

Pasta dedicated forks, two tiered

2009-07-15 18:05:44 | Weblog
Conchita, tommorrow's logging will be stopped. My mother
apparently tripped over something and had her arm fluctured
and is currently in a hospital.

I will need to talk to her doctor before further operation
is conducted.

Anyway, I started fabricating what I now call double forks
with a slight change in their stem design. What follows
is showing you what they look like.

Stems are now tapered and get progressively wider towards
the ends. They are still slim enough, though...

The burning question here is, of course, if these
are really usable. I think they are, despite the
fact that forking areas are a little fattish.

This is effectively the first in my experience of
cutting both top and side profiles at the same time
using my bandsaw.

Each one of these can now be turned into those above,
in, I should imagine, 10 minutes time.

I have more in the pipeline and these will have to be
treated with my milling machine. Each groove making
takes something like 10 minutes.

As you can imagine bandsaw cutting produces a lot of
redundant materials, as you see here. It is my
eternal problem and most of these will have to be

turned into pickers, I think...

Some can be made into small spoons, too.

These here are sanding jigs. They are the best sanders
for gap walls left over by the milling machine. You just
stick sand papers on anything that fits the gap width.

You just make them yourself, into differing shapes and
thicknesses. Since they are not used over very large
areas they tend to last a long time,

retaining their abrasiveness.

These are my habaneros. I like having fresh slices with
soy sauce. Very hot, even compared with those Okinawan
cousins, but then I love things hot...

パエ-リャ 298

2009-07-15 18:05:23 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, estamos con el verano en plena marcha
en el momento. Yo deseo de estar en nuestra
caba-nya de monta-nya, tan pronto como sea posible.

Es muy caliente ... de hecho aqui, pero alli
la temperatura sera menor por lo general
5,6 grados en promedio.

Ahora, vamos?

Lo que menos me apetece es DOUNOKOUNO!

Ana empieza a intimar con Carlos!

ellos dos solos

mascotas, mascotos

con mucho calor y miedo

Esta es de una amigo...


El habia dejado de ser el chico timido


Cnochita, aqui vamos ingles, no?

It would be tricky to pack!

I got into this because DOUNOKOUNO!

Let us wait for the weather to clear up!

diagonally across the square

Yoou would have to go it alone!

overhead gantry work

You had a lucky escape!

A patent was granted to him!

Plough up a bit of ground!

Let me tell you something...

Conchita, that should suffice for now.
Take care!

Noodle servers and 5 pronged pasta forks

2009-07-14 17:50:19 | Weblog
Conchita, I now know what the demise of yesterday was.

You have two options in uploading your photos and
one of them is understood to be for any size you want.

Very deceptive, and actually they are now imposing a limit,
and that is about 1 mega bytes. That is why I was not able to
upload my photos.

I am camera dependent on the photo sizes. I just do not have
editing software and I will have to look around for a free
software soon.

Previously, my default setting was just over 1 mega bytes and
that is precisely why my photos were rejected yesterday.

I am not that happy with this sudden change of policy...
on the part of Goo! I have no intention of setting my camera
definition to lower than 1 mega bytes while I am

working at our mountain cottage. That means that all those
I want to upload when I get back here will have to be
reduced in size to fit with the Goo policy. Damn nuisance!

It now appears that they are compensating for the size
reduction by oversized photo frames. I am very much unsure
if this is right...

Anyway, take a look at the two photos.

These are showing you two new pruducts undergoing
initial coatings. One on the right is my "Hiyamugi"
noodle handler, with 4 prongs.

The one on the left is the two tier pasta thing,
with 5 prongs.

Both types are meant for firmly securing those illusive
things called "noodles and pastas". You know that
they always try and escape from your chopstics and forks...

With this pasta device pasta threads will be automatically bent
through the gaps as prongs are off-set from one another. The gaps
are not alighned and that is the nicety about my invention.

With the Hiyamugi noodle handler the whole thing is
meant to be turned so that noodle threads will cling around
the 4 prongs.

The photos below are showing you the status with the
latest lot. In about 3,4 days time they will reach
mat coating stage.

What is happening right now is this.

I will deliver chopstics and Chinese spoons before
I set out for my house constructing work in the

However, I will not be able to finish all of the
coating work with noodle servers and 5 pronged
pasta forks.

In fact, outside these photos I am working on
20 odd pasta forks and I intend to fabricate
a similar number of noodle handlers before I go.

I am inclined to think and want to think that I will be
returning to our mountain cottage on 20th of this month,
to return back here on 30th August just in time for

the election. However, if I still have a lot to do I may
well delay my return to the first week of September.

All this means that I only have 5 days for doing things.

I am panicking, I got to buy my new spectacles, got to buy
my new mobile phone, got to load my car with materials and
machineries, got to settle accounts with a few shops,

got to sort out my garden here against the typhoons,
got to sort out books I take to the cottage and for my
own mother to read in English, got to ensure that those

glass panes can be safely carried in my car and I need
special materials for protection, do I not?

I also have to send out longish mails from my PC
re those I need sorted out before departure.

I am so busy now that I do not even know whether I am
coming or going...

パエ-リャ 297

2009-07-14 17:49:46 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y comoe estas? Ya tienes
todo preparado para la cena?

Aqui, nuestra Agencia Meteological finalmente declaro
que la temporada de lluvias de este a-nyo ha llegado
a su fin. Que es una buena noticia.

Sin embargo, no importa que tan pronto quiero volver
a nuestra caba-nya de monta-nya que tengo algo mas
trabajo que hacer.

Es mucho me atormentan en este momento ...

Ahora entonces, vamos?

Todo lo que digas puede volverse en tu contra!


No puedo cambiar la hora ni tan siquiera anularla!

espero que sea convincente!

de hecho

por suerte

Creo que sera lo mejor!


Ana lo acaba de dejar con su pareja despues
de 6 a-nyos!

Conchita, porque no vamos ingles aqui?

I wonder what they are thinking about!

He is still very much in contention!

Just battle your way through the crowd!

You would be blown to bits and pieces!

We are getting things under control!

It has been coming that way for some time!


Unless my memory is telling me wrong I think DOUNOKOUNO!

As the sun comesover the horizon

Never drink by yourself!

Conchita, is that it for now? Take care!


2009-07-13 17:09:48 | Weblog
Conchita, I am aborting today's because at Goo they
are still messing around with picture uploading.

I do exactly what I do everyday and I do not get anywhere
to show my photos.

Basically, I made two experimental pieces for "Hiyamugi"
noodles handling and one of them got coated immediately
as I am anxious that it is OK.

I also produced a jig for two tier forks so that I can always
cut out the shame side profiles. All of these photos
cannot be carried.

I hope that at Goo they will get this right by tommorrow

パエ-リャ 296

2009-07-13 17:09:06 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

No teniamos lluvia en absoluto hoy. Tengo cuidado
no mas para las previsiones metereologicas.

A mi mente la estacion de lluvias por este a-nyo
ha terminado. La unica pregunta es cuando exactamente
puede ser que pueda salir para nuestra caba-nya

de la mont-nya.

Mi conjetura es que es alrededor del 20 de julio…

Entonces, vamos aqui?

deciendome que al siguiente me podria buscar otro

La verdad es que funciono!

a lo bomba de humo ninja!


No quiero irme tan rapido que nadie se de cuenta
siquiera de que he asistido!

Cual es el comportamiento ideal!?

No estoy solo ahi fuera!

Mas escuchar y menos hablar!

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles, no?

OK, out with it!

I walk looking behind me!

They have pointed ears!

and you dare say DOUNOKOUNO!?

It is all yours now!


You cannot speak in a foreign language
without being involved (or, immersed) in it!

Wind was swiirling round in the trees!

He slipped down to 2 over!

Conchita, I think this is enough for now.
Vaya con Dios!

In search for niche markets

2009-07-12 17:44:50 | Weblog
Conchita, I could not come up with anything new today.

Coating continued and I had to go to K's to deliver
a few items. The following photo just before they
got coated yet again.

In the morning I had to take my wife
to her in-law's nursery and the coastal road was

absolutely caotic! My instinctive thinking today was
that I should get on with the newly found Chinese
spoons before I attempt to do anything fancy.

You see them below and they will be coated for the first time
tommorrow morning, type A polyurethane.

In terms of anything remotely resembling work related
to the two tier forks I can only show you the photo below.

This small piece in the middle of the photo is bent.
It is meant to be a groove jig for the side profile.
Actually, I should do a little more than this.

Anyway, I will be working on the two tier forks for
most of tommorrow, apart from additional coatings.

The following schematic may give you a better understanding
of my next projects.

Essentially, I want to create spagetthi junctions around
my forks and forks equivalents. Here above, A relates to
my tow tier forks. Upper tier pincers' position

relative to the gaps downstairs is all too important.
The pasta will have to bend around the pincers so that
they do not come off easily.

Blue lines are pastas, entangled.

Now, B refers to something else. Japanese "Hiyamugi (or)
Somen" noodles are pretty much illusive when handled
by chopstics.

I need to do something about it and the same principle
applies here. Bending of the noodles by off-set pincers
from one another.

Unlike pasta forks these will be a lot easier to fabricate,
but they will not reach my shops during this season...

Perhaps, much thicker Japanese noodles? They are OK,
are they not? I of course stand to be challenged, but
I do not seem to have had handling problems.

パエ-リャ 295

2009-07-12 17:44:16 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas? Ya tienes
todo preparado para la cena? Creo que si!

No creo que estamos teniendo una temporada de
lluvias este a-nyo en todo!

No la lluvia de hoy. Me temo que, por supuesto,
vamos a tener una lluvia torrencial muy pronto.
Sin embargo, yo solo espero que el clima continue como esta!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

La conversacion me pasaba por encima!

Yo no me enteraba de nada!

asi que me tire toda la cena callado1

Lejos de agradecer que fuera yo el que DOUNOKOUNO!

Me preste a darlo todo!

siendo un hombre

como el dia que DOUNOOKOUNO (in the past)

Si habia que hablar yo hablaba!

No se me ocurrio otra cosa que decir DOUNOKOUNO!

la gente que ni siquiera trabaja!

al a-nyo siguiente

por sorpresa

Conchita, desde aqui vamos ingles

I am not very keen on advertising it!

I cannot express it any other way!

It is generally cooler than of late!

I am always going on about it1

I do not know what constitutes abnormal!

I was looking down the road for you!

You should be laze around today!

She pulled her coat tighter about her

Conchita, I think we leave it all there for now.
Take care!

Two tier forks increasingly likely to be made

2009-07-11 17:45:21 | Weblog
Conchita, today I made a staggering discovery and had one
complete surprise. I am most pleased about them.

First for today is the ones I completed and they were
immediately coated. They are lunch box chopstics, but
there are kitchen utility ones out of sight.

Today's surprise is seen below. I had been forgeting about
these shorter Chinese spoons. They simply emerged when I was
looking for something else. There were 21 of them and what you

are looking at is not all that there are. About 10 of them have
been made into coating ready status. I am very pleased about this.

They are in great demand at shops I am dealing with.

However, today's discovery is really about my renewed attempt
at the two tier pasta forks. I made a mess out of it, as you
might just about be able to see below.

In trying to get some decent shape out of the grooved
fork I effectively destroyed it, around the peripheral.

However, that is not important at all.

Actually, today's discovery may be two-fold, if you
come to think about it.

It is like this. If you want a two tier-fork you must
start out from fairly thick material and I am talking about
the side profile.

Today's was just feeling around for hints and I just
cut out the side profile with my bandsaw, without
thinking too much about it.

It was an instinctive action, as the material was thick
enough to warrant bandsaw cutting. Normally, I use my
disk sander to get a rough side profile.

That is all after the top profile has been cut out
by the same bandsaw. Spoons are made that way, so are
all others with similar profiles.

Not only just that, I also cut out the top profile!
This was made possible because the area I was going to
use my milling machine for still retained enough paralell

reference surfaces for had griping on the vise. How
just amazing this was! It makes my life all too easy!

All that is not the end of the story for today. My discovery
might even be three-fold, as you see with above schematic.

In order to create a space between two tiers you want to cut
along the line in red. Now, with non-computerised milling
machine this is extremely difficult.

It involves controling both X and Y directions simultaneously.

Therefore, a temptation is there for going jigsaw. The biggest
problem is the thickness that needs to be cut.

However, if you make grooves in advance as you see with B,
jigsaw cutting becomes a lot easier. All this is just procedural
matter, but I was very pleased about this mini discovery.

I should have known that, of course...

Incidentally, the damaged fork has 6 groovesm and that is
crazy, because it means that there are 8 pincers! You do not need
as many as 8 of them!

My earlier conclusion was that I only needed 5 and that will make
my life a lot easier, too!

The actual damaged fork is just twoo wide! It should be less
in width and that will be a bonus! My jigswa cutting will be
a lot faster, even without groove making, I think.

However, more than just that my current intention is to
make the whole profile a lot slimmer.

Can you see what I am getting at from A and B above?

Just take a look at today's experimental piece.
That, to my mind, is too much bulky and material can be
slimmed down in the areas pointed at by the arrows.

パエ-リャ 294

2009-07-11 17:44:34 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Que no sea la lluvia de hoy. Ahora estoy empezando
a pensar que la temporada de lluvias para este a-nyo
es quizas mas o menos terminado.

Por lo tanto, quiero volver a nuestra caba-nya de monta-nya,
pero la enorme carga de los compromisos aqui es mi tormento.

Es poco probable que se regresan a la villa antes
del 19 de este mes, creo. Vamos?

si sale bien

Te vas a arrepentir todo el a-nyo!

Se lo bebio de un tiron!

Siempre que intento dar consejos

Que es lo que he hecho mal!?

para que podrias hacer justo lo contrario!

Me aburri como una ostra!

Ahora aqui, ingles no?

It is not much of a problem!

Keep it under lock and key!

Only, this is French!

We must keep it in our minds that DOUNOKOUNO!

The most objectionable thing is DOUNOKONO!

Nothing has come out of it!

How does all this tie up with DOUNOKOUNO!?

There was a mix-up!

It will be invalid (or void)!

Conchita, shall we call it a day? Take care and
vaya con Dios!