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inside critics call ‘President Bolton’

2018-11-25 12:44:57 | カウンター・グレートリセット
John Bolton Energizes Trump’s Agenda—And His Own
The experienced senior White House adviser some inside critics call ‘President Bolton’ has centralized decision-making on national security
By Dion Nissenbaum
Updated Nov. 18, 2018 6:19 p.m. ET WSJ

President Donald Trump has publicly thanked Saudi Arabia for plunging oil prices a day after deciding not to further punish the kingdom for the killing of US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Mr Trump, who made clear in a statement that he feels the benefits of good relations with the kingdom outweigh the possibility its crown prince ordered the killing, tweeted that it’s “Great!” that oil prices are falling.

“Thank you to Saudi Arabia, but let’s go lower!” he wrote from his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where he is spending Thanksgiving.
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