Because of my Administration, drug prices are down for the first time in almost 50 years — but the American people need Congress to help. I like Sen. Grassley’s drug pricing bill very much, and it’s great to see Speaker Pelosi’s bill today. Let’s get it done in a bipartisan way!
bipartisan (事実上二党派しかない米国では)党派を超えて と読むべきかな。アンチトランプは気持ち悪くなるのだろう。
Under #DonaldTrump’s Administration drug prices have gone up! It’s disgraceful to lie about something as important as this. 😳
drug prices are down
ワシントンポストの記事 民主党大統領選抜に8月に撤退したGillibrand元候補のCNNインタビューを根拠に下がっていないと言う味噌クソ記事を書いている。こう言う新聞を読んでいる米国人はトランプは嘘つきだと断定する。
(Simon Dawson/Bloomberg News)
By Salvador Rizzo
July 15, 2019 at 3:00 AM EDT
“Last year was the first in 51 years where prescription drug prices actually went down, but things have been, and are being, put in place that will drive them down substantially.”
— President Trump, in a tweet, July 7, 2019
“He promised to lower prescription drug prices and failed.”
— Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), in a CNN interview, July 9, 2019
On a key health-care issue, Trump and Gillibrand made opposite claims within days of each other. To hear Trump tell it, prescription drug prices have fallen for the first time in 51 years. According to Gillibrand, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, they haven’t fallen.
The White House and Trump’s campaign pointed to the consumer price index for prescription drugs, which has seen annualized declines in six of the last seven months. Gillibrand’s campaign said that the CPI for prescription drugs is flawed and that prices haven’t fallen according to numerous independent studies.
The Trump administration is relying on the consumer price index for prescription drugs, a measure of drug price inflation that aims to capture what consumers, along with their insurance companies or other payers, are paying for a basket of retail prescriptions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent figures show the CPI for prescriptions dropped by 2% from June 2018 to June 2019.
The CPI has its shortcomings. Experts point out that it doesn’t include specialty drugs, which tend to be expensive, and its ability to accurately measure what insurers pay is hindered by what pharmacies can report. But Barry Bosworth a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told us the CPI for prescription drugs is “the best that is available.”
Pelosi, D-Calif., would empower Medicare to negotiate prices for up to 250 of the costliest drugs, including insulin. Pharmaceutical companies that refuse to negotiate could face steep penalties. Additionally, drugmakers that hike prices beyond inflation would have to pay rebates to Medicare
bipartisan (事実上二党派しかない米国では)党派を超えて と読むべきかな。アンチトランプは気持ち悪くなるのだろう。
Under #DonaldTrump’s Administration drug prices have gone up! It’s disgraceful to lie about something as important as this. 😳
drug prices are down
ワシントンポストの記事 民主党大統領選抜に8月に撤退したGillibrand元候補のCNNインタビューを根拠に下がっていないと言う味噌クソ記事を書いている。こう言う新聞を読んでいる米国人はトランプは嘘つきだと断定する。
(Simon Dawson/Bloomberg News)
By Salvador Rizzo
July 15, 2019 at 3:00 AM EDT
“Last year was the first in 51 years where prescription drug prices actually went down, but things have been, and are being, put in place that will drive them down substantially.”
— President Trump, in a tweet, July 7, 2019
“He promised to lower prescription drug prices and failed.”
— Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), in a CNN interview, July 9, 2019
On a key health-care issue, Trump and Gillibrand made opposite claims within days of each other. To hear Trump tell it, prescription drug prices have fallen for the first time in 51 years. According to Gillibrand, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, they haven’t fallen.
The White House and Trump’s campaign pointed to the consumer price index for prescription drugs, which has seen annualized declines in six of the last seven months. Gillibrand’s campaign said that the CPI for prescription drugs is flawed and that prices haven’t fallen according to numerous independent studies.
The Trump administration is relying on the consumer price index for prescription drugs, a measure of drug price inflation that aims to capture what consumers, along with their insurance companies or other payers, are paying for a basket of retail prescriptions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent figures show the CPI for prescriptions dropped by 2% from June 2018 to June 2019.
The CPI has its shortcomings. Experts point out that it doesn’t include specialty drugs, which tend to be expensive, and its ability to accurately measure what insurers pay is hindered by what pharmacies can report. But Barry Bosworth a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told us the CPI for prescription drugs is “the best that is available.”
Pelosi, D-Calif., would empower Medicare to negotiate prices for up to 250 of the costliest drugs, including insulin. Pharmaceutical companies that refuse to negotiate could face steep penalties. Additionally, drugmakers that hike prices beyond inflation would have to pay rebates to Medicare