below, I am attemtping to make smaller versions.

Here below, some more larger versions in the making. These,
plus two sets of chopstics are the end products of today,
apart from usual coating, not shown here.

Today, I will talk a lot about how these pieces are actually
made, and difficulties I am facing, and possible solutions.

Below, I will show you the photos of the machines I need
for making these chopstics cases and will comment on future
operational procedures and how these came about, just today.

Shown below is a typical bandsaw. Set here is a piece of wood
for the case. Can you see that the orientation of the work
piece is almost vetical? That is, seen from your viewing angle.

What I am trying to do here is to cut out a slice of wood
that is not wanted. I am trying to cut along a straight line
from above to below. That may sound simple, but that is

not that easy, as I will be telling you after the dinner.

Here below, a schematic with two components of the
bandsawing in action, all seen from above. A short black
line is the blade, wanting to do in the direction

indicated by a red arrow. Note that these directions are
tangential to the local curvatures. The two big arrows in black
are the directions you might expect your work piece

may best move along. It is not so, no that easy and
simple. Blue arrows are the actual directions in which
you push your work pice. Here is the problem.

If, as in A, your push ditection is at an angle to
the blade direction then the blade will move along
the red arrow. That means you are no longer

cutting aling the straight line you wanted.

On the other hand, if you swing your piece around
so that your push direction is parallell to the
blade direction your intended cut line is maintained.

That is to say, you are cutting along the straight line
you wanted. In reality, you need a series of very subtle
piece swinging.

With dexterity and with this theoretical understanding
you can do just that!

Now, take a look at the milling machine. The idea here is that you
want to make grooves so that the walls on either side
of the groove are equally thin (or thick).

That again, is not simple at all. Up until this afternoon,
the only method I used was to look at the work piece and the
rounded head of the cutting piece in perspective.

However, if you move your hear sideways by even 1 cm,
that will lead to a staggering amount of paralax. Misguided,
and being unaware of this huge paralax you end up with

having one wall too thick and the other wall two thin!

The schematics below are meant to show you how you might
avoid this problem. I discovered it by chance today.

With metals mechanical properties are all isotropic, that is,
you do not need to choose certaindirections in which you
must proceed in making, say, grooves.

With wood, you have grains and you must follow a set of
rules, into which I will not go now. One outcome of
this is that the cutting bit, normally, must traverse

the work piece three times down the length. At the end of
the 3rd run you find that the cutting bit is at the other

end of the starting position. Since it takes a lot of time
to get the bit back to where it started the cutting process
you naturally wish to start the next groove making

process where the cutting bit is currently located.

That means, repositioning of the bit with respect to
the piece width.

The schematics above are shwong you how best you might do
the cutting bit positioning. First you make a small hole
and see how much off-set there is from the two walls.

If you find an off-set, the you correct for it, and then
make another slightly larger hole (or dip) and see if
you have made an improvement.

You then proceed for real groove cutting. With this method
my groove making has made a remarkable improvement.

The last schemetics are about the possibility of making doublets
of the holes you wanted. Normally, you want single holes at
either end of the work piece.

However, your soft iron pegs will not exactly slot
easily into the magnetic counter-holes. you may enlarge
the hole diametre by making extra shallow holes over and above

the existing magnetic holes. Unless you make a policy decision
about how you want these extra space around the magnetic holes
you may end up with doublets as shown in the schematic.

Doublets are ugly and my decision is to go for concentric
larger diam. overlaying holes. Not shown here. Either way,
these extra spaces are meant for easy seperation of the

case lids.

You might have thought that making grooves is easy...
It is not! You need a lot of thinking!

パエ-リャ 262

2009-04-16 17:45:03 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas hoy? Bien? Creo que si!

Ha sido un dia muy caluroso. No tuve que salir
y me quede solo en mi taller durante todo el dia.

Revestimiento continuo, por supuesto,
pero de lo contrario solo se centro
en el proyecto actual.

Me hizo un poco mas chopstics, como se vera.

Mejor tomas agua!

Otro de esos topcazos!

, pero que ayuda!


Eso si!, pero no vale empezar con solo esos!

Hay tres reglas de oro!

Como se hace la ensalada!?

Como se dice "Get lost!"?

Conhi, bastante para hoy, no? Aqui vamos ingles!

They have been pushing the idea seriously!

That is a bit doing it too much!

She was drugged!

I would like a quote on NANINANI


Will you keep my place?, because I am going
to get some trays

To open, press along the dotted lines

Conchita, this should suffice for now. Take care!

Chopstics cases made compact

2009-04-15 17:56:15 | Weblog
Conchita, the first image below showing you some of the
prototypes of my "My chopstics cases".

Baby feeders went mat today.

Above is my meek attempt to find the centre line with my
equi-distance finder (or centre finder) and I did draw
the lines, but the result was only marginally better.

This is because those posing surfaces are not well
defined, that is they are not exactly pararrell at all.
So. starting with the theoretical centre line

does not guarantee you can keep the right trench profile.

Actually, there is a more serious problem. It is the (peg,
eventually magnet and soft iron piece) positioning of
the holes and how I make these holes.

Up until this afternoon I drew my jig lines on the same side
of the pieces. That meant, also, that I relied on these lines
when I made holes. I will talk more about this issue, but

just take a look at the above image. This is showing you that
two belt sanders are operational at the same time. The one
at the left has a grain 40 coarseness and this helps me a lot!

You do not want to spend ages trying to solve uneven distribution
of wall thickness. 40 does help a lot!

Here above, you see two settings and the upper one is wrong!
You should not stick these pieces on top of each other like
this and make a through hole.

This is because, at the end of the day you will have to flick
back one of them and find that your peg will not easily
go through the holes, all due to slight positioning errors.

Today, I found that I should start with the configuration
like B, because no matter how off-set the holes may be,
this arrangement at least ensures that pegs will go right in!

That is all too important as far as the magnets and the soft iron
pieces are concerned, because they will be inserted later.
Wooden pegs are dummys for them during sanding process.

There may be some more minor discoveries, but I am inclined
to think that I have discovered all main operational procedues
for mas-producing chopstics cases.

パエ-リャ 261

2009-04-15 17:55:44 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Soleado alla? Creo que si!

Ha sido un dia calido. La prevision era de lluvia,
pero no la lluvia en absoluto. Yo esperaba que,
debido a que habia llovido mucho durante la ultima noche.

Nada es demasiado tarde, por lo que dice uno de mis amigos
en Londres, y que me hace pensar ... voy a poner
mi taller en una selva de Borneo, y sospecho que

no sera demasiado tarde, ya sea ...

Ahora entonces, vamos para hoy?

las verduras a la plancha

Que tal si mejor lo tomas hecho por ella!?

Aqui ocurre casi lo mismo que los fritos!

en cantidades razonables

El arroz por si no es perjudicial!

Mejor si lo tomas con verduras!

Un exceso de sal hara que tu cuerpo no funcione tan bien!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles, no!?

I hate having to say it....

I cannot see how we can keep up with this pace!

You may come around to the idea that DOUNOKOUNO...

Raise the tempo and keep at it!

You must keep your men going!

Your hair will grow back!

It may be quite a time yet!

Conchita, shall we call it a day? Take care and
enjoy your sun!

Zapping it all...

2009-04-14 19:16:18 | Weblog
You can reverse the articles order by going asscending at the flick of the right button. Go for Across the Miles, right at the start of this series.

There, you may find one's life being shown back and forth in a rather mini-dramatic way... I am unsure, though.

What is life?, I wonder. I am not wiser enough? All I know is that this is for posterity. I will be watching over you from the Moon!

Am I doing the right thing? It makes me think...

wooden chopstics cases, containers

2009-04-14 17:38:46 | Weblog
Conchita, this time I am not going to loose my
article for today! I will keep my title short enough!

Anyway, the first image for today is the hole positioning
jig I made today. The issue here is this. You wnat to make a hole,
but always at the (more or less) same distance from

the end of the pieces you are working with. You do not
want to measure these distances. It is simply too time
consuming and above all inaccurate and not reproducible!

What is seen below is designed to simplify the positioning.

Tale a look at the following schematic. The jig
has two different layers of alminium pieces. These
differing layer heights are desinged to draw two

lines (dotted and in red) and the pointing drill bit
falls halfway between these two lines. Why not a single line?
Yes, I did want a single line drawing jig...

But, things are not that easy in life...

I went to a DIY shop today, as I seem to be doing all the
time! One good outcome is the next photo. The grain 40
sander belt for my smaller machines (I have two of the

same sanders!). The idea is to employ these very
abrasive sanding surfaces to shorten the time for my
sanding operation.

Once roughly sanded, yes, I will switch over to milder
grains, of course.

You can see underneath these belts three pieces of
birch. These will turn into 6 small chopstics cases
as my gifts.

Below here, beech pieces cut into the width I wanted,
all done at the DIY shop. This really makes me think...

The most time consuming operation of my work is to get
these regular pieces, ready for grooving and for other works.

I got all these pieces cut from the starting material and
all I paid was something like JPY 1900.

From these, I will be able to make 20 chopstics cases, each
selling at JPY 2000, say. That is a lot!, and that is a lot
if I can sell them, and if not I will be giving them away as gifts

to my frineds! So, it is not a big deal if I cannot make profits from these.

The next image is not exactly convincing. Darker pieces
are walnut, and the lighter pieces are of today's. Put
in a nutshell, I failed to achieve my objective, of

turing out 40 chopstics cases from the same JPY 2000
materials. Now, the thing is down to 20, but I still
can live with it...

What is wrong is that the depth is too shallow for

Whta is seen next is something that is seriously affecting
my work, groove making.

Suffice to say that I should now aim for making grooves first,
then sand down thicker walls, and then make the holes,
not the other way around!

You know?, these are all operational know-hows,
lerant the hard way, wasting your materials to cost!
I hope that the schematics will be self-explanetory!

Here below, strings of neosium magnets. These do not
look like magnets, but they are all connected end to end!
For one chopstics cases, I need two of these pieces, plus

soft iron counterparts.

At the back of these magnets is seen my favourite,
made from birch, and the smallest of the kind I can make.
Am I becoming a wood artist?

Anyway, I encounter problems to be solved and I endeavour
to find solutions. I take pleasure in these processes, I think.

パエ-リャ 260

2009-04-14 17:38:27 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Mucho sol, o sol demasiado alla?

Ha sido un dia divertido, de verdad.
La prevision era de lluvia, y lo hizo.
Sin embargo, la expectativa era que

iba a ser una lluvia ligera.

Por el contrario, llovia, a veces, como una ducha!
El unico consuelo es que ha sido tibia. Manya-na
se espera que sea aun mas calidos a los 24 grados!

Ahora entonces, vamos?


Te ayudara a estar como antes en un par de semanas!

porque, se lo prometi a mi mama!

Si!, es lo que todo el mundo dice!

pero, no es tan complicado!

asi que te recomendo cargar el frigorifico
con verduras!

con una cucharada de aceite de oliva

Alejate de las frituras!

sin aportar nada mas...

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no!?

I just wonder why I even bothered!

if it makes you feel better

I snatched sleep as and when I could!

if we ever get round to that sort of thing...

How are things in your group?

Conchita, shall we call it a day?
Vaya con Dios, por favor!

パエ-リャ 259

2009-04-13 17:37:58 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? feliz? Creo que si!

Ha sido un dia ocupado. Tuve que tomar mi esposa
a su reunion regular. Luego, fui a una tienda
de bricolaje para comprar una herramienta

que necesito para mi trabajo.

Alla, tambien encontro lo que habia estado buscando.
Lilly bombillas para mi jardin. Compre media docena de ellos
y ellos estan ahora firmemente plantada en mi jardin.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Lo que si es seguro es NANINANI!

Esto a veces demora en actualizar los cambios!


Entra a la pagina y hay un corazon con un signo menos
y apretalo y luego se borra!

Episodio 1 parte 2

Que cosas hay!?

dounokouno, o eso dicen!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

She backed away from it!

You are loving it to death!

some other time!
some other day!

on balance, dounokouno

That was far in the past!

on the face of it!

That is something I never knew!

You are just putting it out of the blue!

OK, Conchita, that should be enough for today.
Take care!

My chopstics containers, baby feeder spoons

2009-04-12 18:09:46 | Weblog
Conchita, my apologies...

I intended to carry 6 images today, but 5 of them were taken
with a much larger size than is allowed for uploading
for the weblogs. I do remember, though, that I did just that

long time ago, and it worked. I have been aware of this
problem, and I only wished to carry only one of them
for an enhanced view. With the rest I simply forgot to switch back

to the normal weblog mode... Apolgies, once again. The reason is
that I wanted to keep my wet sanding procedure for the department
sales opportunity. For that, I wanted a larger format.

What I wanted to show you today was the sanding procedures.
Sanding procedures on the belt sander, how initial sanding
can be best done, and finishing sanding how else...

Anyway, I am not going to resize those for the sake of
this web logging. Suffice to say that coating continued.
Chopstics are being made, and we went out to get some

plants and flowers for our garden. Just a little more
of that is mentioned in Spanish in the paella section.

Chopstics cases, yes, I am now getting more and more dexterious.
Today, I made two more with American red cherry.

It all makes me think. It is no longer that formidable to
fabricate these cases, given that I have more or less
established my operational procedures.

Actually, it is now surprisingly easier to fabricate them.
I am still struggling with the supply end of the starting
pieces, but even with these I should be able to manage.

The basic idea is this. Unlike conventional cases mine
are designed to have skin thin casethickness. That means
starting irregular thickness of the bars does not matter

so much, because I will be sanding them walls, down to skin
thin, anyway. So, I can comfortably start with 10mm +(-) 1mm.
That, in fact, is a piece of cake as far as I am concerned...

So, my gut-feeling is that I will have 11 mm thick board
cut out for me and I will then further cut it into 11 mm
(+/-) 1 mm thickness.

I should be able to absorb the extra cost of having planed
11 mm thick board into the final selling price, I think...