


2021-07-07 | 政治



「「表現の不自由展」再開? 電話攻撃への対策は十分か」

Two years ago, this blog was all about the "Lack-of-Freedom-of-Expression Exhibit" problem. The exhibition, part of the international art festival "Aichi Triennale 2019", was forced to be closed due to the protest of the right wing. This summer, the brunt of the attack is also being directed to new exhibitions of the works of the 2019 exhibition. ( Asahi Shimbun 2021-7-6 (paid site in Japanese))
In Tokyo, at the stage of the announcement of the event, six sound trucks and dozens of people shouted loudly in the surrounding residential area, and the owner of the venue was forced to withdraw its use. Right wing campaign also came to another venue even before the place was announced, and its permission of use was withdrawn because it would cause trouble to the neighborhood. There are dozens of emails to the effect that the members of the executive committee would be in danger.
In Osaka, there were about 70 protest emails and phone calls at the venue owned by the prefecture, and there was also a campaign by sound trucks, so the approval for use was revoked because it was "extremely difficult to ensure safety."
In Nagoya, the exhibition is scheduled to be held at a facility of the city. The opponents plans an exhibition called "Trikaenahare" to be held in a room just opposite the "Lack-of-Freedom" exhibition. This is different from the intimidating campaigns, but a past exhibition by the same group, Governor of Aichi pointed out, clearly falls under "hate." So its content should be watched. (The balance between hate and freedom of speech was dealt with in a past article (Japanese).)
As was the case two years ago, the right-wingers successfully forced the exhibition to be canceled by intimidation both in Tokyo and Osaka. And again, there are voices that endorse the suppression of speech as "free speech." Hirofumi Yoshimura, Governor of Osaka Prefecture, said, "The activities of people who are uncomfortable with the exhibition are also free."
However, "freedom of speech" does not include the freedom to block the speech of others (a past article (Japanese)). In the above-quoted newspaper article, a scholar stated the same point: "Of course, there is freedom to criticize the work, but it is indispensable for "freedom of speech" that the subject of criticism remains on the same ground. Intimidating related people so that they "cannot speak up" is a "violence" that goes beyond the limits of criticism and protest, and is not legally allowed."

So far, it's the same as what I wrote time and time again two years ago.
But this year, we just witnessed the suppression of speech in Hong Kong. And even in Japan, the parliament has been disregarded. Recently, when a law that leaves room for the government to expand its applicability was steamrolled through the diet, I wrote that we could not look on the situation in Hong Kong with indifference (a past article (Japanese)). The intimidating attack on the "Lack-of-Freedom Exhibit" makes us even more worried about freedom of speech in Japan, where one can force anything to be cancelled by simply making a loud sound with campaign trucks to cause "inconvenience" to people around.

Of course, there is still a difference that it is not a crackdown by the authorities as in Hong Kong. Two years ago, the mayor of Nagoya said things as if instigating a campaign against the "Lack-of-Freedom Exhibit" (after that, he was involved in the recall movement of the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, which did not reach the number required even though a huge number of forged signatures were planted ( Asahi Shimbun 2021-6-30 (paid site in Japanese))). Still, those now directly involved in the attack against the "Lack-of-Freedom Exhibit", do not appear to belong to the public authority.
However, in Japan, even if the government does not act by itself, people tend to do as others do by express or implicit peer pressure. In the case of corona virus infection, such a peer pressure is counted as one reason that the spread of infection has been held relatively low without strong measures as in Europe and the United States. (There have been even cases in which policing volunteers went too far.)
Even if the public authority does not openly organize an attack, a voluntary attack to the government's liking is no different from suppression of speech by the government.

Related links (2019):
"Citizens of Aichi, Japan Demand the Reinstatement of the Aichi Triennale 2019 "Lack-of-Freedom-of-Expression Exhibit: Part II""

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