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2022-05-25 12:17:45 | カウンター・グレートリセット


Biden Doppelganger visits WHO in Geneva


5月9日、OANやThe Washington Free Beaconなどの保守的なメディアは、不法な政権が世界的なパンデミック対応に関するWHOの権限を強化する一連の修正案を起草したことを明らかにした。

それまで政権は、WHOに保健衛生に関する権限を委譲する意図について、公の場で一切触れていなかった。 しかし、今回のリークにより、この文書の著者であるロッシェル・ウォレンスキー、ザビエル・バカラ、アンソニー・ブリンキンは、修正案を大幅に冗長化し編集したものを公開することを余儀なくされた。公開された修正版は、政権の邪悪な悪意を伝えるいくつかの重要なパラグラフが省略されている。




White Hatsによれば、ロバーツはその後、バイデンの物腰、歩き方、老衰、話し方などを真似るための広範な訓練を受けているとのことである。


公開されている修正案から決定的に漏れているのは、原文の第11条第4項である。"パンデミックが差し迫っているか発生していると事務局長が自らの判断で決定した場合、パンデミック統治に関する事務局長の助言と権限は、パンデミックが終了するまで地域、州、連邦政府の権限に優先する。" と、彼は付け加え、この文章は事務局長の判断で書かれた。



Biden Doppelganger visits WHO in Geneva


While the real Joseph R. Biden sits in the sheltered confines of his Delaware mansion basement, his doppelganger, 83-year-old Arthur Roberts, is expected to clandestinely meet WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva at the World Health Assembly, an event at which Roberts, on behalf of the American Deep State, will surrender control of the U.S. healthcare system to WHO globalists in a further push toward a One World government.

On May 9, conservative media including OAN and The Washington Free Beacon revealed that the illegitimate administration had drafted a set of amendments that would strengthen the WHO’s authority on global pandemic response.

Until the reveal, the administration had made no public mention of its intent to yield health authority to the WHO.  The leak, though, impelled the document’s authors—Rochelle Walensky, Xavier Baccara, and Anthony Blinkin—to release publicly a heavily redacted and edited version of the proposed amendments. The revision available for public consumption omits several key paragraphs that message the regime’s odious nefarious designs.

The above information comes from military sources who claim to have seen the original amendments and have been tracking the movements of Biden’s body double.

“It’s important to understand the real Biden is a senile puppet who doesn’t leave his basement. The Deep State convinced him Covid really did kill millions of Americans and warned him to stay in his basement. He’s so afraid of Covid, he installed a hermetically sealed door. He’s in his own world, and has no idea what’s going on outside his basement, while his double Roberts, and we know it’s him, will give Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the original amendments,” said a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office.

Actor Arthur Roberts, as reported previously, has convincingly portrayed Biden at public events and press conferences, with only one slipup that nearly exposed him.

According to White Hats, Roberts has since received extensive training to mimic Biden’s mannerisms, gait, senility, and speech patterns.

“When Roberts hands over the amendments, it’s unlikely Tedros Ghebreyesus will suspect it’s anyone but Biden,” our source said.

A crucial omission from the publicly available amendments, he added, appears in the original version under Article 11, section 4, which reads, “If the Director-General decides at his discretion a pandemic is imminent or occurring, his advice and authority on pandemic governance shall supersede regional, state, and federal authority until such time the pandemic ends, again at the Director-General’s discretion.”

That single paragraph grants Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the World Health Assembly, the main decision-making body of the WHO, unilateral power to not only enforce mask and vaccination mandates in the U.S., but also the ability to restrict travel and impose lockdowns and stay-at-home orders on American citizens. Moreover, the WHO would have unfettered capability to conduct digital surveillance on the citizenry under the pretense of monitoring lockdown violators.

“Naturally, we’re closely watching this situation. We expected they’d try something novel when their Covid scheme fell apart, but we didn’t expect them to go with this Monkeypox scare so soon,” our source said.



ディック・チェイニー - 1月17日

Mike Donilon

元バイデン・ハンドラーのマイク・ドニロン - 1月21日 





Mike Donilon (born c. 1959) is an American attorney and campaign consultant who serves as a Senior Advisor to U.S. President Joe Biden. He was the chief strategist of Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign.[2] Prior, Donilon was working as a partner at AKPD Message and Media. Between 2009 and 2013,[3] he served as Counselor to Vice President Biden in the Obama administration. Prior to his White House appointment, Donilon worked with the vice-presidential candidate to help him prepare for the debates and also as a traveling advisor.

Donilon has been an advisor and consultant to President Biden since 1981.[4] He has been described as Biden's "conscience, alter ego and shared brain" by the Washington Post.[5]


Military Arrests Biden Handler Mike Donilon

U.S. Marines on Saturday served a military arrest warrant on Deep State agent Mike Donilon, an American attorney and campaign consultant who served as a Senior Advisor to fake President Joe Biden. He was the chief strategist of Joe Biden’s 2020 criminal presidential campaign.

Donilon's brothers are BlackRock Investment Institute chair Tom Donilon, who was chief of staff in former President Bill Clinton’s State Department and is a former National security adviser to Barack Obama,[15][16][17] and Terry Donilon, Communications Director for Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley of the Archdiocese of Boston.[18]His sister-in-law is Catherine M. Russell.

Before sunrise Saturday morning, Marines operating under the authority of MARSOC, JAG, and the OMC surrounded Donilon’s vacation home in Narragansett, Rhode Island, a seaside community of 15,000 souls, many of them tied to the Deep State hegemony.

The Marines found him asleep, in bed, with two half-empty bottles of liquor and a 9mm Beretta on a nightstand in arm’s reach. Hungover and barely able to speak, Donilon was taken into military custody without incident and transported to a processing center from where he will ultimately be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Donilon is the second—that RRN knows of—Biden handler arrested in the last two weeks. On November 20 U.S. Marine Raiders from Camp Lejeune captured Anita Dunn, who, like Donilon, had been a driving force in the illigitimate administration’s plan to permanently lockdown and bankrupt American society.

A JAG source speaking under promise of anonymity told Real Raw News that the military had Donilon under surveillance for several weeks, but waited until he was alone and isolated before launching into action. A major problem with capturing Deep State assets, our source pointed out, is that they tend to congregate in large groups and surround themselves with the innocent.

“Donilon’s arrest took place days before he was going to meet with Biden’s economic team. We had tips that they planned to discuss how to once again lockdown the country over this Omicron thing. And evidence obtained at his home vindicated those tips,” our source said.

Among other incriminating evidence, Marines found in Donilon’s possession a handwritten proposal that detailed plans to spike inflation by another 6% over the next 6 months, a move that would certainly bankrupt persons and businesses already hit hard by the scamdemic.

“Discuss with [Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Chairperson] Celia Rouse—the lower and middle class will realize we’re not really opening the SPR (presumably meaning strategic petroleum reserves) when fuel prices do not drop and continue to increase in cost. Within 3-6 months suspicions will arise, and we may need other angles…” part of his notes read.

Moreover, the documents referenced the myriad cargo ships sitting off the coast of California.

“We must do everything in our authority to prevent imported goods from reaching consumers. In this, we can use Omicron to our advantage,” it read.

Worse, his notes encouraged the COE to manufacture ways to levy additional taxes on domestic corn and wheat products, the nation’s biggest agricultural commodities.

“We expect to learn a lot more through information on his electronic devices. Donilon is a traitor to America and will finally have to answer for his crimes,” our source said.

米海兵隊は土曜日、偽大統領ジョー・バイデンの上級顧問を務めていた米国の弁護士であり選挙コンサルタントであるDeep Stateのエージェント、マイク・ドニロンに軍の逮捕状を出した。彼はジョー・バイデンの2020年の犯罪的大統領キャンペーンのチーフ・ストラテジストでした。




匿名を約束した軍関係者がReal Raw Newsに語ったところによると、軍はドニロンを数週間にわたって監視していたが、行動に移す前に彼が一人で孤立するまで待っていたという。この情報源は、ディープステートの資産を捕らえる際の大きな問題点として、彼らが大きなグループに集まり、無実の人たちに囲まれる傾向があることを指摘した。








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