ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

Network theory.(Service)

2019年02月23日 13時24分59秒 | Light Night Buddhism(光と闇と仏法)
2014年02月20日 23時17分47秒 | 学術研究
Network theory.(Service)
With a network of a person and a person?
Person's sense (5 sources),Spirit, consciousness (heart) and rhythm.Those are identical.That's called a network.
1) that it's same.
* It isn't always same.
* It isn't always different.
* When being necessary, it's same.
* When being unnecessary, it isn't same.
2) a sense is same.
When the heart as which I think of people felt people's anguish (the pain).
When people anguished and received (the pain), and I was required.
My sense is same for me to share anguish (the pain).
3) spirit is same.
When Spirit of me and people is the same time.
For people to achieve the spirit, people understand knowledge (phenomenon of all things in nature of a matter) right and share information on substance).And wisdom (the ability to recognize a matter right in conformity with truth and judge) springs for people.And people think. (The way to make the spirit real is produced.).And people get the behavior which achieves that.
4) consciousness is same.
Consciousness between the related things influences each other.The behavior feels the effects of consciousness.But the host has strong will (consciousness).
5) about a relation between a subject of a network (I: Server) and a nation (client).
(1) when oneself are nation and nation, both, one is a subject.
(2) at me and nation.
When nation feel me with a subject, I'm a subject.
When a nation feel a nation a subject by themselves, and I feel people a subject, too, a nation is a subject.
(3) when they're I and I, both, I myself am a subject.
※ The meaning of the subject is the center of the network.In other words, that indicates "the spot at which a sense concentrates, the spot where spirit is sent and the spot where rhythm is sent".
6) rhythm is same.
Rhythm is taken for a heart by behavior.The 2 aren't different rhythm.My rhythm and rhythm of my nation are saying that I'm agreeing with my rhythm gradually.

In other words, a network is something to say so.I and you admit a subject (foreign factor and internal factor) dynamically each other by the relation which isn't visible.

You're warned. Gravity of the power between the athletes by a relation doesn't have an influence on a play in a sport.



4)意識の一致 リレーション関係にあるものどうしの意識は影響しあう。行動は、意識の作用を受ける。しかし、主体の方が強い意志(意識)を持つ。





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