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ウクライナのCGI戦争 フェイクがフェイクという、ロシアのフェイクニュースか、真相か?

2022-10-14 08:31:02 | カウンター・グレートリセット

Ukraine’s CGI WAR


著 マイケル・バクスター






「プーチン大統領はその存在を知っている。プーチン大統領はその存在を知っていて、探そうとしている。西側のテレビで見るものは偽物だ。偽の墓。ロシア兵の偽の死体。偽の爆弾が爆発し 殺される偽の赤ん坊 これは全てブタのゼレンスキーに同情を引くための技術だ。そして、そう、あなたの大統領バイデン、彼は真実を知っている!彼は当事者だ。彼はその当事者なのです」とメルニコフはリアル・ロー・ニュースに語った。

彼は、非合法な政権を巻き込んだだけでなく、ハリウッドのエリートを巻き込み、ウラジミール・プーチンが「ハリウッドのプロデューサーと特殊効果担当者」が「トラック一杯の」機材を持ってゾーシン-ウスティルー市の近くのポーランド-ウクライナ国境を越えている監視ビデオを持っていると言ったのだ。メルニコフは具体的な名前は挙げなかったが、"(スティーブン)スピルバーグや(クリストファー)ノーランといった人々が関与していても驚かないように "と述べた。

"欺瞞のレベルは驚くべきものだ "とメルニコフは言った。"プーチンもこの演出には感心していた。言ってみれば、目くらましをしているのです。よく知らない人が見たら、本当の戦争と偽物の区別がつくわけがない。多くのアメリカドルがこれを可能にしたのだ。"




Since the start of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine, the public has been inundated with images and video of alleged Russian atrocities: photos of a heroic Volodymyr Zelenskyy standing alongside Ukrainian troops and kneeling beside fallen, shrapnel-ridden soldiers with their guts torn out; video of Russian bombs shredding civilian apartment buildings; Russian tanks and artillery blown to bits; and, yes, disturbing images of what Zelenskyy has called mass graves brimming with butchered bodies of valiant Ukrainian freedom fighters.

But these presentations are technological illusions created with green screens, CGI, and Deep Fake technology, at least according to a Russian Federal Service Bureau Agent named Alek Melnikoff who claims Hollywood has helped Zelenskyy perpetuate the biggest fraud humanity has ever seen.

Real Raw News wants to be clear: we have yet to fully authenticate Melnikoff’s assertions. We have verified his credentials—he is who he says he is and is employed by the FSB, a successor agency to the KGB that specializes in counterintelligence, internal and border security, counterterrorism, and surveillance as well as investigating some other types of serious crimes and federal law violations. We acknowledge he could be a disinformation agent and are publishing this piece because some of his testimony aligns with content published earlier this year about Putin’s motives for entering Ukraine.

First, Melnikoff admits civilians have perished in the conflict; collateral casualties are unavoidable, especially when a “madman” who harbors pedophiles and allows foreign bioweapon laboratories on his soil refuses conditional overtures of peace. “Reasonable” conditions, he said, include signing an armistice agreement by which Zelensky would be allowed to retain power if he renounces the Biden regime and pledges to keep Ukraine free of child traffickers and foreign “contaminants.”

Zelenskyy, he added, has chosen to risk the lives of innocents rather than consenting to reason, so much so that he has manufactured a “fake war” using Hollywoodized studios he erected in Kyiv and Kharkiv. Vladimir Putin wants to destroy the stages, but Zelenskyy has hidden them well.

“President Putin knows they exist. He tries to find them. What you see on Western Television is fake. Fake graves. Fake bodies of Russian soldiers. Fake bombs going off. Fake babies being killed. This is all done with technology to get sympathy for the pig Zelenskyy. And, yes, your President Biden, he knows the truth! He is party to it,” Melnikoff told Real Raw News.

Besides implicating the illegitimate administration, he implicated the Hollywood elite, saying Vladimir Putin has surveillance video of “Hollywood producers and special effects guys” crossing the Poland-Ukraine border near the city of Zosin – Ustyluh with “truckloads” of gear. Melnikoff would not name names, specifically, but said, “Don’t you be surprised if people like [Stephen] Spielberg and [Christopher] Nolan are involved.”

“The level of deception is amazing,” Melnikoff said. “Even Putin was impressed at the production. It is pulling the wool, as you say, over the eyes. If a person doesn’t know better, how they can tell the difference between a real war and fake. Many American dollars made this possible.”

In closing, we want to reiterate that we need more proof. It’s entirely possible that a Russian agent could have read the articles we published in February, March, and April, and parroted some of that back to us. We will supply additional information when we have it.

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He is just a good flip-flopper.

The Neocons and the Woke Left Are Joining Hands and Leading Us to Woke War III | Opinion

10/4/22 AT 5:45 PM EDT

Elon Musk got in hot water again on Twitter—for proposing peace. On Monday, Musk proposed a peace deal to end the war in Ukraine, for which he was denounced as a pro-Putin puppet by the Twitter mob that has formed to police the discourse on all things related to Ukraine.

The president of Ukraine himself, Volodymyr Zelensky, accused Musk of supporting Russia—even though Musk's company SpaceX donated Starlink to Ukraine's war effort at an out-of-pocket cost of $80 million. (Full disclosure: Musk is a friend and I am an investor in SpaceX.) Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andrj Melnyk was less subtle, telling Elon to "f***k off," while David Frum tweeted without evidence that "Russian sources" had used Elon to float a "trial balloon" of a peace proposal because they're afraid of losing Crimea. Scores of blue-checks on Twitter followed their lead, ordering Musk to stay in his lane.

What matters in this story is not that Musk was told off, but rather, that a Twitter hive mind is using the same intolerant cancellation tactics that they use to shut down debate on domestic political issues in order to shape U.S. policy toward Ukraine. They are doing so by demonizing dissent, defaming opponents, and closing off as ideologically unacceptable any path to peace or even deescalation.


デビッド・サックス 、ベンチャーキャピタリスト、オールイン・ポッドキャストの共同司会者 

10/4/22 5:45 pm edt


ウクライナのヴォロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領は、マスク氏がロシアを支援していると非難した。マスク氏の会社スペースXは、8000万ドルの自己負担でウクライナの戦争努力にスターリンクを寄付したにもかかわらず、だ。(完全な開示:マスクは友人であり、私はスペースXの投資家である) Andrj Melnyk駐ドイツウクライナ大使はそれほど微妙ではなく、イーロンを「失せろ」と言い、David Frumは「ロシア筋」がクリミアの損失を恐れて、平和提案の「試運転」をするためにエロンを利用したと証拠なしにつぶやいた。Twitterでは多くのブルーチェックが彼らに続き、マスクに自分のレーンにとどまるように命じた。





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