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2022-01-21 06:51:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

Tags: 2020 election | trump | biden | fraudulent | results

Trump: Biden Admits 2020 Election May Have Been Fraudulent

Trump: Biden Admits 2020 Election May Have Been Fraudulent

By Charlie McCarthy    |   Thursday, 20 January 2022 11:14 AM

Fox News’ Sean Hannity asks Donald Trump if he’s running in 2024: “I think you’ll be happy, but we’ll let you know at a little bit later date. But I think you’ll be very happy.”



Former President Donald Trump on Thursday said President Joe Biden questioned the 2020 election results "in his own very different way."

During a rare press conference on Wednesday, Biden said the upcoming midterm election results could be "illegitimate."

"President Biden admitted yesterday, in his own very different way, that the 2020 election may very well have been a fraud, which I know it was," Trump said in a statement released by his joint fundraising committee Save America.


"I'm sure his representatives, who work so hard to make it look legit, are not happy," he added.

Biden on Wednesday was asked whether he believed the 2022 election will be conducted fairly and its results legitimate.

"Well, it all depends on whether or not we're able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election," said Biden, taking a stance for which Trump has been vilified by the left and the mainstream media.

The former president and his allies have said that Biden prevailed in 2020 due to voter fraud in several key battleground states.

Later, during the press conference Biden was asked whether the 2022 election would be "free and fair" if some state legislatures reformed their voting protocols.

"Oh, yeah, I think it easily could be — be illegitimate," the president said.

Biden said the legitimacy of the midterms could depend on whether Democrats passed their voting legislation — which was blocked by Republicans on Wednesday evening.


The bill would have implemented election reform demanding federal "pre-clearance" from the Justice Department before states and localities could change voting regulations — a power the Constitution left to the states.

Biden and fellow progressives have insisted that states — largely GOP-led ones — are making it harder to vote, particularly for minorities.

Republicans say states simply are tightening requirements to improve the voting process and its accuracy so there are fewer problems going forward.

ドナルド・トランプ前大統領は木曜日、ジョー・バイデン大統領が2020年の選挙結果について "彼独自の非常に異なる方法で "疑問を呈したことを明らかにした。

水曜日に行われた珍しい記者会見で、バイデン氏は今度の中間選挙結果が "違法 "である可能性があると述べた。


"合法に見せかけるために懸命に働いている彼の代理人は、きっと満足していないでしょう "と彼は付け加えた。












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