one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


お天気雨 soleil dans pluie

2006-07-17 12:47:18 | sky/weather/season

At thirteen fifteen, thunder storm comes. At half past thirtheen, thunder and clowd almost passes and the sun shows its face. But the rain keeps falling.

(@紅葉丘,Momijigaoka, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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フォンドパン potage et pain

2006-07-17 12:46:26 | cake(ケーキ)

At a counter table of a bakery and coffee shop in the Toyoda station, I have a small breakfast. There is cream stew in the bread.

(@豊田駅 Toyoda station, Hino city, Tokyo)
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小犬の散歩 chemin de digue 1

2006-07-17 12:45:24 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

On a levee of the Tama river there is a road where common cars cannot run.
A man walks on the road with his small dog a little after eight o'clock in the morning. For the safty of his dog, he keeps it walking on the side of slope.
People ride their bicycles fast to their offices or companies.

(@小柳 Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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車椅子レーサー chemin de digue 2

2006-07-17 12:44:21 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

A wheel chair racer is passing in front of me. His mascles are thick and tough.
He runs and passes here every day.

(@是政 Koremasa, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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青い卵 oeuf blue

2006-07-17 12:42:46 | birds, fish and others(生物)

On the way from Koyanagi to Koremasa, I found in the grass a small blue egg which is broken and eaten by bird, maybe crow.

(@是政 Koremasa, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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海から31k Trent et un kilo de la mer

2006-07-17 12:40:55 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

After ten minutes rapid walking, I get tired to stop with the pretext of taking a picutre. I must walk rapidly more ten minutes or more.

(@是政 Koremasa, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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