one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ノビル摘み cueillir de ciboulettes

2006-07-02 03:48:24 | Plants(植物)

An old man sits beside the weeds and gathers something on the slope of dike of Tama river. I ask him what he is gathering. He tells and show me to pick a long stem of weed through the ground and to pluck off its white bulb. He is going to soy bulbs a few days to tidbid for beer. So he comes here to gahter them almost every day.
I ask him what it is. He tells me that at vegitable shop they would sell them as "chai-booru".
I ask him what taste it is. He says, "Hmm it tastes not so bad. Good for beer or shochuu spirits. Above all it is free and healthy, isn't it?"

(@多摩川土手、 Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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ノビルの蕾 bouton deciboulette sauvage

2006-07-02 03:46:57 | Plants(植物)

I find a long stem of "chai-booru" in the field of weeds near the construction site. I pick it. It is easy to pick it off the ground.

(@ 小柳, Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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野蒜 bulbe de ciboulette

2006-07-02 03:45:25 | Plants(植物)

The bulb is as small as top of my thumb and white. I lap it with a sheat of tissue paper to put it into my pocket. I show it to the leader of the construction workers. He says, "Oh it looks good. With miso it would be cool for "sake". But now "Nobiru" s get hard to eat? "
I come back home and wash this ball to bite it.
The taste is a little hot like onion and it is hard to enjoy the taste.

(@小柳 Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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パンクよけ defense contre crevaison

2006-07-02 03:43:17 | what?why?(ん?)

This is a wooden cover of pin which is used for a gate post to lock.
The pin is very danger for tires of heavy dumper trucks.
One rainy day, I forget to set the cover and a ten-ton dumper truck passes on through it to make me a big sound of air leaking. The truck keeps running with the air leaking and water sparay to the site. The driver is spending half an hour to change the tire.

(是政 Koremasa, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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鴎の散歩 promenade de la mouette

2006-07-02 03:42:12 | LA

A seagul likes walking on the dike when the wind is strong.
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