ひろひろの生活日記(LIFE Of HIROHIRO)

パソコン講習とソフト開発をしています。自作小説も掲載しています。ネット情報発信基地(上野博隆)Hirotaka Ueno

0007悪王あって法華経を失わば身命 0007Aku Ō a tte hokekyō o ushinawaba shinmyō

2020年09月03日 12時57分04秒 | 法華経の一説〔解)

0007悪王あって法華経を失わば身命 0007Aku Ō a tte hokekyō o ushinawaba shinmyō


(Reading romaji)
Aku Ō a tte hokekyō o ushinawaba shinmyō (shin myō) o horobosutomo zui (shitaga)ubekarazu.

(Literal translation)

If there is an evil king and let the country lose the Sutra,

Don't follow the evil king even if you die of your life.


1) What kind of person is the evil king?

※瞋恚(しんに):怒り ・ 憎しみ ・怨(うら)みなどの 憎悪 の 感情 。
(1) Do not follow the Ten Good Commandments.
kill. stolen. Dishonest love. Delusion. Strange act. Abuse. contradiction. Avarice. Anger. The grumble.
* "Shinni": Feelings of hatred such as anger, hatred, and grudge.

(2) Fall into desire. (You fall into bad knowledge.)
Bad knowledge is Money greed, Power greed, Crown greed, Jewelry greed, Profitist, Is principle.

(3) Self-protection. Keep power.
・The person uses power, tells lies, and protects power even when depriving the authority of a person.Harm human rights.

(4) In the "former low", a thief will always appear. It was the time of the maturity of "Numu_Myo_Ho_Rengekyo".
・Once you recite, you are not a believer. It is necessary to understand the contents of "Numu_Myo_Ho_Rengekyo" and it is important to carry out it. Those who abuse (use) faith always fall into hell and the plating comes off.

2) "Losing the Sutra of Hokke" means.

(1) Do not simply read sutras. Do not chant. You do not thank Buddha or God. Lose faith.

(2) A person who loses the importance of life. Someone who does not have fair and impartial judgment.

(3) Make the Hokkei Sutra wanderer lost. Lost the performer of "Numu_Myo_Ho_Rengekyo".

(4) Make you lose the power to fight. Take in power. Take advantage of your interests.

(5) What is Hokke Sutra? What is "Numu_Myo_Ho_Rengekyo"?
・The best way. It is the heart of the King of the Three Stages. Make it disappear. "Loving more people" "Supporting and guiding others" "Directing desire to great goodness"

3) What is "disappearing your life"? What is the spirit of determination?

・The property is robbed. You are out of work. Death crime.

・Don't doubt the sutras of "Fast-mature Buddha's body". Buddha's actions.

・At "First law", I will explain that "a good body that matures quickly" will become a good body and mind.

・It is the spirit of deciding to devote to the Hokke Sutra even if the life is lost.

・"Destroy" and then "get".

4) What is "not to obey"? Who is saying
"Sutra", Buddha, and saint. That is the action of the Buddha.It is humanism.

End of commentary.

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