one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


屋根のケーキ gateau de chocolat

2006-07-11 05:37:11 | cake(ケーキ)

In my childhood, my best favorite cake is a house shape one which has a roof of chocolate. So , when I find a same shape of cake, I cann't stop ordering it.

(@ Mon Amour, 宮町 Miyamachi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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大ケヤキ grande arbre

2006-07-11 05:36:05 | Plants(植物)

Without knowledge of the history of this shrine, with looking at this great zelkova tree, one can easily understand the shrine has a very long history. The god of this shrine may be older than Japanes kingdom.

(@大国魂神社 宮町 Miyamachi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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ケースの中のモンシロチョウ papillon dans le vitrine

2006-07-11 05:34:46 | birds, fish and others(生物)

In the showcase of poultry shop, I found a butterfly in the case.
I told it to the owner of the shop.
Next day I asked the wife of owner what they do for the butterfly.
She said, "We could rescue it and it could fly away to the night sky happily."
(@阿佐谷北 Asagaya-kita, Suginami ward)
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