If vaccines are safe why did the UK recall their polio vaccine?
The UK recalled the Evans/Medeva Oral Polio Vaccine in October, 2000. This vaccine has never been licensed for use in the US. The Medicines Control Agency (MCA) had requested and received assurances from drug companies that they were implementing guidance not to use UK-sourced bovine materials in the manufacture of injectable medicinal products. The recall was prompted by evidence that the Evans/Medeva vaccine was manufactured using fetal calf serum from the UK at a time when there was a risk of BSE in that country. This is in contravention of European Union guidelines. According to a statement from the Chief Medical Officer at the UK Dept. of Health (10.20.00) the company had assured the MCA of the UK that UK-sourced bovine materials were not used in the manufacture of the vaccine. However, these assurances were inaccurate, thus the vaccine was withdrawn.
What was the concern in the Republic of Ireland about polio vaccine and vCJD?
In December, 2000 the Irish Government issued a statement indicating that an oral polio vaccine distributed in 1998 and 1999 in Ireland had been manufactured using human serum albumin from a pool of donors, one of whom had since been diagnosed with vCJD. Evans/Medeva manufactured this oral polio vaccine. This vaccine is not licensed for use in the US.