No, no, no non crederle,
non gettare nel vento
in un solo momento
quel che esiste fra noi
No,no, no, no, ascoltami
tu per lei sei un giocattolo
il capriccio di un attimo
e per me sei la vita
Tout m´entraine,irresistiblement vers toi comme avant
Tout m´enchaine irresistiblement a toi je le sens.
Comme le jour revient après la nuit
Et le soleil toujours après la pluie
Comme un oiseau qui revient vers son nid
Vers mon amour je vais aussi
A goddess on a mountain top
Was Burning like a silver flame
A summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name.
↓はショッキング・ブルーの『ヴィーナス』 YOUTUBEより
”Never Marry A Railroadman” Shocking Blue
Have you been broken-hearted once or twice
If it's yes how did you feel at his first lies
If it's no you need this good advice
Never marry a Railroad man
He loves you every now and then
His heart is at his new train. No, no , no
When you're weary,feeling small,
When tears are in your eyes,I will dry them all.
I'm on your side.
When times get rough and friends just can't be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water,I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water,I will lay me down.