

B型肝炎ワクチンと多発性硬化症の発症の関連を否定しきれないという報告 イランから

2017-11-30 | 論文
Hum Antibodies. 2014;23(1-2):31-6. doi: 10.3233/HAB-150281.

Multiple sclerosis and immunological-related risk factors: results from a case-control study.



Multiple sclerosis is a demyeliting autoimmune inflammatory disorder of central nervous system (CNS) with unknown etiology, which afflicts more than 2.5 millions of the world's population. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between some immunological-related risk factors (tonsillectomy, appendectomy and hepatitis B vaccination) and multiple sclerosis in 2014 in Hamadan city, west of Iran.


As a case-control study, data of filled questionnaire with written consents from 250 patients and 250 age and sex matched controls, were collected and analyzed using SPSS version 16 software and Logistic regression test.


In both groups, the case and the control, with average age of 33 years, 70% of the participants were women. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant association between tonsillectomy and appendectomy with the multiple sclerosis (p > 0.05). Also hepatitis B vaccination did not increase the risk of MS significantly (p > 0.05), although there was a trend toward more vaccination rate in the patients.


Considering previous global investigations on this topic with the result of our study, it seems more studies are needed to determine the definitive association between tonsillectomy, appendectomy and hepatitis B vaccination with multiple sclerosis.


Multiple sclerosis; appendectomy; hepatitis B vaccine; risk factors; tonsillectomy

ガーダシル後の横紋筋肉腫 3例

2017-11-29 | ブログ
VAERS ID: 339684 (history)  
Form: Version 1.0  
Age: 15.0  
Gender: Female  
Location: Foreign  
Vaccinated: 2008-12-23
Onset: 2008-12-25
   Days after vaccination: 2
Submitted: 2009-02-13
   Days after onset: 50
Entered: 2009-02-17
   Days after submission: 4
Vaccin­ation / Manu­facturer Lot / Dose Site / Route

Administered by: Unknown       Purchased by: Unknown
Symptoms: Abdominal neoplasm, Azotaemia, Chemotherapy, Coma, Haemorrhage, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Surgery
SMQs:, Acute renal failure (narrow), Haemorrhage terms (excl laboratory terms) (narrow), Hyperglycaemia/new onset diabetes mellitus (broad), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Malignancy related therapeutic and diagnostic procedures (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Chronic kidney disease (narrow), Hypoglycaemia (broad), Non-haematological malignant tumours (narrow), Non-haematological tumours of unspecified malignancy (narrow)

Life Threatening? Yes
Birth Defect? No
Died? No
Permanent Disability? Yes
Recovered? No
Office Visit? No
ER Visit? No
ER or Doctor Visit? No
Hospitalized? Yes, 0 days
   Extended hospital stay? No
Previous Vaccinations:
Other Medications: None
Current Illness:
Preexisting Conditions: Unknown
Diagnostic Lab Data: Unknown
CDC Split Type: WAES0902USA01285

Write-up: Information has been received from a Foreign Authority (reference number DK-DKMA-20090203) concerning a 15 year old female patient who was vaccinated intramuscularly with the first dose of GARDASIL (lot # 1941U, batch # NJ01850, site of administration not reported) on 23-DEC-2008. It was reported that the patient experienced rhabdomyosarcoma on 25-Dec-2008. She was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma (date of diagnose not reported). The sarcoma presumably had its origin in the patient''s uterus (not confirmed). The patient was hospitalized (date not reported) and placed in coma (date not specified) at the hospital intensive unit. The patient''s abdomen was opened due to an inoperable, rapidly growing tumor which at the time of acute operation had grown rapidly to the size of a full term pregnancy (date not specified). The patient received chemotherapy (onset date not specified) and experienced complications in form of uraemia and bleeding (not further specified). The course of the disease was reported as unexpectedly fast and aggressive. Initially, before the expansion of the abdomen, the adverse event was interpreted as appendicitis. At the time of report to the Health Authorities the condition of the patient was stable and she was scheduled to be taken out of coma the next day (date not reported). It was reported that the patient was healthy and did not suffer from any known diseases at the time of vaccination. The patient received no concomitant vaccinations or medication. At the time of report the patient had not recovered. Other business partner numbers include: E2009-01070. No further information is available.


AERS ID: 631673 (history)  
Form: Version 1.0  
Age: 17.0  
Gender: Female  
Location: Foreign  
Vaccinated: 2014-11-26
Onset: 0000-00-00
Submitted: 2016-03-16
Entered: 2016-03-16
Vaccin­ation / Manu­facturer Lot / Dose Site / Route

Administered by: Other       Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Death, Pain in extremity, Rhabdomyosarcoma
SMQs:, Tendinopathies and ligament disorders (broad), Non-haematological malignant tumours (narrow)

Life Threatening? No
Birth Defect? No
Died? Yes
   Date died: 2016-01-26
Permanent Disability? No
Recovered? No
Office Visit? No
ER Visit? Yes
ER or Doctor Visit? No
Hospitalized? No
Previous Vaccinations:
Other Medications: No other medications
Current Illness: Immunisation, cause of death: Not medically reported
Preexisting Conditions:
Diagnostic Lab Data:
CDC Split Type: WAES1603SWE007306

Write-up: Information has been received from Sanofi Pasteur MSD (MFR control number SE-1577272925-2016002366) on 15-MAR-2016. Case received from a consumer/other non health professional via company MSD on 10-MAR-2016. The primary reporter was a relative to the patient. A female patient of unknown age received GARDASIL (batch number unknown) on 26-NOV-204. The patient experienced rhabdomyosarcoma on an unknown date. The family was worried that the vaccination have caused the patient''s rhabdomyosarcoma. The patient died on 26-JAN-2016. According to the family, the symptoms from the came quickly after the vaccination on 26-NOV-2014 and health care was sought in January 2015. Another family member who was the reporter, informs that the patient had pain in arm the entire fall after the summer. The reporter was married to the patient''s uncle. The reporter met the girl alone for two days initially before health care was sought. The reporter met the girl alone two days before treatment was applied initially and perceived that she had pain symptoms (recognition) in the long arm (early fall) and she recently got cold symptoms. Had at the health care contact in January 2015 fluid in the lung and was admitted urgently to hospital for treatment and investigation. It has not been clear to the reporter that the family believe that the vaccine has caused this until after a conversation with the family. The reporter''s understanding was that the close family feel bad because they turned a blind eye to her complaint and not sought treatment. Both the original tumor and the relapse came in December 2015. to find causes beyond themselves. The mother of the patient has been skeptical towards vaccines in general and approved the vaccination reluctantly. Unfortunately, the girl dose not live anymore so it not possible to (not further specified). The patient was young and otherwise healthy. The patient''s outcome was reported a Fatal.


Debbie Thompson says

July 25, 2015 at 7:44 pm

My daughter had the Gardasil at age 12. She is now 19 and has been diagnosed with stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma. Have always known she is a congenital Lyme kid, and has once again been denied testing. She has had symptoms all her little life. She was born with a fever and jaundice. Has there been any connection to this kind of cancer? Only possible infection connection I’ve found so far, reading the literature, is Cytomegalovirus. Thanks.


2017-11-28 | 論文
Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 3;6:34318. doi: 10.1038/srep34318.

Statistical and Ontological Analysis of Adverse Events Associated with Monovalent and Combination Vaccines against Hepatitis A and B Diseases.


Vaccinations often induce various adverse events (AEs), and sometimes serious AEs (SAEs). While many vaccines are used in combination, the effects of vaccine-vaccine interactions (VVIs) on vaccine AEs are rarely studied. In this study, AE profiles induced by hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix), hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix-B), and hepatitis A and B combination vaccine (Twinrix) were studied using the VAERS data. From May 2001 to January 2015, VAERS recorded 941, 3,885, and 1,624 AE case reports where patients aged at least 18 years old were vaccinated with only Havrix, Engerix-B, and Twinrix, respectively. Using these data, our statistical analysis identified 46, 69, and 82 AEs significantly associated with Havrix, Engerix-B, and Twinrix, respectively. Based on the Ontology of Adverse Events (OAE) hierarchical classification, these AEs were enriched in the AEs related to behavioral and neurological conditions, immune system, and investigation results. Twenty-nine AEs were classified as SAEs and mainly related to immune conditions. Using a logistic regression model accompanied with MCMC sampling, 13 AEs (e.g., hepatosplenomegaly) were identified to result from VVI synergistic effects. Classifications of these 13 AEs using OAE and MedDRA hierarchies confirmed the advantages of the OAE-based method over MedDRA in AE term hierarchical analysis.


1千万人に1人の珍しい病気 ワクチンが原因になると書いてある

2017-11-27 | 論文


Acute pandysautonomia

Alexandru C Barboi MD FACP (Dr. Barboi of NorthShore Medical Group has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.)
Raymond P Roos MD, editor. (Dr. Roos of the University of Chicago owns stock in Amgen, Best Doctors, Express Scripts, Ionis, and Merck.)
Originally released May 8, 1995; last updated September 28, 2017; expires September 28, 2020


This article includes discussion of acute pandysautonomia, acute autonomic neuropathy, acute idiopathic autonomic neuropathy, acute idiopathic pandysautonomia, acute panautonomic neuropathy, autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy, autoimmune autonomic neuropathy, acute autonomic neuropathy with sensory impairment, acute autonomic neuropathy with sensory and motor impairment, idiopathic autonomic neuropathy, and pure pandysautonomia. The foregoing terms may include synonyms, similar disorders, variations in usage, and abbreviations.


The syndrome of acute pandysautonomia is characterized by acute onset (onset to peak symptoms within 1 month) of severe and disabling autonomic failure affecting sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric functions. If initial symptoms are episodic (syncope) the onset may not be as precise, and for the purpose of this article subacute (1 month to 2 months) presentations are also included. There may be an inciting event that accounts for unrestrained immune activation, such as an acute infection, vaccination, surgery, or an occult cancer. Acute metabolic and toxic exposure can also cause similar manifestations. The clinical features consist of variable involvement of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric portions of the autonomic nervous system. Other portions of the nervous system may be involved less frequently: brain, somatic sensory, and rarer motor nerve fibers. Symptomatic treatment is complex and is helpful in supporting function. If an autoimmune etiology is identified immunomodulatory treatments should be employed early in the course to avoid progressive disability. In this article, the author discusses various clinical presentations with emphasis on early diagnosis, current pathophysiology, and treatment.

Key points


• Acute pandysautonomia is an acquired disorder with widespread but variable sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric autonomic dysfunction, including orthostatic hypotension, anhidrosis, unreactive pupils, decreased lacrimation and salivation, gastrointestinal paresis, and impaired genitourinary function.


• Clinical variants may include associated encephalitis, sensory or sensorimotor neuropathy, and segmental autonomic disorders such as isolated ileus, unexplained bradycardia, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.


• The acute/subacute clinical course, antecedent immune triggers, elevated CSF protein levels, and frequent association with high titers of ganglionic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and/or paraneoplastic antibodies suggest that the syndrome is frequently immune-mediated.


• In addition to symptomatic and supportive treatment, early immunomodulating therapies should be considered in order to avoid long-term disability.

Historical note and terminology

The syndrome of acute pandysautonomia was first reported in the neurologic literature by Young and colleagues in 1969, and was later discussed in more detail in the same patient as "pure pandysautonomia with recovery" (Young et al 1975). The patient showed "severe postural hypotension without change in heart rate, leading occasionally to fainting without change in heart rate, total absence of sweating, extreme dryness of eyes, nasal and oral mucous membranes, midposition nonreactive pupils, absence of bowel sounds and a hypotonic weak bladder." Appenzeller and Kornfeld first coined the term "acute pandysautonomia" (Appenzeller and Kornfeld 1973), and similar cases were also reported later as acute autonomic neuropathy, acute panautonomic neuropathy, acute idiopathic pandysautonomia, and idiopathic autonomic neuropathy (Hopkins et al 1974; Low et al 1983; Suarez et al 1994).

A more heterogeneous picture of the syndrome emerged over the years with reports of variable recovery and associated sensory or sensorimotor symptoms (Appenzeller and Kornfeld 1973; Okada et al 1975; Colan et al 1980; Fagius et al 1983; Low et al 1983; Irioka et al 2001; Ueda et al 2009). A subgroup of patients with pure cholinergic dysautonomia has been described (Harik et al 1977; Inamdar et al 1982), and variable involvement of central nervous system sites may be present (Stoll et al 1991). Some cases have limited autonomic neuropathic features to include postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) (Schondorf and Low 1993). The clinical presentation of acute pandysautonomia is a useful clinical syndromic concept leading to specific work up and treatment. Careful evaluation of other targeted segments of the nervous system is frequently needed ranging from encephalitis to acute autonomic and sensory or sensorimotor neuropathy to Guillain-Barre syndrome with dysautonomia (Low et al 1993; Irioka et al 2001; Ueda et al 2009). Toxic immune and metabolic etiologies like treatment induced diabetic autonomic neuropathy should be considered (Yokote et al 2007; Stratogianni et al 2012; Makino et al 2016; McKeon and Benarroch 2016). The presence of ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibodies or other paraneoplastic antibodies in patients' sera and the development of an experimental animal model of acute pandysautonomia have led to the concept of autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (Klein et al 2003; Vernino et al 2003; Iodice et al 2009; McKeon and Benarroch 2016).

1千万人に1人の珍しい病気 豪州英国に続いて米国でも同じ13歳少女

2017-11-26 | 論文

First Published January 28, 2013

We describe a 13-year-old female with abrupt onset urinary retention progressing rapidly to pandysautonomia with symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, gastroparesis, anhidrosis, pupillary dysfunction, and abdominal pain. Pandysautonomia has been reported frequently in adults, but is less commonly described in children. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction usually has a self-limiting course with gradual near-complete or complete recovery. Most patients with pure pandysautonomia produce an antibody targeted against the ganglionic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and titers have been shown to correlate with symptom severity. The clinical presentation described in this report is consistent with a progressive form of acute autoimmune autonomic neuropathy, but she was initially seronegative for known autoantibodies. She responded promptly to plasmapheresis. This case report emphasizes the importance of recognizing features of autonomic nervous system dysfunction and discusses the medical evaluation and treatment options for pediatric patients based on symptom severity.


2017-11-24 | ブログ




近藤誠先生「ワクチン副作用の恐怖」から 110ページ














2017-11-23 | ブログ




とあっさり否定 (注:接種した小児科医)

(注:大学病院での)診断はMRワクチンによる反応性関節炎(reactive arthritis )



この病気はHLA-B-27 という、






1千万人に1人の珍しい病気 自己免疫性自律神経節障害

2017-11-23 | ガーダシル症例








2017-11-20 | 資料


「木藤亜也(きとう あや、1962年7月19日 - 1988年5月23日)は中学3年の時、頻繁に転んでしまうなどの体の不調を訴え、」


2017-11-16 | ブログ




