[ワシントン 29日 ロイター] - トランプ米大統領は29日、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大への中国の対応は同国が2020年の米大統領選で自身を敗北させるために「何でもやる」ことを示していると述べた。ロイターのインタビューで語った。
About 130 million letters signed by President Donald Trump have been mailed or are on their way to taxpayers who have received federal stimulus checks. Intended as notices to inform people about the one-time payments, the letters include Mr. Trump's distinctive signature — and effusive praise for the U.S. government's efforts to help struggling Americans.
Addressed to "my fellow American," each letter informs the recipient about the amount of money they received and whether it was delivered by direct deposit to their bank account or mailed as a paper check. The flip side of the letter includes the same message in Spanish.
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