CISA国土安全保障省(DHS)内の機関であるCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agencyのこと。
CENTCOM: 軍の中央司令部
ODNI:Office of the Director of National Intelligence(国家情報長官室)。
FITF: Foreign Influence Task Force(FBI、DHS、ODNIのメンバーで構成されるサイバー規制機関
"OGA "の略。その他の政府機関、俗称:CIA
GEC: Global Engagement Center(グローバル・エンゲージメント・センター)、米国務省の分析部門
USIC:United States Intelligence Community(米国情報機関
EIP: Election Integrity Project。スタンフォード大学を拠点とするサイバーラボラトリーで、Twitterに多くのレポートを送信している。
DFR。Digital Forensic Research lab:EIPと同様の機能を持ち、アトランティック・カウンシルから資金提供を受けている組織。
IRA: Internet Research Agency。「プーチンのシェフ」エブゲニー・プリゴジンが率いる悪名高いロシアの「トロール農場」。
Government Agencies and NGOs
CISA: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
CENTCOM: Central Command of the Armed Forces
ODNI: Office of the Director of National Intelligence
FITF: Foreign Influence Task Force, a cyber-regulatory agency comprised of members of the FBI, DHS, and ODNI
“OGA”: Other Government Agency, colloquially — CIA
GEC: Global Engagement Center, an analytical division of the U.S. State Department
USIC: United States intelligence community
HSIN: Homeland Security Information Network, a portal through which states and other official bodies can send “flagged” accounts
EIP: Election Integrity Project, a cyber-laboratory based at Stanford University that sends many reports to Twitter
DFR: Digital Forensic Research lab, an outlet that performs a similar function to the EIP, only is funded by the Atlantic Council
IRA: Internet Research Agency, the infamous Russian “troll farm” headed by “Putin’s chef,” Yevgheny Prigozhin