

パエ-リャ 253

2009-04-07 18:08:00 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Yo no cargue nada ayer. Tuve una excursion
con mi cunya-da. De todos modos, ha sido un dia
calido de nuevo. La primavera esta aqui

para quedarse y se puede ver a partir de
la foto de abajo.

Pescado?, Si, es un regalo de mi amigo al lado!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

El proximo a-nyo tendria una votacion

si un 70% por ciento lo aprueba


dounokouno, que sera quien tome la decision definitiva

El chocolate proviene del cacao que los antiguos
pueblos no comian, sino que lo fumaban!

como bevida medicinal fortificante

el alimiento que se obtiene
mezclando azucar con NANINANI

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles, no?

cross winds

Air passes around the wing and splits into two
streams, upper and lower

How is mother taking it?

Oh, it is cold for September!

You could not do it any quicker!

They do not waste time!

That is not how I see it!

He dropped me at the station!

Conchita, I think this should suffice for now.
Vaya con Dios!

Baby feeder spoons, toast beds, grooved spatulas

2009-04-05 18:00:27 | Weblog
Conchita, today started with fish. My pal caught them in
the early hours this morning. These are not too large,
nor too small, just the right size for consumption.

La primavera esta aqui, no? Las flores blancas en mi jardin!

Coating work continued, of course. See how nice my
rice spatulas are coming on? They are only at the second stage of
A coating (penetration coating) and yet they are

already looking saturated!

These toast beds are into the second polyurathene
coating by C. This will be the end of theri coating.
What is left to be done is to make them mat.

It is inevitable, because I am not going to
wet sand 49 spikes here! and nobody is going to chew off
their edges!

Hereafter follow baby feeders, with panda and reverse panda
patterns. These are today's physical outputs.

Some of these have been bonded and are drying at the
moment in my bedroom.

I told you that the average bonding time is some three hours.
So, all of these pieces will have been bonded by
tommorrow morning.

I gather that at C's business has not been going on too well.
Just thre pairs of chopstics and one spatula. That is life...
What I should do is to increase the number of shops with which

I can deal. I will do just that, soon...

パエ-リャ 252

2009-04-05 18:00:04 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estas bien? Creo que si!

A pesar de las previsiones de lluvia no.
Se ha caliente, mas caliente que lo esperaba.
Manya-na se espera que este soleado, y me alegro de ello!

Vamos, entonces!

Se adopto un nuevo estandor!

Creo que todo esto crea mucha confusion!


Ella propuso sin exito que DOUNOKOUNO!

y, ella ha vuelto a suscitar el tema!

Ellas estan a favor de suprimirlo!

The whole thing must not be taken seriously!

What people do not realise is that DOUNOKOUNO!

I offered to help push genetic engineering!

Things will move pretty slowly!

It was much closer than 5 years they were suggesting!

Conchita, aqui bastante para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!

Toast beds, toast placers, toast holders

2009-04-04 17:49:15 | Weblog
Conchita, today has not been too good a day...

I found, as I had expected, that sealant particles had
deposited at the bottom of V shaped grooves of
my toast beds. I found white grids!

It took me something like two hours to scrape out these
lines and as a result I could not spend a lot of time
on other things as I had hoped.

Rice handlers were coated OK, and that is
the first image you see here. Killer whales?, pandas?,
whatever you care to call them I like these paterns, for

commerical reasons alone. They simply stand out in shops!

These toast beds were coated with polyurethane C.
Main reason is that they will not be put into mouth
, that is unthinkable...

With spoons and chopstics that will be put into mouth
I will have to be meticulous about coating, coating them
10 times according to my standard.

However, beds are just beds and as long as they are coated
nice and mat, and smooth that would be the main thing, I think.

Here below, I did something I had been wanting to achieve
for such a long time by now for my PC lack, an extra layer
of shelf. At the time of recording today's it is already in use!

In terms of something for the department seen below is
a set of baby feeder spoons, to become pandas (or
killer whales). I intend to make some 35 of these.

They will be topped up by some 10 odd reverse pandas,
as you can guess from the image below. yes, patterns will be

So much so, I never got to experiment with the magnet
insertion (soft iron pieces, either). I have another reason
for not going any further at this moment.

Right now, I am trying to contract out part of my
work to a commercial workshop. I am in a dialogue.
With a few display objects I can do them by myself.

Realistically, I only have one week before all of my
departmental work comes to an end, given the time taken up
by coating and inspection.

I will not be upping any on Monday next week because
I will be out with my friends in the afternoon.

パエ-リャ 251

2009-04-04 17:48:38 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Espero que seas feliz en la primavera mexicana!
Entonces, vamos?

dounokouno, y anyadir a cambio una hora!

Esto tendria importantes repercusiones!

en vez de que dounokouno

de acuerdo con dounokouno

de acuerdo con las oscilaciones de atomos de cesio


Hasta 1972 se hacia con referencia al GMT!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

(It is) rather drippy here!

if you paint is runny

It is rather remarkable that dounokouno!

It will be more like 10 years!

He drew up a list of NANINANI

I was frantically working on NANINANI!

That was my first time with Japanese sake!

Some flights have been held back!

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!

Dinosours going mat, toast beds, accuracy

2009-04-03 17:41:14 | Weblog
Conchi, I think I did a lot today, not perhaps in terms of
the number of pieces I managed to create.

Dinosours went mat today, as seen here.

Toast beds underwent an experiment in that they
got coated with sealing polyurethane, which I purchased
just recently.

After all, toast beds will never ever go into a mouth,
that is why I can omit some procedures here. It seems that
my idea is working.

Here below, nothing unusual, just rice spatulas,
but they are made very, very elaborately. Groove
corners are rounded completely...

They will get coated with A tommorrow.

Here below, an experimental chopstics container.
Magnets and soft iron counterparts are in place,
hidden, of course.

See overall profile? Not rounded at the ends, nor
along the sides. I thin it is cool and I will
stay with this particular design.

Rounding every end and corner will make my life difficult,
as there is not much space left for positioning the magnets
and soft iron pieces.

This difficulty is illustrated by the next schematic here.

The next schematic is an improvement. Square corners
make it all easy for positioning of magnets and soft iron

B here is talking about the hole making and the gaps left over
from boring operation. I did touch on this subject
only yesterday.

It simply is very, very difficult to make holes of the
depth you want. Securing the right amount of gap is a

So, here comes a new idea. How about making through holes
at the ends. That has an added bonus in that hole (magnet and
soft iron) positions are exactly matched.

Here in B, the blue bit is the magnet, and the green a peg
that will push the magnet from behind. That way, positioning
of the magnets will become a lot easier.

By the degree of pressing the peg I will be able to control
the degree (or absence of it) of magnetic protrusion. The
most important thing here is to ensure a minimun gap

between the magnet and the soft iron piece.

One snag here is what I might do with the pegs. There will be
peg ends showing at the ends. Whether this is OK, I am not exactly
sure at the moment. Do I have the right sized pegs? If not,

I will have to make them... Not that difficult, of course,
but ...

Anyway, I will see tommorrow if this idea works. I am
excired about this discovery!

パエ-リャ 250

2009-04-03 17:40:50 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Como te pasa la primavera mexicana? Agradable?

Se ha calido, sin lluvias, sin viento,
solo una ligera dia soleado de primavera.
Y me alegro de ello. Espero que sea la misma manya-na.

Entonces, vamos?


Te gustaras!

Lo ideal es hablar unos 3 minutos!

dounokouno, asi que ya sabes, no?!

No hago otra cosa que aburrirme!

para lo demas ya tienes el resto del a-nyo!

basado en la rotacion de la tierra

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

I think I have done enough for one day!

I do not know what your mum would think!

when your position is rapidly crumbling

for the sake of argument

That makes a hell of a difference!

There is always something going on for kids!

How far beyond that do you intend to go!?

Conchita, I think I have done enough for one day!
Take care and keep in touch!

failure after failure, happy dinosours

2009-04-02 17:41:54 | Weblog
Conchita, today was a bad day, really...
It started off OK, with taking my wife to her
regular by car.

Coating of my toast beds started as you see below.

Even my cheese got coated along with cream applicators.

Dinosours got the very last coating C, ready to go mat,
tommorrow, weather permitting, of course.

A series of trouble started then, when I was trying to
make chopstics cases. My trouble is compouned, perhaps
doubly, and even tripply... All taking up a lot of my time.

What I want to do is to have pieces of wood which have
a square cross-section of 10mm by 10 mm. That is not easy!

Not easy at all! You have to slice them out from a block
of wood, which is already time-consuming. The sticks are
not even perfect and I will have to sand them to near

perfection. That takes up time, too...

Having made grooves, and that is not too diffiuclt
nor time-consuming, but then you will have to
make holes for the magnets and counterpart soft

iron pieces, of certain depth.

Above photo is showing you my first failure. Can you
see that the stick is split at one end. I pulled it
wider after the failure.

The failure was this. I had made the hole of 5 mm diam.
and put some adhesive at the bottom of the cavity, then
tried to push the magnet in.

The magnet would not go in, after a thought, for obvious reasons.
The schematic A should show you why. The cavity is too tight.
That is why...

Adhesive walls made an air-tight volume at the bottom and
that volume resused to accept the magnet to come down!

So, I made the bore at 5.5 mm, actually the diam with B should
read 5.5 mm instead of 5 mm. The additional trouble here was
the presence of the spike as shown in B here.

Another failure as seen above. Main reason is it is difficult
to make a hole of the depth you want no matter how careful
you are in measuring the hole depth setting on the scale.

At this stage, I simply snapped! What I really need is
the right shaped bit, but I do not have it. You may think
it is easy to get hold of one you want, but not that easy at all!

I will try, of course, but I am being pessimistic
from my experience. I am quite knowledgeable about
bits and their diams. and trimmer bits, too.

In exasperation (mis-spelling, I know!) I shifted my
attention to rice spatulas. I will have to make them anyway,
sooner or later for the show.

I hasten to add, though, that I did try and cut out another
piece of block for a return match tommorrow. Ideally,
I will need to mail order sticks to my specification.

I am not exactly sure how costly that might be...
Will I be able to absorb the costs? Unsure...

パエ-リャ 249

2009-04-02 17:41:23 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Todo bien? Creo que si!

Creo que el clima se ha estabilizado ahora.
Habra algunos dias de lluvia por venir,
pero la primavera esta aqui para quedarse sin duda!

Entonces, vamos?

ellos dos solos (ellas dos solas)

con mucho valor y miedo

Esta es de una amigo...

por un par de dias


..., y el habia dejado de ser el chico timido



Tanto a hombres como a mujeres, nos atraen
personas relajadas y seguras de si mismas!

Conchi, bastante para ahora, no?
Vamos ingles aqui!

There is no supposed destination!

I was bubbling with confidence!

Do as best as you can!

She is in a shock!


You cannot make a career out of being just promissing!

You cannot have it off in front of people!

Jnae came down for the weekend!

Life is odd! Do not kid yourself!

How do you feel?

Conchita, this should suffice for now.
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Toast beds, grooving, cheese block

2009-04-01 18:15:30 | Weblog
Today, I am not exactly sure if I did a lot of work.
I must have done, given that I did not need to take
my wife anywhere, except that I made a quicj dash

to my shops.

Anyway, my toast beds are now fully coating ready.
I actually wanted to coat them today, but pre-coating
inspection took a little longer...

Coating with the current lot continued, of course, no
photos here. Here start a series of photos re. chopstics

The thing is this. I have made them before, even with ferrite magnets,
and later with pegs. However, they were all done on a trial basis,
protoytpes, that is. Here, I am trying to do this all from


This image below has a few elements mixed in it.


Following photos and the schematic showing you my
concerns and me exploring the right avenue via looking
at all kinds of possibilities.

Above, exploring the right sanding bits.

Above, off-centred grooves and the rough inner surface,
how to combat these issues.

Above, exploring the right clumping by the vise,
thinking how best to achive firm grip on it.

I am dead serious about this piece of cheese. This will
be holding one of my coffee spoons. Once holing patters are
decided on I will reproduce these ans ell them at the stores.