10/27(土) 22:55
ジョセフ・ゼン枢機卿(2013年2月22日撮影)。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News
【AFP=時事】率直な物言いで知られ、かつて香港で司教職を務めたジョセフ・ゼン(Joseph Zen)枢機卿は25日、ローマ・カトリック教会のフランシスコ法王(Pope Francis)が中国政府と歴史的合意に達したことについて、法王は中国の体制を理解していないと批判し、この合意は中国における「真の教会の消滅」につながる恐れがあると警鐘を鳴らした。
【写真】龍や獅子像も、寺院のようなカトリック教会 台湾
だが、この歴史的合意についてゼン枢機卿は、米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)国際版への寄稿で、法王は中国に対して譲歩し過ぎてしまい、合意の結果、中国政府によってカトリック教徒が迫害される下地がつくられたと批判。「合意は実のところ、中国における真の教会の消滅に向けた大きなステップだ」と主張した。
さらに「私が風刺漫画家なら、法王がひざまずき、中国の習近平(Xi Jinping)国家主席に天国の鍵を差し出して、『どうか私を法王として認めてください』と言っている絵を描くだろう」との見解を披露した。
また法王はアルゼンチン出身であるため、「共産主義について生来、楽観的な考えを持っている」とも指摘し、その結果、中国を統治する共産党に信を置くという過ちに至ったと述べるとともに、「中国の共産主義者がそうであるように、彼らは一度権力の座に就いたら迫害者になるということを知らないのだ」とも主張している。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News
Retired Hong Kong bishop preaches message of hate
UPDATED : Friday, 26 October, 2018, 10:36pm
Retired Hong Kong bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun loves the sound of his own voice more than the Catholic Church and the pope himself. Sadly for us, retirement doesn’t suit him.
That the anti-communism of the 86-year-old cardinal amounts to fanaticism is well-known. Whether he really understands, as he claims, China today better than the pope and the entire diplomatic apparatus of the sovereign state of the Vatican is open to question.
After calling on Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to resign last month over rapprochement between the church and Beijing, he has now written in The New York Times that “The pope doesn’t understand China”, which is, incidentally, the title of his opinion piece.
The US newspaper has become a mouthpiece for the yellow ribbon crowd from Hong Kong. It has made Joseph Lian Yizheng, the intellectual eminence grise of Hong Kong localism, a regular columnist. It has called for the Nobel Peace Prize for student protest leaders Joshua Wong Chi-fung, Nathan Law Kwun-chung and Alex Chow Yong-kang.
Content and balance doesn’t matter for the paper, it seems, so long as whatever it publishes fits with a certain preconceived narrative of its editors about our city. So it’s hardly surprising Zen now gets his own column inches.
Hong Kong cardinal calls for Vatican official to quit over Beijing talks [1]
“I know the church in China, I know the communists and I know the Holy See,” Zen declares. “I’m a Chinese from Shanghai. I lived many years on the mainland and many years in Hong Kong.
“I taught in seminaries throughout China – in Shanghai, Xian, Beijing, Wuhan, Shenyang – between 1989 and 1996. Pope Francis, an Argentine, doesn’t seem to understand the communists.” So you have to be Chinese to understand Chinese communists? That must be news to legions of Western scholars and diplomats who fancy themselves professional sinologists and old China hands. Besides, China has moved on since 1996.
Zen claims the current rapprochement will lead to “the annihilation of the real church in China”. Technically, that’s true – because the church won’t be underground any more, and can operate openly and legally on the mainland. Of course, it won’t be a force of resistance to mainland authorities any more, which is really what Zen wants.
Zen doesn’t want to spread religion by peaceful or legal means. He prefers persecution and suffering for mainland Catholics, while he lives safely in Hong Kong broadcasting his virulent, hateful and demented views.
[1] https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/2165189/hong-kong-cardinal-calls-vaticans-top-diplomat-resign-over-china