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The Arizona Senate and Maricopa County reached a settlement

2021-09-20 18:51:00 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS

The Arizona Senate and Maricopa County reached a settlement over the subpoenas for routers, Splunk logs, and administrative access to elections systems.

The Gateway Pundit reported that this was a win for the Senate because they will have router and Splunk log access, that will answer all of the questions that have been raised. A joint style audit of the routers was originally proposed by Doug Logan months ago to settle the County’s artificial concerns of law enforcement data exposure.


Maricopa County has agreed to settle with the Arizona Senate and allow them to perform a joint-led audit of the County routers, Splunk logs, and dominion software.

This means that the 1487 complaint filed by Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli worked, forcing the county to comply with the Senate’s original and ongoing request for router access, on sight at the County buildings.

これは、アリゾナ州上院議員Sonny Borrelli氏が提出したSB 1487訴状が功を奏し、郡は上院の最初の、そして継続的な要求である、郡の建物にあるルーターへのアクセスに応じることを余儀なくされたことを意味します。


ゲートウェイ・パンディット紙は、これは上院にとっての勝利であり、ルーターとSplunkログへのアクセスが可能になるため、これまでの疑問にすべて答えることができると報じています。ルーターの共同監査は、もともと数ヶ月前にDoug Logan氏が提案したもので、法執行機関のデータ流出という郡の人為的な懸念を解決するためのものでした。


TRENDING 何が起こっているのか?アリゾナ州では最近、67万3000人の有権者のIDを社会保障庁で処理したが、58%は一致しなかった。





ファン:そうですね、私たちにとっては大きな勝利です。私たちは何ヶ月もかけて、ルーターやSplunkのログなどにアクセスしようとしてきました。召喚状でいくつかのものを入手することに成功しましたが、彼らは何ヶ月もこれらを保留していました。私たちが必要としたのは、彼らからのデータであり、監査を完了するための情報です。幸運にも我々は彼らと協力しようとしましたが、ボレッリ上院議員は数週間前に1487を提出しました。司法長官のMark Brnovichは、我々が正しいという意見と、マリコパ郡監督委員会が1487条に違反しているとの見解を示し、全てを提出する期限を与えました。数日前、彼らは私たちに連絡してきて、「我々と和解の話をしてくれないか」と言ってきました。私たちは「内容次第では」と答えました。彼らは私たちのところに来て、私たちが最も懸念しているのは、監査役が実際にルーターに触れることは避けたいということだと言いました。しかし、その点については喜んで協力します。





Conradson: Shadeggはどのようにして選ばれたのですか?

ファン ジョン・シャデッグは候補者の一人で、私たちは共同で彼に同意しました。ジョン・シャデッグをご存じない方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、私たちのほとんどは彼を何十年も前から知っています。彼は15年以上も下院議員を務め、弁護士でもあり、ジョン・カイルの席を奪った。彼は何十年もの間、この地域で尊敬されている人物であり、アリゾナの男です。私たちは、彼が素晴らしい人物になると信じています。さて、彼がヒックマンズ・ファームで仕事をしていたことを知っているか、という質問がありました。彼が数年前にヒックマン農場を代表して仕事をしたからといって、彼に資格や能力がないということにはならないし、公正で公平な仕事をしてくれるだろう、彼は素晴らしい人だと言える。彼は素晴らしい人で、私たちは満足しています。

コンラッドソンさん 共同監査は、視覚的にはどのようなものでしょうか?肩越しに見るとどのように見えるのでしょうか?


広告 - 以下に続く

Conradson それで、過去9ヶ月間に何かを削除したかどうかを確認できるのでしょうか?


コンラッドソン それから、もう1つ聞いた話ですが、メリットとして、Chain of Custody(管理の連鎖)を維持することができ、また、証拠を維持することができます。それがどのように役立つのか、もう少し詳しく説明してください。

広告 - ストーリーは下に続きます
ファン:そのとおりです。私たちが以前から言っていた問題の一部は、彼らがより懸念していたのがChain of Custody(証拠保全の過程)であり、ルーターを誰もいじっていないかどうかを確認することでした。だからこそ、私たちは数ヶ月前に「ルーターを動かさないでくれ」と彼らに申し出たのです。実際、私たちはそこですべての監査を行うことを提案し、上司には「一緒にやりましょう。あなた方の施設でやりましょう、投票用紙は動かさないで、すべてをあるべき場所に置いておきましょう。一緒にやりましょう」と言ったところ、彼らはもともと「それはいい考えだ。そして、フォレンジック監査人ではないPro V&VとSLIが選ばれたので、私たちは自分たちでフォレンジック監査をすることになりました。

コンラッドソン もう1つの懸念は、他の国(おそらく中国)が選挙に干渉したと言えなくなるのではないかということです。


コンラッドソン さて、それでは、これは上院にとっての妥協点だったのでしょうか?

広告 - 以下にストーリーが続きます

Dominionの管理者パスワードは再び召喚する必要がありそうだし、アリゾナ州司法長官Mark Brnovichはついに犯罪捜査を開始するかもしれない。


The County’s refusal to accept this solution previously shows that they were hiding something. Senate President Karen Fann has assured us that auditors will be able to find out if they made any changes to the software, since then.

TRENDING: What's Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration - 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND

They played their meeting in the classic way, attacking the Senate and misleading the public to believe that it was a win for the County.

Later, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone ripped the Supervisors for their “failed leadership”, saying this move will cause them all to “pay dearly”

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The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson Spoke to Senate President Karen Fann last night, during the Freedom & Family Constitution celebration in Queen Creek, Arizona.

Conradson: So, you, Senator Sonny Borrelli, Senator Wendy Rogers, Senator Peterson, you all say that this settlement with the County yesterday was a win. A lot of people think otherwise, can you explain how it’s a win?

Fann: Yeah, it’s a huge win for us. So remember we have been for months, trying to get access to the routers and the Splunk logs and a few of the other things. We were successful in getting some stuff on the subpoena but they’ve been holding these out for months. And the reason why we needed, we need the data from them, we need the information so we can finish the audit. Luckily we tried to work with them, but Senator Borrelli filed the 1487 A few weeks ago. Our Attorney General Mark Brnovich, he rendered an opinion that said that we are in the right and that he also believes that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors was in violation of statute 1487 and gave him a deadline to turn everything over. So, a couple of days ago they reached out to us and said, Would you consider talking a settlement with us? And we said, depends on what it is. So they came to us and they said look, our main concern is we just don’t want the auditors actually touching the routers. But were willing to work with you on that…

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So they called and asked if we would consider settling with them and we said, let us know what your proposal is and they came back and they said, we just, we’re not comfortable with the auditors or other people you know actually touching the routers. So what they had offered is we will appoint a special master, who is an official, a special master, who has the credentials and will be independent and will pick two…

And the special master will be picking two independent IT professional companies, and what we will do is, our auditors and his folks, they will all give the special master all the things that we need. Our questions what we need where we need it from, and those IT people aren’t going to be the ones that will extrapolate all that information for us, so we will get all that information so we can see if we can get this audit finished. People want the audit finished, we’ve got to get this done.

Conradson: So, what do you say to those who say this isn’t because the auditors are not actually receiving the routers, they’re getting access to them?

Fann: So, it’s so in the question that you just had about, you know what about the ones that say you aren’t really receiving the routers, we don’t have to have the routers physically. As long as we can get the information from those routers that we want. We actually offered this a couple of months ago. The auditor said look, if you’re not comfortable bringing the routers to us, will come to you at MCTEC, and your people can be sitting right there, and then we will just be right there next to them and we can do the same thing. The Board of Supervisors refused. This could have been done again months ago, but now here we are after court case, after everything else. Now we’re finally going to get the information, and, and then in addition to that they also said we’ll drop that $2.8 million claim against you, and here’s the real sweet thing about it is, this is only to settle the 1487. We still have 100% full control and full ability to do anything we want. So if we need something else tomorrow. If we don’t think that they’re being aboveboard with us, we can issue another subpoena tomorrow and we’ll start this all over if we need to, but at least it got them off the dime, and maybe we can actually now get this thing done.

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Conradson: How was Shadegg chosen?

Fann: John Shadegg was one of the names that were put forward and yes we jointly agreed to him. For those of you who may not know John Shadegg, most of us have known him for many decades. He was a congressman for over 15 years, he is an attorney, he took Jon Kyl’s seat. He has been a well respected man for many decades around here, he’s an Arizona guy. We believe that he will be an excellent one. Now there’s been questions about, oh well you know he did some work for Hickman’s Farm. You know what everybody’s done work for everybody around here, and I will tell you that just because he did some stuff representing Hickman Farm a few years ago, doesn’t mean that he’s not qualified and capable and will be fair and unbiased, he’s great. And so we’re happy with it.

Conradson: What will the joint audit look like, visually? What will looking over the shoulder look like?

Fann: What will happen is Congressman Shadegg will pick the IT experts, we will, and we say we, I mean the auditors that would be Doug Logan and Ben Cotton and Randy Pullen. They will give them all the questions and tell them exactly what we want…

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A couple of professional IT experts, and then letting us know who they are and making sure everybody’s okay with them, and then CyberNinjas, Ben Cotton, everybody that’s involved with this, they will give John, all of the information that they need, tell us what we need, where we need it from, the backup documentation, if we need screenshots whatever we need. That’s what we’ll do, he will give that to the IT people, they will extrapolate all of that information for us, and turn that over to us so we can take all of that data and apply it to the audit,

Conradson: And so will we be able to see if they’ve deleted anything over the past nine months?

Fann: we should be able to but I’m, what I’m going to tell you, well the answer is yes I should rephrase that. Yes, but I can’t go into a lot of details right now about what is in the audit report. But there’s going to be an entire section on that in the report.

Conradson: And then, so, another, another thing I heard, a benefit, it’s going to preserve the chain of custody, and it’s also going to preserve the evidence. Can you elaborate more on how that’s gonna help?

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Fann: Yes correctly, because that was the what was part of the issue that we had said before was what they were more concerned about, is the chain of custody, and with those routers, make sure that, you know, nobody was monkeying with them. That’s why we offered months ago to go to them we said, don’t move the routers. In fact, we offered to do the entire audit there, I told the supervisors, let’s do this together. Let’s do it at your facilities, don’t move the ballots, keep everything exactly where it is. Let’s do this together, and they originally said, That’s a great idea. We’ll do it and then they went into an executive session and came out and said, now, we’re gonna do our own, and then that’s when they picked Pro V&V and SLI who are not forensic auditors, so therefore, we had to go get our own do our own.

Conradson: And then another concern I was hearing is that we’re not going to be able to tell another country, perhaps China interfered with the election.

Fann: It’s not necessary but unnecessarily true, and those are things I’m not allowed to discuss right.

Conradson: Okay, and then so, was this a compromise for the Senate?

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Fann: No. It was a big win for the Senate, because not only are we getting all of the data and information we’ve been looking for, for the past what four or five, six months, we get that they dropped the 2.3 million. And as I said, we still have total control we still can subpoena everything we want. And remember, when this is all done, we’re handing all this over to the Attorney General’s Office. We will keep our data and we will do whatever we need to pass more laws and to fix the problems we have in election laws and Attorney General Mark Brnovich, he’s going to be in charge of doing the investigative side, to see where people didn’t follow the rules, and let him do the criminal side of it.
Later, President Fann assured us that they would be getting access to the Splunk logs.

Dominion administrative passwords will likely need to be subpoenaed again and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich could finally open a criminal investigation.

The Arizona audit report will be presented to the public at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, September 24.

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