「きりたんぽの日」 秋田県鹿角市の「かづのきりたんぽ倶楽部」が制定。「1111」が、囲炉裏で焼いている4本のきりたんぽに見えることから…。
The food looks great!
Wow, it sure smells good!
You must have spent a lot of time to prepare these!
I haven't had this good food for a long time!
The food was so good!
I need/want the recipe.
You are a great cook!
Thank you for such a great meal!
May I personally thank the cook for such great dishes?
I really enjoyed the meal!
Thank God, it was so good!
03時 6℃
06時 5℃
09時 9℃
12時 14℃
15時 12℃
18時 10℃
21時 9℃
(和田耕三郎 [「OUS」第21号(2009年)])