人間は目に見えない色もない味もないどこにでもあるもの特に気体に弱い あまりにも弱いから恐怖の気体を吐き出していることさえ忘れようとしている。
William Happer (born July 27, 1939[1]) is an American physicist who href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_physics" style="'font-size:" title="Atomic physics">atomic href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optics" style="'font-size:" title="Optics">optics and spectroscopy.[2] He class="reference" id="cite_ref-3">[3] Professor href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princeton_University" style="'font-size:" title="Princeton University">Princeton class="reference" id="cite_ref-Shaw_2-1">[2] and href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/JASON_(advisory_group)" style="'font-size:" title="JASON (advisory group)">JASON advisory group,[1] where he pioneered the development of adaptive href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Energy" style="'font-size:" title="United States Department of Energy">Department href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Science" style="'font-size:" title="Office of Science">Office of Science as part of the George href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_George_H._W._Bush" style="'font-size:" title="Presidency of George H. W. Bush">administration. href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Energy" style="'font-size:" title="United States Department of Energy">Department of Energy in 1993 by the Clinton Administration after disagreements on the ozone hole.[4]
- Thad G. Walker and William Happer, "Spin-exchange optical pumping of noble-gas nuclei": Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 629–642 (1997). doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.69.629
- W. Happer, G. J. MacDonald, C. E. Max, and F. J. Dyson, "Atmospheric-turbulence compensation by resonant optical backscattering from the sodium layer in the upper atmosphere," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11, 263-276 (1994): abstract
- William Happer, "Optical Pumping": Review of Modern Physics, vol. 44, Issue 2, pp. 169–249 (1972). DOI:10.1103/RevModPhys.44.169
- William Happer, "Why has global warming paused?": International Journal of Modern Physics A Vol. 29, No. 07 (2014) worldscientific.com
Our next speaker is something of a rebel I think in the scientific community. William Happer is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at Princeton University. And prior to coming to Princeton he taught at Columbia University and served as director of the Columbia Radiation Laboratory. He has some government experience some recent and some from about 30 years ago, he's served as director of energy research in the US Department of Energy. From 1991 to 1993, and then most recently, from 2018 to 2019 he was Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for emerging technologies, at the White House. National Security Council. He told me at dinner last night that he's more convinced Than Ever After his most recent service that there is a deep state and it's much worse than it was 30 years ago. He's a co founder of the nonprofit co2 coalition which seeks to educate policymakers and the public about the vital contribution made by carbon dioxide to our lives in our economy. And I just want to say, I'm also in favor of carbon dioxide. He's a co founder of magnetic imaging technologies Incorporated, which specializes in the use of laser polarized noble gases for magnetic resonance imaging. He also invented the sodium GuideStar, which is used in astronomical adaptive optics systems to correct for the degrading effects of atmospheric turbulence on imaging resolution. And I'm hoping he's gonna tell me at least what that means, but the author of more than 200 peer reviewed scientific papers he's a member of a number of professional societies and associations his topic today is how to think about climate change. Please welcome Dr. William happer.
In 2018, Happer, who is not a climate scientist and who rejects the scientific consensus on climate change, joined the National Security Council of the Trump Administration to counter evidence linking carbon dioxide emissions to global warming.[5][6] In September 2019, he resigned from the Council, at the end of his agreed one year tenure as an advisor. [7]
次のスピーカーは科学界の反逆者です ウィリアム・ハッパー氏はプリンストン大学物理学科の名誉教授です。プリンストン大学に来る前は、コロンビア大学で教鞭をとり、コロンビア放射線研究所の所長を務めていました。最近のものもあれば、30年ほど前からのものもあり、米国エネルギー省でエネルギー研究の責任者を務めていました。1991年から1993年まで、そして最近では2018年から2019年までホワイトハウスで大統領補佐官兼新興技術担当シニアディレクターを務めていました。国家安全保障会議。彼は昨夜の夕食で私に言いました 彼はより確信しています 彼の最も最近のサービスの後よりも ディープステートがあり、それは30年前よりもはるかに悪化しています。彼は、非営利のCO2連合の共同創設者で、政策立案者と一般市民を教育することを目的としています。私も二酸化炭素には賛成です。彼は、磁気共鳴イメージングのためのレーザー偏光希ガスの使用に特化した磁気イメージング・テクノロジーズ社の共同創設者です。また、彼はナトリウムガイドスターを発明しました。これは天体適応光学システムで使用され、大気の乱れが画像解像度に与える影響を補正するために使用されます。彼は200以上の査読付き科学論文の著者であり 多くの専門学会や協会のメンバーでもあります 今日のテーマは気候変動についての考え方です ウィリアム・ハッパー博士を歓迎してください。