An old man sits beside the weeds and gathers something on the slope of dike of Tama river. I ask him what he is gathering. He tells and show me to pick a long stem of weed through the ground and to pluck off its white bulb. He is going to soy bulbs a few days to tidbid for beer. So he comes here to gahter them almost every day.
I ask him what it is. He tells me that at vegitable shop they would sell them as "chai-booru".
I ask him what taste it is. He says, "Hmm it tastes not so bad. Good for beer or shochuu spirits. Above all it is free and healthy, isn't it?"
(@多摩川土手、 Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
An old man sits beside the weeds and gathers something on the slope of dike of Tama river. I ask him what he is gathering. He tells and show me to pick a long stem of weed through the ground and to pluck off its white bulb. He is going to soy bulbs a few days to tidbid for beer. So he comes here to gahter them almost every day.
I ask him what it is. He tells me that at vegitable shop they would sell them as "chai-booru".
I ask him what taste it is. He says, "Hmm it tastes not so bad. Good for beer or shochuu spirits. Above all it is free and healthy, isn't it?"
(@多摩川土手、 Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)