しかし、イタリアのSea Groupは声明で、ヨットは「ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領の所有物に起因するものではない」と述べた。
Putin's mega yacht? Mystery ship appears ready to set sail from Italy
Agence France-PresseMay 06, 2022
A mega yacht at the centre of a mystery over its ownership appeared ready to set sail from Italy Friday, an AFP photographer saw, as speculation swirls it might belong to the Russian president.
"Scheherazade", worth an estimated $700 million, is the subject of a probe into its ownership by Italy's financial police.
It had been berthed for several months for maintenance work at a shipyard at the Marina di Carrara, within the western seaside town of Massa.
Now, the yacht is back on water but the mystery remains unresolved: who does "Scheherazade" belong to? A Russian oligarch? Vladimir Putin?
Built by Germany's Luerssen in 2020, the 140-metre yacht features two helipads, a swimming pool and a movie theatre, according to the SuperYachtFan website, which researches yachts and their owners.
Italian police insist they are doing their best to identify the owner.
"It's not always easy to attribute ownership" of a yacht, a source close to the Italian probe told AFP in late March.
The same source said Friday there was "nothing new" in the investigation.
Researchers at the anti-corruption foundation of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny link the yacht to Putin.
They cited a crew list in their possession that included several members of Russia's federal protective service, charged with Putin's security.
But the Italian Sea Group said in a statement the yacht was "not attributable to the property of Russian President Vladimir Putin".
The shipyard's owner said its assessment was based on "the documentation in its possession and following the findings of the checks carried out by the relevant authorities".
Putin: Pedophiles and Traffickers Hiding in Azovstal
"何の返答もないので、豚のゼレンスキーの意図は明らかだ "と、プーチンはトランプに言ったと伝えられている。"彼はこの悪人たちを避難させ続けるだろう。もしかしたら、自分に不利な証言をさせないために、私に彼らを殺させたいのかもしれない。中の連中は恐ろしい残虐行為をしているので、逃げられないだろう。"
If one believes the mainstream media, the final stand for the Ukrainian city of Mariupol began this week as Russian forces entered the massive Azovstal steel plant where, according to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been hiding for weeks.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, has a different take on who exactly is hiding within the subterranean bunkers and tunnels of the colossal coastal complex.
On a Wednesday evening call with President Donald J. Trump, Putin said that child traffickers responsible for the abduction of thousands of Russian children were embedded among the civilians trapped inside Azovstal. He also claimed that Zelensky was endangering the lives of thousands of innocents by sheltering traffickers at Azovstal.
“Putin told Trump he saw two possibilities. Either Zelenskyy is genuinely trying to protect the traffickers, using civilians as human shields, or he’s hoping Putin bombs the place to oblivion, killing everyone, including the traffickers so they, if caught, can’t implicate Zelenskyy in the biggest human trafficking ring the world has ever known,” our Mar-a-Lago source said.
Putin, he added, namedropped two persons: Yuriy Kosiuk, a Ukrainian billionaire whose estate on the Khotiv settlement Russian forces had bombed to smithereens, and Alexan Hadjetian, an affluent Armenian national who had been marketing children on Ukrainian soil for nearly 20 years. Putin said he had solid evidence both men were camouflaged somewhere inside Azovstal’s dark, twisting, difficult to navigate tunnel system.
“Putin said the Ukrainian ‘freedom fighters’ entrenched in Azovstal don’t know the truth about Kosiuk and Hadjetian, that they’ve been led to believe they’re key to the resistance and must be protected at all costs. It’s Putin’s feeling the blood of civilians is on Zelenskyy’s hands, since it’s he who is using them as human shields to safeguard the child traffickers and pedophiles,” our source said.
Vladimir Putin, a humanitarian, has allowed hundreds of civilians to safely egress the area through a controlled evacuation corridor, with Russian troops—who have photographs of Kosiuk, Hadjetian, and a half dozen other known traffickers—scrutinizing every departure.
Before laying siege to Azovstal, Putin purportedly gave Zelenskyy a chilling ultimatum: “Surrender the scum criminals and turn yourself in, or I’m not responsible for what happens next.”
“Since we received no reply, the pig Zelenskyy’s intentions are clear,” Putin reportedly told Trump. “He will continue to give these evil men refuge. Maybe he wants me to kill them so they won’t testify against him. These men inside have done horrible atrocities and will not escape.”
Moreover, Putin made an urgent plea to President Trump, asking him to use his next rally to warn the world about what is really happening in Ukraine.
“President Putin, I’m with you, and I understand, but, you know, things are too hot here right now. I am working behind the scenes to get big things out in the open, but right now that’s the best I can do. Soon, very, very soon, the world will know what you’ve done to protect our children,” Trump replied.
In closing the call, Putin assured Trump that tales of him losing his mind or abdicating his presidency due to cancer were fictions created by the CIA.