

パエ-リャ 258

2009-04-12 18:09:05 | Weblog
Conchita!, Conchita!, como estas? Estas bien?
Espero que si!

El pronostico actual estuvo equivocado!
Ha hecho un dia agradable con ningun viento.
Salimos a conseguir algunas plantas y las flores

para nuestro jardin. Conseguimos aun algunas plantas
comestibles salvajes en la espalda de manera.
Yo los estare teniendo esta tarde, yo pienso.

Nuestro cuadro de hortalizas esta listo
para la toma de la temporada pronto.

Es realmente una temporada agradable del a-nyo!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

por no entrar dentro la definicion de juguete

Me parace absurdo!

dounokuno2, una vez que dounokouno1!

No!, No me interesa!

Este invierno sera calido y sin lluvias!


Lo descargo, pero no me aparece la pelicula
de descarga!

Dale clic a "Cuenta" arriba del lado derecho!

Selecionas "Favoritos"!

Conchi, bastante para hoy, no?
Aqui, vamos ingles!

A cluttered desk is a sure sign of genious!

He can clock up 14 hours a day!

I have got a fetish about NANINANI!
I am fetish about NANINANI!


The inner "DO" cannnot extend past
the end of the range of the outer "DO"!

dounokouhno, with no two moments alike!


No one questions whether more will occur!

Conchi, enough for today, no?
Vaya con Dios!

My magnetic chopstics cases, American red cidar

2009-04-11 17:48:46 | Weblog
Today's work? It all started with making a jig. This is
because I had decided to go with the idea of making
through holes in the chopstic cases.

Megnets must reside below the surface and the counterpart
soft iron pieces mus stick out. The photo below is showing it

Here below, the small block of wood is the jig I made.

You can see that two pegs are inserted into the through holes.
This arrangement is fantastic. I make these holes very, very carefully, but in the end there are positioning errors.

Positioning errors mean that the casings are not perfectly alligned.
With these pegs already in place it make it a lot easier to sand
down mis-allignment.

All you need to do is to sand the combined piece on the belt sander
so that there is no step left on the overall surface. you can do that easily because the pegs will ensure that sanded down surfaces will
remain when megnets and soft iron pieces are inserted.

With these temporary peg insertion you can also check the thickness
of the casing walls, simply by sticking out one of the pegs
and see how far I must go in terms of sanding.

There is one more thing about this jig arrangement that is
extremely helpful. Because you can see the progress of sanding
by removing one of the pegs you can make sure that walls are

of the same thickness! That is great!

There was one more discovery today about the protrusion and recess

Recessing must be (ideally) done with the jig so that you can
keep an ideal depth of the hole. However, with the protrusion
you do not need to be accurate, as I discovered.

This is because it is ever so easy to sand down an extra height
of the protrusion by another sanding machine, not shown here.

In the schematic above the red refers to metal pieces (magnets
included) and the blue to wooden pegs.

Here above, you can actually see unwanted (eventually) pieces
sticking out. It is ever so easy to remove them!

Here below, unwanted protrusions have been wiped out.
These were coated immediately and are resting in the
coating shed at the moment. I will see how they are

Seen around here, photos of today's chopstics work and an extra
order for an American red cidar saucer from M's.

I do not want turn things, if avoidable, but, yes, if
a customer wants it...

I will have to oblige...

パエ-リャ 257

2009-04-11 17:48:14 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas hoy?

Hoy aqui, ha estado muy tibio. De hecho, en una etapa
habia un annouced de advertencia acerca de
la contaminacion atmosferica fotoquimica.

Las flores salen a plena potencia y yo soy complacido
muy acerca de ellos. Aun gatos parecen estar andando
sin rumbo fijo disfrutar del tiempo encantador!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Ella lo metio en una bolsa y me lo dio!

dounokouno, o ni eso!

Lo que cuenta es NANINANI!

Eso no tendra consecuencias!

Sera una peque-nya sorpresa!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

I felt very inclined to agree!


I rise between 7 and 7:30 and eat a
desultory breakfast!

That is when I look at the papers!

On alternate weeks I share taking the kids to

I just potter around in the garden!

I bought this for a bargain price!

We can put him in the way of achieving it!

Conchita, enough for now? Yes?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

パエ-リャ 256

2009-04-10 17:52:57 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Ha sido muy ventoso hoy, pero tambien muy calido.
Flores vienen en tropel en mi jardin!
Me pregunto que puede estar pasando

en nuestra caba-nya de monta-nya. Voy a ver pronto ...

El viaje al Pacifico Sur, si, he estado pensando en ello.
En cualquier caso me tendre que renovar
mi pasaporte!

Yo no creo que tenga tiempo para organizar
mi viaje y voy a pedir a mi esposa para hacerlo
por mi para que yo pueda ir tan pronto

como regrese de la caba-nya de monta-nya.

Ahora entonces, vamos?

para evitar estas situaciones

Le puedes invitar a cenar!?

Tienes otra opcion!

segun el gusto de la persona

a un destino misterioso!

en cualquier caso

dounokouno, pero algo es algo!

Creo que es bastante para ahora!
Cambiamos a la lengua inglesa!

You are a night person!

in the only elementary way I know...

in the presence of ladies!

all other things that happen in between

You are allowed only as far as the gate!

I will take my chances!

Conchi, that should suffice for now.
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Baby feeders, washing boards, chopstic cases

2009-04-09 18:22:25 | Weblog
Today has been a typical day in that I had to
take my wife by car to her regular gathering.
I di one outing in the afternoon to settle last month's

turnover. It was not too bad. By the way, I will be
away in my mountain cottage for about one month
starting at the end of this month. My logging will

be totally disrupted during that time. I do intend to
introduce an internet connection up there, but then
I will be spending my time only for a maximum of

three months per year. Would it be worth it? Sometimes,
I think I want to be away from everything technological.

Anyway, above, a net set of baby feeders now coated for
penetration. They will be taken to the department store
for display and sale on the spot.

Same goes to these above, and they will go mat as soon
as the rest catches up for matting.

These 6 pairs of chopstics were coated for A, late this afternoon.
I will be fabricating a lot more of these from tommorrow on.

Here above, most of my time today was spent on these.
It does make you think, that is, operational procedures.
Do you make grooves first?

Or, do you make them right at the end of everything?
I will come back to this issue with more details.

What I want you to note at this stage is that there is a lot
of difference between these pairs, widhtwise, that is.

My intention is to make these casings skin thin in walls.
In order to do that, you really need to think hard. It is
not that easy at all! You do it yourself, and you will see WHY!

At A's I was again asked to coat these. I will do it reluctantly,
but I am very much interested in on of them, the one that looks
brownish. This is cherry, and I know from my experience that

once coated this will be looking gorgeous. There are issues,
though, how much should I charge for coating? Coating is
not just one of applying the coating material at all.

You need to sand the surfaces to start with. You then need
a lot of coating material for the surface size of this kind.

However, an overwhelming thought is that it will be a lot
cheaper to do the whole lot right from the beginning. That
is, starting from the same material, same thickness, no

nothing with the material piece. I say this, because I know
that this cherry thing was purchased for JPY 1,000.

I can do something similar for JPY 200!

パエ-リャ 255

2009-04-09 18:21:30 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Estoy seguro de que el tiempo se ha establisado.
Ha sido muy calurosa, sin viento. De hecho,
yo no llevaba mi ropa de trabajo habitual

como yo pensaba que iba a ser demasiado caliente
envuelto en mi atuendo habitual.

Hoy en dia, fui a dos de mis tiendas
con las que he estado tratando.
Me instale cuenta del mes pasado con ellos.
No apuesto un retorno, pero que estaba bien conmigo.

Por cierto, tengo la intencion de ir
a mi cabanya de montanya al final de este mes,
alrededor de un mes, durante el cual

mi tala sera totalmente interrumpido
porque no dispongo de una conexion
a Internet. Tengo la intencion de tener
mente antes, pero ...

Ahora entonces, vamos?


el los primeros tiempos el consumo del cacao
parace haber sido en forma de DAOUNOKOUNO

en forma semiliquida o liquida


DOUNOKOUNO extendiendose poco a poco
hasta llegar al sureste de Mexico

El chocolate solia ser bebida preferida!


Tirarlos a la busura?

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles!

dounokouno, then again, dounokouno2


They are still green with it!

an alternative to DOUNOKOUNO

The exam was 15 minutes away!


I was kicking myself with DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchita, a lot for now? Take care!

Baby feeders, rice spalutas, chopstics

2009-04-08 17:41:40 | Weblog
I did not need to go anywhere today. I did things,
but, somehow I do not feel it...

Coating continued as you can see below. These rice
handling spatulas are coming on nicely. I like them.
In two days time they will go mat, ready for shipping.

Two photos below are really showing you how my day was
spent. Shape forming is something that you might expect
taking up a lot of your time.

It used to.., but no longer. Let me correct myself immediately,
though. Shape forming in my case has been largely concave surface
creation. I am OK with this.

What takes up a lot of time is to create simple pieces of
wood from which things are shaped, either concaved, or
grooved, or whatever you want to do with them...

However, most psychologically time consuming process is
hand sanding near complete pieces.

You may not be able to see much difference between objects
above, which are coating ready, and those below, which must be
hand-sanded for the final stage of perfection.

These pieces above look quite ready for coating, but they are not!
There are rough irregularities on their surgface and you really must
sand them out, obliterate them!

If the number of pieces you are dealing with is small then
you can sit out in the sun as I did today and enjoy the last
moment immediately before coating.

That certainly gives you a joy. After all, you have spent days
before you get to that stage... Hoowever, if you have more than
30 of them, say, the whole thing suddenly becomes tedious.

That may be the way of life..., after all. People do
that sort of things as a matter-of-factly... I just wonder
if I should congratulate myself on this...

Anyway, above showing you one example of operational procudures.

This is in relation to the tip forming of chopstics. I do not want to
go into the details of these schematic inputs. CM refers to
circular motion.

The idea is this. Making the tip of a sharp end of a chopstic
nicely rounded. That may seem simple enough...

There are, however, operational procudures to follow,
so that you come to the same end prodcut quality.
Changing angles of sanding, changing sanding directions,

it is not that easy, that is what I say...

You must also move from one grain number to another.
It is not easy! A piece of good news is that those
8 odd dinosours I delivered to C's have been sold out!

That was only 10 days ago!

パエ-リャ 254

2009-04-08 17:40:20 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estas bien? Creo que si...

Ha estado hoy muy tibio. Se que en un tiempo de mes
sere mucho mas tibio y sere cuando muevo de aqui
a mi casita de la monta-nya para gastar acerca de un mes.

Este a-nyo, yo tendre que construir un extention
a la principal casa para que pueda hacer trabajar
mas grave de madera ahi adentro.

Yo lo aposte tomara el resto de este a-nyo,
haciendo justo eso...

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Creo que fue lo oposito!

Eso depende de el mezcla o no con otros productos!

Lo que se tiene por hecho es DOUNOKOUNO!


El consumo de cacao puede haberse dado 800 a-nyos
antes lo que se creia!

Conchi, bastante, no? Vamos ingles!

We do not have to decide until tommorrow!

I was getting tight!

I thought it was to good to last!

in sign language

It is beginning to pay off!

We had to decide on our next move!

some time towards the end of next month?

I had been drained of energy!

Conchi, bastante para hoy, no? vaya con Dios!

Baby feeders, toast beds, bread beds

2009-04-07 18:08:34 | Weblog
Work for the department continues. The following photo
might be useful at the department store to show the
extent to which I go in ensuring the integrity of

my coating... Anyway, this coating work still
continues. Toast beds have been done and simply
wating for final inspection.

Today's main work has been chopstics, and some
more on baby feeders. My chopstics sell well,
and I do not know why...

Above pieces are the leftovers from making toast beds.
My intention is turn them into chopstics. I do know
the name for this particular material in my onw language,
but I am unsure about it in English, beech? birch?

These, concaved for final stage of completion. Naturally,
I have a lot more than these shown here. That is tormenting me
a lot, given the time I have left before the department business...

Here are some coating ready chopstics and concaved and
hand sanded baby feeders, still a long way to go...

I am no longer exactly sure if all these pieces could
get to the department store at all...

A piece of good news from K's is that my other pieces are selling
OK, mostly chopstics, plus others. I will certainly
try and find some other shops where I can display

my pieces. I want to go for statistical returns, rather
than relyig on particular shops where my goods sell
exceptionall well. I do not need that...

A few thousands in JPY from here and there, that is all I need
to sustain my creative work!

Now, going back to these chopstics seen above, I am amazed...
I have known that this particular wood has been in extensive
use where you need resillience.

I actually can feel that while I am working with this
particular wood. Superb! Just superb! It just simply is
a delight to work with this material.

Not only just that, you do not even need to sand them!
Of course, you machine sand them when forming the profile,
but what I mean is that you do not need hand sanding at all.

And, I happen to love their texture!