6日、トランプ大統領の支持者らが議事堂に乱入。そのうちの1人が、銃で撃たれ死亡する事件があった。Fox5DCは、死亡した女性はカリフォルニア州サンディエゴ在住の退役軍人、アシュリー・バビット(Ashli Babbit)さんだと報じた。
Babbitt and others were attempting to breach a barricaded door inside the Capitol building on Wednesday afternoon, angrily demanding that three U.S. Capitol Police officers who were guarding the door step aside, one of the clips shows. The officers moved away as colleagues in tactical gear arrived behind the rioters, according to the clip and other video posted online.
Roughly 35 seconds after the officers moved away, as she climbed up toward a broken section of the unguarded door, Babbitt was shot by an officer on the other side.
I spoke to the wonderful mother and devoted husband of Ashli Babbitt, who was murdered at the hands of someone who should never have pulled the trigger of his gun. We know who he is. If that happened to the “other side,” there would be riots all over America and yet, there are far more people represented by Ashli, who truly loved America, than there are on the other side. The Radical Left haters cannot be allowed to get away with this. There must be justice!
Establishment Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said tonight at a GOP fundraiser in Illinois that Republicans shouldn’t “kid” themselves into believing that President Trump won the 2020 election, and there was “absolutely not” enough voter fraud for Biden to have won illegitimately.
At the fundraiser in Cook County, described as the “home of election fraud,” Crenshaw took a Q&A question from Col. Larry Kaifesh, who asked him if he believed in election integrity efforts, and whether he believed that the November election was “rigged.” Unsurprisingly, Crenshaw, who was blasted as a coward by primary opponent Mike Billand for refusing to contest the election, denied that there was enough voter fraud for Biden and the Democrats to have stolen it.
不正選挙の本場」と評されるクック郡での資金調達会で、クレンショウはラリー・カイフェッシュ大佐からのQ&Aを受け、選挙の整合性を保つ努力を信じているか、11月の選挙が "不正に行われた "と信じているか、と質問されました。当然のことながら、クレンショウ氏は、第一次対戦相手のマイク・ビランド氏から、選挙に異議を唱えることを拒否したことで臆病者と非難されたが、バイデン氏と民主党がそれを盗むほどの不正投票があったことを否定した。
“There’s certain states with problems, but don’t kid yourself into believing that’s why we lost, it’s not. It’s not!” Crenshaw told the crowd. However, within the crowd was Bobby Piton, the mathematician who testified at the election integrity hearing in Arizona in November last year. Piton, who attended the hearings with Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, said that he would “never ever” have certified the election results, and if he was acting in an official capacity such as the executive of a publicly traded company, he would rather have resigned than done so.
Piton challenged Crenshaw, and told him he was wrong about the extent of voter fraud in the election, starting a back and forth between the two men, with Piton, who is now running for Senate in Illinois, said that he has “plenty of proof” of the fraud, and that Arizona would soon flip back to President Trump. “It won’t, and you’ve got to flip all five states to make it happen,” Crenshaw argued. “It’s just something you’ve got to accept. Is there a lot of voter fraud? Yeah there probably is. Enough that Trump won? Absolutely not. Absolutely not,” he concluded, saying that anyone questioning the fraud was “kidding” themselves.
“It is disgusting to hear denials from a sitting do-nothing and intellectually dishonest Congressman in our House of Representatives, Crenshaw, who has done nothing but shill for the democrats and refuse to even see or hear the evidence of fraud,” said Piton in a statement posted on Facebook. “Crenshaw is so sanctimonious and cocky and represents one of many intellectually dishonest Congressmen in our party who don’t care about freedom and truth,” he added. Liberty loving patriots in Texas needs to jump in and primary Crenshaw!”
The statement further noted that before this exchange had occurred, Crenshaw was questioned about the current state of the southern border and if he “felt anything was going to happen to help solve the big border crisis,” to which he allegedly “threw the Freedom Caucus under the bus and said it was THEIR fault we have nothing done on immigration.” The caucus, currently chaired by Representative Andy Biggs, is the most pro-America First caucus currently in Congress, often focusing on illegal immigration.
Crenshaw has been well-known for previous statements that show he has little to no respect for conservatives ideas, including: standing by Liz Cheney when she called for Trump’s impeachment, cozying up to gun-grabber group Moms Demand Action and claiming critics of red flag laws are “emotional and uninformed”; suggesting Jesus Christ was a fictional character; and siding with Democrats to demand the removal of Confederate statues.
ピトンはクレンショーを挑発し、選挙における有権者の不正の程度について間違っていると伝え、2人の間で一進一退の攻防が始まり、現在イリノイ州の上院議員選挙に出馬しているピトンは、不正の「証拠はたくさんある」と述べ、アリゾナ州はすぐにトランプ大統領に反転するだろうと述べました。"そうはならないし、それを実現するためには5つの州をすべてひっくり返さなければならない "とクレンショウは主張しました。「受け入れなければならないことなのです。投票者の不正は多いのでしょうか?ええ、おそらくあるでしょう。トランプが勝つほどのものか?絶対にない。絶対にない」と締めくくり、不正に疑問を持つ人は「冗談」だと述べました。
クレンショウ氏はこれまでにも、トランプ大統領の弾劾を求めたリズ・チェイニー氏の味方をしたり、銃乱射事件の団体「Moms Demand Action」と癒着し、赤旗法への批判者は「感情的で情報がない」と主張したり、イエス・キリストは架空の人物であると示唆したり、民主党に協力して南部連合の像の撤去を要求するなど、保守派の考えをほとんど尊重していないことを示す発言で有名です。
In November 2018, Dan was elected to represent the people of Texas’s Second Congressional District. In Congress, he serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has the broadest jurisdiction of any legislative committee in Congress. Dan serves on the Health Subcommittee and the Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee. Dan also serves on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.