


2016-08-31 | 資料







Dr. Rebecca Chandler 10 hours ago

There is an emerging field within vaccinology called adversomics which acknowledges the fact that adverse reactions after vaccinations may be genetically determined.  The last author of many of the papers in this field is none other than Gregory Poland, the editor of the journal Vaccine.




We have evidence of precisely this in a very recent example:  narcolepsy and Pandemrix, one of the pandemic influenza vaccines, in which it was discovered that children with a specific HLA type (DQB1*06:02) elicited a different level of immune response, including autoantibodies which reacted against cells in the CNS responsible for the production of hypocretin.



There is a suggestion that a similar mechanism is at work in patients who have reported symptoms of dysautonomia after HPV vaccination.  There have recently been several girls throughout the world who have tested positive for autoantibodies to the beta 2 adrenergic receptors and the muscarinic 2 receptors and could share a similar HLA type.  Letters and reports of this have recently appeared in the scientific literature.


No, there is no current proof that these cases of dysautonomia were caused by the HPV vaccine.  However, those of us who work in pharmacovigilance see that these syndromes have been reported more commonly after HPV vaccination than after other vaccines or medications (such as oral contraceptive pills) that are commonly taken in this demographic. 


Yes, it is only a hypothesis concerning a potential causal association at the current time.  However, our current methodology of safety surveillance relies on both health care providers and patients reporting their suspicions to their regulatory authorities and it is our duty to investigate them.  Decisions must then be made to if there is need to further investigate these claims. 


The reporting of a similar pattern of symptoms and concerns for dysautonomia have now arisen from a number of geographically distinct locations (the US, Japan, Denmark, Mexico, and Italy).  Such observations from different physicians in different locations are considered in the Bradford Hill criteria for causality as "consistency".  Such an observation of consistency tends to argue against local reporting bias and could be considered to argue for a growing need to further investigate these reports in a properly designed study.


None of the large safety studies which have been done for HPV vaccines have looked specifically for the outcomes of CRPS or POTS or other forms of dysautonomia.  Therefore, using them as references to "debunk" these concerns is simply not possible.  Furthermore, syndromes which fall under the umbrella of dysautonomia are largely under-recognised and remain undiagnosed.  Therefore, these studies are clearly a challenge.


The future of vaccine safety lies in furthering our understanding of how genetics determines different immune responses and how we might be able to predict which persons will have adverse reactions after vaccination. 


Smallpox was eradicated not by vaccinating everyone but rather with a ring vaccination strategy.  Identification of those at risk for adverse reactions and adaption of vaccination strategies are possible. 


Sustained or even an increased public confidence in vaccines and public health authorities depend on our advancement of vaccine safety science. 



2016-08-31 | 資料



yeast で検索すると、製造工程で yeast が使用されたワクチンがわかります。



casamino acid は、牛乳由来のアミノ酸、ペプチドを含むもので、これが入っているワクチンは、牛乳アレルギーの子は避ける方が賢明だということです。

cervarix にこの  casamino acid が入っていたと読んだ記憶があるのですが、どなたか覚えていらっしゃいませんか?



2016-08-30 | 資料

前回と前々回のエントリーの論文の著者であるHendrickson先生のコメントが、あの悪名高きNatureのLarsonによるコラムにありました。このコメント欄に、日本のRyo Konnoという人が、変なコメントしているあのコラムです。





Jeanne Hendrickson 2015-12-05 12:52 PM

Some patients with diseases/symptoms that have been associated with the HPV vaccine (POTS, CRPS, CFS/ME, and gastrointestinal dysmotility) have laboratory evidence of autoimmunity. Implicated autoantibodies include those against nicotinic acetylcholine ganglionic receptors and surface binding neuronal receptors (such as those against G-protein coupled receptors including alpha adrenergic, beta adrenergic, and muscarinic receptors). In the US, Athena Diagnostics and the Mayo Medical Laboratories offer nicotinic acetylcholine ganglionic receptor autoantibody testing as part of their paraneoplastic or dysautonomia panels, respectively. Testing for alpha adrenergic, beta adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor autoantibodies is not readily available in the US, though an ELISA with recombinant G-protein coupled receptors expressed in CHO cells (Celltrend GmbH) is under development. Autoimmunity is not a psychogenic illness and I urge physicians caring for patients with these diseases/symptoms and parents of affected children to discuss whether testing for these autoantibodies may be warranted.


2016-08-30 | 論文


J Clin Apher. 2016 Aug;31(4):368-74. doi: 10.1002/jca.21407. Epub 2015 May 23.

Complex regional pain syndrome and dysautonomia in a 14-year-old girl responsive to therapeutic plasma exchange.


Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, also known as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), has recently been shown to be associated with autoantibodies against β2-adrenergic and muscarinic M2 receptors. In addition to pain and sudomotor/vasomotor symptoms, dysautonomia is also observed in a subset of CRPS patients. Despite its severity, there are few effective therapies for CRPS described to date. We report a case of a 14-year-old girl with CRPS of her right leg and dysautonomia (gastroparesis, postural tachycardia) refractory to multiple therapies, successfully treated with therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) with albumin replacement. The patient, who has serum anti β2-adrenergic and muscarinic M2 receptor autoantibodies in addition to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ganglionic autoantibodies, underwent an initial course of five TPEs over a 2-week period. She demonstrated a clinical response to TPE as manifested by a rapid improvement in her fatigue and gastroparesis, with a gradual yet significant improvement in her leg pain and sudomotor/vasomotor flares. Following the loading procedures, the patient was treated with rituximab. She continues to require periodic TPE to maintain a remission, with additional immunosuppression being considered long term. Although further studies are needed, TPE (in combination with immunosuppression) may be an appropriate therapy for CRPS patients with detectable autoantibodies, as it is for better characterized diseases with autoantibodies against neuronal surface receptors such as myasthenia gravis or Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome. J. Clin. Apheresis 31:368-374, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


2016-08-30 | 論文

HPVワクチンと自律神経障害: 自己抗体評価とHLAタイピングを考慮すること

Human papilloma virus vaccination and dysautonomia: Considerations for autoantibody evaluation and HLA typing

Volume 34, Issue 38, 31 August 2016, Pages 4468

Letter to the Editor

  • a Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States
  • b Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, New Haven, CT, United States
  • c VA CT Healthcare System, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, West Haven, CT, United States

We read with interest the paper by Brinth et al. [1] . Recently, we reported a case of a 14-year-old girl with similar symptoms to those described in other patients (dysautonomia including POTS and GI dysmotility, in addition to neuropathy/CRPS) [...


Autoimmunity; Complex regional pain syndrome; Dysautonomia; HPV; Human papilloma virus vaccination







2016-08-30 | VAERSから

Paul Offit 氏のロタウイルスワクチンを摂取した翌日に死亡した乳児、フィンランドにて。



  630816 (history)   Vaccinated: 2016-03-02
Age: 0.2   Onset: 2016-03-03, Days after vaccination: 1
Gender: Unknown   Submitted: 2016-03-07, Days after onset: 4
Location: Foreign   Entered: 2016-03-07
Life Threatening? No
Died? Yes
   Date died: 2016-03-03
   Days after onset: 0
Permanent Disability? No
Recovered? No
ER or Doctor Visit? No
Hospitalized? No
Previous Vaccinations:
Other Medications: No other medications
Current Illness: Immunisation
Preexisting Conditions:
Diagnostic Lab Data:
CDC Split Type: WAES1603FIN002729
Administered by: Other     Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Death
Write-up: Information has been received from Sanofi Pasteur MSD (reference # FI-1577272925-2016001967) on 04-MAR-2016. Case received from a nurse via the Health Authorities (HA report not yet received) on 03-MAR-2016. A 2-month-old infant patient of unknown sex received ROTATEQ (batch/lot number L000428, expiry date not reported) via oral route on 02-MAR-2016. The patient died on 03-MAR-2016. The patient''s outcome was reported as Fatal.


2016-08-30 | 資料

Paul Offit 氏の記事のコメント欄にすごいことが書いてありました。リンク





ちなみに、Paul Offit 氏は、メルク社のロタウイルスワクチンの開発者です。少数ですが腸重積がおこるワクチンです。


Vinu Arumugham1 day ago

Dr. Stephen Cox,


As you may know, the acellular pertussis vaccine does NOT prevent transmission. It fails to provide mucosal immunity. So vaccine recipients become asymptomatic carriers due to airway colonization. They silently spread the disease to infants who are too young to be vaccinated. The exact opposite of herd immunity. It took the FDA more than a decade to discover it.



To make matters worse, pertussis colonization causes multiple sclerosis.


The potential role of subclinical Bordetella Pertussis colonization in the etiology of multiple sclerosis



California STILL mandates TdaP (acellular pertussis) to "protect infants" (AB 354).

How do you justify this pseudoscience? Where was the "surveillance" system?

Vaccines are important. But with today's vaccines, vaccine safety is an oxymoron.


2016-08-27 | 資料







Geneva, 26 May 2016 – The Government of Japan has agreed to contribute a further US$ 76 million to support childhood immunisation in developing countries. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance will use this first multi-year pledge from Japan to contribute towards efforts to immunise a further 300 million children by 2020, helping to save up to six million lives. 、


HPVワクチン後の抗NMDA受容体抗体陽性ポッツ 2016年8月 米国から

2016-08-26 | 資料

Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) with anti-NMDA receptor antibodies after human papillomavirus vaccination


Blitshteyn, S. & Brook, J. Immunol Res (2016). doi:10.1007/s12026-016-8855-1

We describe a young woman who developed POTS with positive serum anti-NMDA receptor antibodies and no evidence of encephalitis after vaccination with HPV vaccine, Cervarix. Her symptoms improved significantly with immunomodulatory therapy and re-occurred after immunomodulatory therapy was stopped, suggesting an autoimmune etiology of POTS after vaccination.




ほくろの切除後の抗NMDA受容体脳炎 2症例 中国

2016-08-26 | 論文

Anti-NMDAR encephalitis after resection of melanocytic nevi: report of two cases


BMC Neurol. 2015; 15: 165.

We describe 2 female patients in their 20s confirmed with anti-NMDAR encephalitis. They shared two points in common: About several weeks (2 weeks and 5 weeks respectively) before the initial symptom, both of them underwent a resection of melanocytic nevi; the screening tests for an ovarian teratoma and other tumors were all negative.





DES (diethylstylbestrol)について

2016-08-26 | 資料






注: オイベスチン(武田)






2016-08-26 | 論文

First Report of Three Major Oncogenic Viruses: Human Papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr Virus And Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Penile Cancer

Other studies have found both HPV and MCPyV in skin cancers. Falchook and colleagues (2013) [16] reported the presence of HPVMCPyV in a SCC from a patient with melanoma treated with the BRAF inhibitor dabrafenib. In another study involving SCC, Dworkin and colleagues (2009) [13] demonstrated a higher proportion of HPV DNA among the MCPyV-positive group (87%) in comparison to the MCPyV-negative group (57%), although a clear correlation between these two viruses could not be established. Mittledorf and colleagues (2012) [17] reported HPV6 and MCPyV DNA in a combined MCCinvasive SCC. Furthermore, two recent studies have already demonstrated MCPyV DNA in 19 to 37% cervical carcinomas, and one study reported a combined MCC-SCC involving HPV-MCPyV detection in the vulva [18] suggesting that MCPyV might play a role as cofactor to HPV-related cancers [7,8]. It has been suggested that oncoviruses co-infections in tumors might be genetically predisposed. In addition, HPV and MCPyV may cooperate for the development of nonmelanoma skin cancer [14]. Although both hypothesis are possible, a synergic tumorigenic effect is likely due to similarities in genome organization and protein structures of polyomaviruses and papillomaviruses.


インフルエンザワクチン後の抗NMDA受容体脳炎 7カ月の女児 最年少のケース

2016-08-25 | 論文

Anti-N-methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis in 7-Month Old Infant Following Influenza Vaccination


Objective: This case describes antibody-verified anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate (anti-NMDA) receptor encephalitis in a previously healthy 7 month-old infant female presenting within 48 hours of receiving an influenza booster vaccination during her first influenza season. Background: A previously healthy 7 month old infant female presented with acute onset of altered mental status, decreased activity, roving eye movements, and opisthotonic posturing within 48 hours of receiving an influenza booster vaccination. She was initially diagnosed with acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and treated with a short burst of corticosteroids followed by a taper. Symptoms subjectively improved during steroid therapy but did not persist, prompting further diagnostic evaluations. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis was confirmed by cerebrospinal fluid antibody titer 68 days after onset of symptoms. Treatment was then undertaken with serial courses of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and rituximab. The patient’s hospital course was protracted, and she required utilization of intensive care unit resources due to aspiration risk, surgical placement of nutritional and vascular access devices, and paroxysmal autonomic hyperactivity (PAH). Minimal improvement in her neurologic exam was observed at time of hospital discharge and may be due to delayed start of treatment, as well as the cumulative effect of unrecognized seizures early in her illness course. Conclusions: This case describes the youngest patient with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis yet reported, and the first to suggest correlation with recent influenza vaccination. As higher likelihood of neurologic recovery is associated with early initiation of treatment, providers are encouraged to consider autoimmune neurologic disorders like anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis when mental status abnormalities and developmental regression persist, regardless of patient age.


日本での抗NMDA受容体脳炎 神経内科医のブログ

リンク 1

リンク 2


2016-08-24 | 資料

先日紹介したイギリスの13歳の女の子(13-year-old girl’s self-diagnosis might have been a life-saver で検索してください)は、


































