


2020-05-26 08:06:10 | 日記

今天的午餐是炒薑餅和松魚菜。 這是煎蛋和乾蘿蔔。 這是一個卡扣豆,胡蘿蔔和西葫蘆,只是用筷子。 我很高興這個季節有很多美味的蔬菜。

Today's box lunch is wiener Komatsuna leaf mushroom thin fried tofu fry. Omelet and dried chipped radish. The snapshot pea, the carrot and the zucchini which were just boiled. Because many good vegetables are on the scene, this season is very wonderful.


2020-05-21 08:14:10 | 日記


今天的午餐是乾的,炸的,烤的,和栗子葉。 還有一個燉菜,包括海吉基、大豆和南納基桑西葫蘆花椰菜。 去購買盡可能多的食物是自願的,所以每天也會有類似的菜單。

Today's box lunches are Spanish mackerel dried fish and a stir-fry of fried fish paste baking and a turnip leaf. There are also hijiki and cooked vegetables of soybeans and a pumpkin carrot zucchini broccoli. Because I'm also restraining myself from going to buy the ingredients as much as possible, it's a similar menu every day.


2020-05-20 20:45:11 | 日記

スイカズラの別名は忍冬です。人はstay at home のこの時期もきれいな花を咲かせていました。突然現れたナガサキアゲハは蜜を吸ってすぐに立ち去りました。これが自然界の自粛なのでしょう。蝶の写真は撮れなかった代わりに一句駄句が浮かびました。
『忍冬や ナガサキアゲハ 自粛とけ』

西瓜的另一個名字是忍冬天。 在每年的這個時候,人們都綻放著美麗的花。 突然出現的納加薩基亞格哈吸了蜂蜜,立刻走開了。 這可能是自然界的自憐。 蝴蝶的照片沒有拍出來,而是出現了一個短語。

An another name of a honeysuckle is a honeysuckle. This time of stay at home was also making a beautiful flower in bloom for a person. The Nagasaki swallowtail butterfly which appeared suddenly absorbed honey and went away immediately. This will be self-control of the natural world. Ikku bad haiku floated on the substitute which couldn't take a picture of the butterfly. "Honeysuckle and Nagasaki swallowtail butterfly Self-control dissolution"


2020-05-20 08:53:13 | 日記


今天的午餐是父母和孩子。 父母是雞肉,孩子是雞蛋。 牛肉參田玉湯是兄弟姐妹,和大豆的燉菜是親密的聚集的地方,它說,親戚的叔叔阿姨。

Today's box lunch is a chicken and eggs bowl. A parent is chicken, and young are egg. Whether burdock carrot onion has just called hijiki and cooked vegetables of soybeans relative's uncle aunt by a sibling, they gather closely.