


2018-07-31 | 資料






Vaccine. 2017 Sep 25;35(40):5314-5322. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.06.069.




Inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended in any stage of pregnancy, but evidence of safety in early pregnancy is limited, including for vaccines containing A/H1N1pdm2009 (pH1N1) antigen. We sought to determine if receipt of vaccine containing pH1N1 was associated with spontaneous abortion (SAB).


We conducted a case-control study over two influenza seasons (2010–11, 2011–12) in the Vaccine Safety Datalink. Cases had SAB and controls had live births or stillbirths and were matched on site, date of last menstrual period, and age. Of 919 potential cases identified using diagnosis codes, 485 were eligible and confirmed by medical record review. Exposure was defined as vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine before the SAB date; the primary exposure window was the 1–28 days before the SAB.


The overall adjusted odds ratio (aOR) was 2.0 (95% CI, 1.1–3.6) for vaccine receipt in the 28-day exposure window; there was no association in other exposure windows. In season-specific analyses, the aOR in the 1–28 days was 3.7 (95% CI 1.4–9.4) in 2010–11 and 1.4 (95% CI 0.6–3.3) in 2011–12. The association was modified by influenza vaccination in the prior season (post hoc analysis). Among women who received pH1N1-containing vaccine in the previous influenza season, the aOR in the 1–28 days was 7.7 (95% CI 2.2–27.3); the aOR was 1.3 (95% CI 0.7–2.7) among women not vaccinated in the previous season. This effect modification was observed in each season.


SAB was associated with influenza vaccination in the preceding 28 days. The association was significant only among women vaccinated in the previous influenza season with pH1N1-containing vaccine. This study does not and cannot establish a causal relationship between repeated influenza vaccination and SAB, but further research is warranted.


2018-07-30 | 資料



HepB-CpG contains yeast-derived recombinant HepB surface antigen (HBsAg) and is prepared by combining purified HBsAg with small synthetic immunostimulatory cytidine-phosphate-guanosine oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG-ODN) motifs (1018 adjuvant). The 1018 adjuvant binds to Toll-like receptor 9 to stimulate a directed immune response to HBsAg (1).




Heplisav-B (HepB-CpG)の名前で出ています。


ご教示ください このマウスの特殊性とは?

2018-07-30 | 資料

以下は、BMC Neuroscience201213:45 にある NF-κB p50ノックアウトマウスについての記載です。






Two month-old NF-κB p50 male knockout mice (B6;129P2-Nfkb1tm1Bal/J) (p50 −/−) and the recommended male controls (B6129PF2/J) (p50 +/+) were purchased from Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). Targeted disruption of the NF-κB p50 subunit has been described in detail previously [24]. The p50−/− mice were homozygous for the deletion of the NF-κB p50 subunit, rendering them incapable of producing the p50 protein. Mice homozygous for the Nfkb1tm1Bal targeted mutation are viable and fertile. Homozygous mutant mice exhibit defective B cell responses, defective responses to infection, and also defects in basal and specific antibody production. Mice were maintained on a 12 hour light/12 hour dark cycle at room temperature (22°C) in the pathogen-free animal facility at the St. Boniface Research Centre. Mice were tested at 4 months of age. The University of Manitoba Animal Care and Use Committee approved all procedures, which conformed to the Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals, published by the Canadian Council for Animal Care.




2018-07-28 | 資料







AChR α3 陽性の自己免疫性脳炎のケース 54歳男性

2018-07-27 | 論文





Objective: We seek to characterize the clinical symptoms and describe the treatment paradigm of a rare case of autoimmune encephalitis secondary to neuronal ganglionic acetylcholine receptor autoimmunity.

Background: Autoimmune encephalopathy can be used to describe a range of neuropsychiatric disorders in which autoantibodies are directed against central nervous system targets. While nicotinic ganglionic acetylcholine receptor autoimmunity has been commonly reported in dysautonomia and peripheral neuropathy, this type of autoimmunity has rarely been shown to cause encephalopathy. Currently, there is limited data regarding the cognitive and behavioral changes which occur in this syndrome, and the efficacy of immunomodulatory therapy.

Design/Methods: A case report.

Results: A 54 year-old previously healthy, right-handed male presented to clinic for evaluation of one year of cognitive impairment which was simultaneous with the onset of severe eczema. He reported weekly cognitive fluctuations and brief involuntary jerks. Symptoms involved difficulty with executive function, working memory, word finding, and calculations; there were no symptoms suggestive of dysautonomia. Cognitive exam revealed poor orientation, impaired comprehension and repetition, dysfunction of working memory and response inhibition, phonemic errors, paucity of functional words, ideomotor apraxia, acalculia, apraxic agraphia, and right-left confusion. Serologies indicated a high antibody titer to alpha-3 neuronal ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibodies. MRI showed nonspecific T2 lesions. During IVIG treatment, jerking movements ceased and symptoms rapidly improved, particularly in language and short-term memory. His EEG, which was consistent with metabolic encephalopathy pretreatment, normalized after his IVIG course.

Conclusions: Encephalopathy associated with neuronal ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibodies has been rarely reported, and tends to occur with dysautonomia and peripheral neuropathy. In this case, we describe the spectrum of cognitive findings our patient presented with along with his clinical and electrographic improvement following treatment with IVIG.

サーバリックス後の自己免疫性脳炎 日本 17歳 AChR α3陽性

2018-07-27 | エイズの嘘



17歳 女性



Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): Decreased blood flow. Intradermal nerve density: 21.3. Ganglionic AChR antibody: Alpha 3, positive; beta 4, positive. Antiganglioside antibody: IgM GM1, positive two plus. Spinal fluid GluR: Not performed. Other antibody: PR3-ANCA, positive. DPB1*0501: Positive.

サーバリックス後の自己免疫性脳炎 日本 19歳 AChR α3陽性

2018-07-27 | サーバリックス症例


19歳 女性



Single-photon emission computer tomography (SPECT): Decreased blood flow, Intradermal nerve density: Not performed, Ganglionic AChR antibody: Alpha 3, positive; beta 4, negative, Antiganglioside antibody: Negative, Spinal fluid GluR: Not performed, Other antibody: Not performed, DPB1 0501: Positive

サーバリックス後の自己免疫性脳炎 日本 16歳 AChR β4陽性

2018-07-27 | サーバリックス症例






Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): Decreased blood flow; Intradermal nerve density: 4.8; Ganglionic AChR antibody: Alpha 3, negative; beta 4, positive; Antiganglioside antibody: Negative; Spinal fluid GluR: Not performed; Other antibody: Not performed; DPB1*0501: Positive

サーバリックス後の自己免疫性脳炎 日本 16歳 AChR α3陽性

2018-07-27 | サーバリックス症例


16歳 女性



Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): Decreased blood flow; Intradermal nerve density: 13.5; Ganglionic AChR antibody: Alpha 3, positive; beta 4, negative; Antiganglioside antibody: Negative; Spinal fluid GluR: Not performed; Other antibody: Not performed; DPB1*0501: Positive.

サーバリックス後の自己免疫性脳炎 日本 16歳 AChR α3陽性

2018-07-27 | サーバリックス症例





Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): In 123 I-IMP SPECT, decreased blood flow was noted with laterality in its distribution and in multiple regions including cerebral cortex and basal nucleus. Intradermal nerve density: 9.5; Ganglionic AChR antibody: Alpha 3, positive; beta 4, negative; Antiganglioside antibody: IgM GM3, positive; Spinal fluid GluR: Positive; Other antibody: Not performed; DPB1*0501: Negative.

抗NMDA受容体脳炎 アメリカ 2016年 11歳男子

2018-07-27 | ガーダシル症例


11歳 男性

2016年10月20日 ガーダシル9接種






Vaccinated: 2016-10-20
Onset: 2016-12-12
   Days after vaccination: 53
Submitted: 0000-00-00
Entered: 2017-12-12
Vaccin­ation / Manu­facturer Lot / Dose Site / Route
HPV9: HPV (GARDASIL 9) / MERCK & CO. INC. M023169 / 2 LA / IM

Write-up: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, also known as NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis, is an acute form of brain inflammation. It is caused by an immune system attack, primarily targeting the NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor (N-methyl D-aspartate receptor). Experienced headaches, virus like symptoms for weeks prior to disease onset. Then presented with a variety of neurologic symptoms. These symptoms include agitation, psychosis, violent behavior, seizures, bizarre movements (mostly of the lips and mouth), uncontrollable motions to the legs, tachycardia (heart rate 160-180), and dysautonomia. While hospitalized, experienced catatonic state, impaired cognition, memory deficits, and speech problems (including aphasia and mutism). Required intensive inpatient rehabilitation (OT, PT, AND SPEECH). Medications: IVIG (Immunoglobulin therapy), RITUXIMAB, PREDNISONE, CHOLECALCIFEROL, LACOSAMIDE, LORAZEPAM, MELATONIN, OMEPRAZOLE, TRIMETHOPRIM-SULFAMETHOXAZOLE. HOSPITALIZATION: Hospital ? January 27 ? March 14, another Hospital Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation ? March 14 ? March 28, Hospital Outpatient Day Program ? March 29 ? April 14.


抗NMDA受容体脳炎 アメリカ 2008年

2018-07-27 | ガーダシル症例


 13歳 女性 コロラド州




2ヵ月入院 医師から再発の可能性があると言われてた

Vaccinated: 2008-08-08
Onset: 2008-09-01
   Days after vaccination: 24
Submitted: 2009-03-05
   Days after onset: 185
Entered: 2009-03-06
   Days after submission: 1
Vaccin­ation / Manu­facturer Lot / Dose Site / Route

Diagnostic Lab Data: Unknown LABS: EEG abnormal. MRI WNL. Repeat LP done 10/3: wbc 42(H), protein & glucose (N), c/s neg. Initial CSF: WBC 142(H), RBC 5, neutros 2, lymphs 92, monos 6, glucose 54, protein 34, c/s neg. CBC: WBC 6900, neutros 62, bands 1, lymphs 27, monos 10. CMP. Urine drug screen neg. CRP & ESR WNL. EBV IgM 1.161(H)

Write-up: Information has been received from a physician concerning a female patient who in July or August of 2008, was vaccinated with her second dose of GARDASIL. In September 2008, the patient had NMDA antibody receptor and encephalitis. Drug treatment was required. The patient presented at the emergency room and was hospitalized for 2 months. At the time of reporting the patient was recovering from the NMDA antibody receptor encephalitis. The patient was told that she could have recurring episodes. It was unknown if there would be significant disability. Additional information has been requested. 4/24/09 Received hospital medical records of 9/29-11/25/2008. FINAL DX: NMDA receptor positive encephalopathy; delerium; g-tube placement; left brachiocephalic IVC clot associated w/PICC line placement; antiphospholipid antibodies. Records reveal patient symptoms noted in outlying ER in addition to aggression began approx 5 days prior. Course waxed & waned w/intermittent decreased alertness & delerium, decreased O2 sats & was in/out of PICU. Tx w/IVIG x 5 days, steroids, IV antibiotics/antivirals, plasmaphersis x 4 days, antineoplastics, feeding tube placement & anticoagulants. Neuro, Rheum & Psych consult done. Slowly improved & d/c to home w/PCP, Thrombophilia, Rheum, REhab & surgery clinic appts. 4/7/09 Received hospital medical records of 9/27-9/29/2008. FINAL DX: probable encephalitis Records reveal patient experienced acute confusion, mental status change, repetitive garbled speech then aphasia, excitable. In hospital had alternating periods of quiescence & agitation, speech garbled, perseverating, neologisms & frequently aphasic. ID & Neuro consults done. Transferred to higher level of care.


子宮頸がんワクチン後の自己免疫性脳炎 日本のケース

2018-07-27 | サーバリックス症例





